A short comedy spoof about Universal Monsters and their everyday unconventional work done at their very own talent agency for their movies.

20 years ago, Vesna moved her family to Zagreb, away from the events that almost destroyed their lives. However, an unexpected call will bring back the memory of a secret that she has been trying to hide all these years.

Damaged is the endearing tale of a friendship in the most remarkable of circumstances.

The lover of nurse Inna Sorokina must go on a long business trip abroad. The heroine, experiencing a severe mental crisis, goes to a sanatorium, hoping to make a serious acquaintance there and get rid of the impending loneliness. A holiday romance with Adam (Vadim) does not lead to the desired marriage, but helps the heroine find inner freedom.

A most unusual love story unravels when the objects in a young man's pockets come to life.

Aya Fujimura gère un restaurant à Tokyo. Sa fille Miyako et Shinobu, la fille de Kochiro Sonoda l'un de ses clients réguliers, sont amies. Aya souhaite que sa fille se marie et lui fait rencontrer des prétendants que Miyako repousse. Elle est attirée par le cuisinier du restaurant, un homme ténébreux et taciturne qu'une blessure au pied alors qu'il était prisonnier de guerre en Sibérie a rendu infirme.

Documentary - This infectious documentary explores the power of laughter. It's a matter of particular importance for director Albert Nerenberg (also a neuroscientist), who became intrigued by the subject after a devastating personal tragedy. Parsing the addictive and curative qualities of laughter, LAUGHOLOGY wouldn't be complete without an appearance by Doug Collins -- "the man with the most contagious laugh in the world." -

Two guys meet, one American, a deserter from the US army, one Brit, and they are drawn together by their mutual love of Soul music. Neither being gainfully employed they decide to start a mobile disco service for fellow soul lovers, which leads them to buy an ice cream van, and the adventure begins. Before long they find themselves on the run from the bad guys and the police.

An unknown Menichelli, a young and lively beauty, is desired by two stars of the Italian scene: Ruggero Ruggeri and Amleto Novelli. This breezy story based on an comedy unreleased in Italy at that time is built around Ruggeri, who plays the role of a playboy father who wants to turn into the family delights rejoining his son until then neglected. Novelli, a little uncomfortable in a role that would have required ten years less, is the good-hearted rustic son. Pina Menichelli, adorned with flowers, wanders about on her bicycle, between not only two men, but also two lifestyles. In this role, she shows off a naturalness that will surprise people who know her only for her decadent performances. Sometimes, though, a dark glimpse reveals the character of the actress, that will stand out in the imagination of the public.

A group of young people draws straws to see who'll steal some cigarettes. With this theft, Sebastian starts a bizarre, symbolic odyssey through a sclerotic world, in search of himself and of truth and justice. When he tries withdrawing from one social paradigm, he finds himself caught in another.

The gang decides to go camping with a little bear hunting on the side. A pair of poachers decides to try and scare them off with a gorilla suit but the gang decides to try and capture the gorilla instead.

Un homme décide de répondre à une ancienne compagne qui lui écrit qu'elle est gravement malade en lui offrant un film. Un film où se dessine l'amer constat d'une époque.

Une ancienne flic est encadrée par des policiers corrompus, agissant de connivence avec le juge local, et doit se frayer un chemin hors de l'enclos, seule, contre des détenus coriaces et les responsables.

Les derniers instants de tendresse et d'émotion partagés par Jenny et Forrest, avant la disparition tragique et inattendue de Jenny. --- Encadré par l'IFAPME (Liège), Bart Kuppens (2004) réalise son premier court métrage, (travail scolaire).

Fed up with the bullying from their classmates, Jorge and Emilio plan a shooting at their school.