When Cindy decides that she doesn't want to marry her boyfriend, she runs to Mexico City, where new friendships and unexpected paths teach her that there are so much more possibilities on her life and her talent than she imagines.

Teenageři nejslavnějších darebáků Disney se vracejí na Isle of Lost, aby najali novou dávku darebných potomků, aby se k nim připojili v Auradon Prep.

Young man has his dreams come true when the sexy new maid seduces him. But she also has a secret that leads to trouble.

A retelling of Dragon Ball's origin with a different take on the meeting of Goku, Bulma, and Kame-Sen'nin. It also retells the Red Ribbon Army story; but this time they find Goku rather than Goku finding them.

WWE fans, you have waited long enough! His glistening wardrobe, often-imitated cadence and grandiose style was outshined only by his virtuoso performances in the ring. Macho Man, with his gorgeous leading lady Miss Elizabeth, embodied the raging 80s in WWE and later, compounded his success in WCW. Now, the complete story of his incredible life can finally be told in Macho Man: The Randy Savage Story.

The Straw Hats visits an island, known as Mecha Island, where a fisherman sings an old folk song about a Golden Crown. Searching for that mysterious treasure, they find a hidden entrance into the island. The island's leader, Ratchet, impressed with the find and in search of the Golden Crown himself, invites the crew to join him in his search and the crew along with Ratchet and his henchmen enter the cave. As it turns out, the islands true form, is that of a giant turtle. Ratchet, who had known this all along, uses his mechanical castle to take control of the turtle, in order to use it, to take over the world. Now the Straw Hats have to stop not only Ratchet, but also the helpless turtle, from crashing into a nearby island.

Kouč Sean Payton dostal v NFL stopku, a tak začne trénovat zoufalý žákovský tým, kde hraje i jeho syn. Třeba se ti dva konečně sblíží.

Výrobce panenek se svou manželkou přijmou několik let po tragické smrti jejich dcerky do svého domu řádovou sestru a několik dívek ze zavřeného sirotčince. Zanedlouho se stanou terčem aktivit Annabelle, posedlého výtvoru výrobce panenek.

Děj filmu se odehrává rok po událostech v New Yorku (Avengers), kdy hlavní hrdina Thor zavádí pořádek ve vesmíru mezi, světy. Avšak vrací se i starobylá rasa v čele s vůdcem Malekithem, aby uvrhla vesmír opět do temnoty. Thor se proto vydává na riskantní cestu, na jejímž konci se má setkat tváří v tvář s nepřítelem, jemuž nemůže vzdorovat Odin ani celý Asgard dohromady.

A young couple purchase their new home to start a life together, only to find out the elderly couple next door have other plans for them.

Její táta sice pracuje až v daleké Austrálii, ale Anděla se rozhodne, že celá rodina prostě musí být na Vánoce pohromadě. A má i plán, jak to zařídit.

Alex má strašidelné historky rád, ale teď je musí tahat z rukávu každou noc – jinak zůstane i s novou kámoškou navěky uvězněný v kouzelném sídle zlé čarodějky.

Heidi, who initially left her small town of Pleasant Valley with the dream of one day becoming a successful painter, has put her own art on hold to excel as an art gallery curator. Now, a week before the gallery’s big Christmas party, she must return home to watch her niece and nephew. She comes face to face with her high school love, Chris, now a teacher, and offers to help him find a new last-minute location for the Christmas dance.

Skupina španělských turistů v Benátkách bojuje o život s místními obyvateli, kteří nemají cizince příliš v lásce.

Ruth Butler, a clerk in an emporium, marries Jimmy Rutledge and thereby greatly displeases his mother, the owner of the emporium, because of Ruth's lowly origins. Renaud Graham, one of Mrs. Rutledge's friends, becomes interested in Ruth, forces his way into her apartment, and attempts to make violent love to her. Jimmy walks in on their embrace and, suspecting the worst, leaves Ruth. In the family way, Ruth finds refuge in a boardinghouse where she meets Al Bryant, an aspiring writer. Ruth tells Al her life story, and he makes it into a bestselling novel and then into a play. Jimmy sees the play and comes to his senses, winning Ruth's forgiveness.

This is a story of a small town girl named Nastya. Her newly married husband Ivan drives her to his hometown to meet his family. Upon their arrival Nastya feels she made a wrong decision: she is surrounded by weird people and she sees creepy photos all around the house. Ivan disappears while his family prepares Nastya for a mysterious traditional Russian wedding ceremony. She struggles to calm herself down hoping all this will end and they will live happily ever after. Only if she stays alive...

Jedenáctiletý Felix nechá scvrknout nenáviděnou ředitelku školy. S kamarádkou Ellou se jí pak pokouší vrátit původní velikost, ale chlapcův nepřítel Mario nasadí všechny síly, aby tomu zabránil.

Victoria je mladá matka, která se snaží zbavit temné minulosti ruského drogového kurýra, ale penzionovaný policista Damon nutí Victorii, aby splnila jeho příkazy tím, že drží její dceru jako rukojmí. Victoria teď musí použít zbraně, kuráž a motorku, aby zničila řadu násilných gangsterů - jinak už nikdy neuvidí své dítě.

V milostném životě to těmhle kamarádům moc neklape. Chtějí si proto pomoct mezi sebou, ale sem tam to nedopadne úplně nejlíp. Romantická komedie.

This is a story about a guy who is willing to sell the soul, just to dial million views for your videos on YouTube. On the way to his goal, he turns into a fast train "Moscow - Vladivostok», where faced with an American actress, suffering aerophobia. On the way strangers expect such adventures that they lag behind the train that trying to catch up, moving our unpredictable and fabulous Mother Russia - After each of them need to be in Vladivostok exactly 7 days - for reasons which they carefully conceal from each other.