The invasion of a village in Byelorussia by German forces sends young Florya into the forest to join the weary Resistance fighters, against his family's wishes. There he meets a girl, Glasha, who accompanies him back to his village. On returning home, Florya finds his family and fellow peasants massacred. His continued survival amidst the brutal debris of war becomes increasingly nightmarish, a battle between despair and hope.
La mare d'un petit ocell tracta d'ensenyar-li com aconseguir menjar per ell mateix. En el procés, es troba amb una experiència traumàtica que ha de superar per sobreviure.
Aquesta història, basada en l’antic mite celta del selkie, parla de dos nens, Ben i Saoirse, que viuen en un far a la vora del mar amb el seu pare, Conor, encara consternat per la pèrdua de la seva dona uns anys abans.
Osamu i el seu fill es troben amb una nena al mig d'un fred glacial. Al principi, i després de ser reticent a albergar la nena, l'esposa d'Osamu acceptarà cuidar-la quan s'assabenti de les dificultats que afronta. Encara que la família és pobra i amb prou feines guanya prou diners per sobreviure a través de petits delictes, semblen viure feliços junts, fins que un accident imprevist revela secrets ocults, posant a prova els llaços que els uneixen.
A little girl is taken on a mind-bending tour of her distant future.
L'Astrid i la resta de la colla ha aconseguit que l'illa prengui contacte amb un nou esport: les curses de dracs. Explorant nous mons, el viatge els porta a descobrir una cova de gel que resulta ser la llar de centenars de nous dracs salvatges.
Drama basat en la veritable història d'una parella d'artistes danesos, Einar i Gerda Wegener. La vida d'aquest matrimoni va donar un gir quan Einar va substituir a la model femenina que la seva dona, Gerda, havia de pintar. Quan els retrats resulten ser un èxit, ella anima al seu marit a adoptar una aparença femenina. El que va començar com un joc dur a Einar a una metamorfosi que va posar en risc l'amor de la seva esposa
Peppino is an aging taxidermist constantly ridiculed for being short and somewhat creepy. He meets Valerio, a handsome young man fascinated by Peppino's work. Peppino, in turn, becomes entranced by Valerio and offers him a large salary to come work as his assistant. But when Valerio meets Deborah, their fledgling romance is threatened by an insanely jealous third wheel.
Following in the great tradition of his classic "How To" animated shorts of the 1940's, Goofy makes his return to the big screen in "How to Hook Up Your Home Theater". When Goofy is desperate to watch the Big Game, he heads to his local electronics store to tackle every consumer's nightmare - selecting the perfect home theater system and worse, trying to hook it all up.
What starts out as a fun road trip for the Toy Story gang takes an unexpected turn for the worse when the trip detours to a roadside motel. After one of the toys goes missing, the others find themselves caught up in a mysterious sequence of events that must be solved before they all suffer the same fate in this Toy Story of Terror.
Bear has never gotten over the separation from his wife and daughter after having been convicted for armed robbery and homicide and sent to prison. Now he is out, to finally get his cut of the money and reunite with his family, or at least avenge the damage done.
A little girl accidentally leaves her imaginary baby brother behind at a restaurant — and suddenly, for a nearby childless couple, the definition of "baby" takes on a new and completely unexpected dimension.
A slick New York publicist who picks up a ringing receiver in a phone booth is told that if he hangs up, he'll be killed... and the little red light from a laser rifle sight is proof that the caller isn't kidding.
Explica les aventures d'Ella, una noia el pare de la qual, un comerciant, torna a casar-se després d'enviudar. Per agradar al seu pare, acull amb afecte la seva madrastra i les seves filles a la casa familiar. Però quan el seu pare mor inesperadament, la noia queda a mercè d'unes dones geloses i malvades que la converteixen en serventa i la releguen a la cuina. Però, malgrat la crueltat amb què la tracten, està disposada a complir les últimes paraules de la seva mare que li va dir que havia de "ser valent i amable".
Narra la història real de Florence Foster Jenkins, una dona que, en heretar la fortuna del seu pare, va poder complir el seu somni d'estudiar per ser soprano. El problema era que no tenia talent.
Sometimes first love is found in the most unlikely of places, like in the carpark outside the Te Kaha pub.
A teenage girl gets ready to go out to meet her boyfriend, despite her mother's loud verbal disapproval of her clothes. She goes out to a deserted area with him and he begins to touch her up and have sex with her, however a dog reveals the true nature of her boyfriend.
In a post-war alternative timeline, Japan is divided into the North, controlled by the Union, and the South, controlled by the United States. A mysterious high tower rises within the borders of the Union. Three high school students promise to cross the border with a self-built airplane and unravel the secret of the tower.
A plump and exuberant monk goes fishing, and a playful fish eludes him. First the monk uses a rod and reel, then a net; over and over, he ends up fish-less and wet. Sleepless, he tries luring the fish at night with a bank of candles. He tries a bow and arrow. The tireless and insouciant fish leads the monk through a viaduct, over irrigated steppes, across cisterns, down canals. Suddenly, the monk's chase and the fish's teasing flight become a spiritual journey.
A man's obsession with timekeeping enters him into an endless time loop.