A middle aged carpenter, who requires state welfare after injuring himself, is joined by a single mother in a similar scenario.

A story of Naoufel, a young man who is in love with Gabrielle. In another part of town, a severed hand escapes from a dissection lab, determined to find its body again.

France, 1914, during World War I. On Christmas Eve, an extraordinary event takes place in the bloody no man's land that the French and the Scots dispute with the Germans…

The police try to arrest expert hostage negotiator Danny Roman, who insists he's being framed for his partner's murder in what he believes is an elaborate conspiracy. Thinking there's evidence in the Internal Affairs offices that might clear him, he takes everyone in the office hostage and demands that another well-known negotiator be brought in to handle the situation and secretly investigate the conspiracy.

A UK-based military officer in command of a top secret drone operation to capture terrorists in Kenya discovers the targets are planning a suicide bombing and the mission escalates from “capture” to “kill.” As American pilot Steve Watts is about to engage, a nine-year old girl enters the kill zone, triggering an international dispute reaching the highest levels of US and British government over the moral, political, and personal implications of modern warfare.

In 1950s Australia, beautiful, talented dressmaker Tilly returns to her tiny hometown to right wrongs from her past. As she tries to reconcile with her mother, she starts to fall in love while transforming the fashion of the town.

The Swedish Björn Borg and the American John McEnroe, the best tennis players in the world, maintain a legendary duel during the 1980 Wimbledon tournament.

Following a fall during mistletoe picking, Druid Getafix decides that it is time to secure the future of the village. Accompanied by Asterix and Obelix, he undertakes to travel the Gallic world in search of a talented young druid to transmit the Secret of the Magic Potion.

Četri vīri dodas uz Mežonīgajiem rietumiem, lai izglābtu vairākus gūstekņus, kurus sagrābuši kanibāli.

In 1934, Frank Hamer and Manny Gault, two former Texas Rangers, are commissioned to put an end to the wave of vicious crimes perpetrated by Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, a notorious duo of infamous robbers and cold-blooded killers who nevertheless are worshiped by the public.

Ideālu pilnais 19 gadus vecais FIB aģents Neits Fosters ir apņēmības pilns sevi pierādīt kaujas apstākļos. Viņš dodas slepenā misijā, kur jāpieveic radikāla teroristu grupa. Attapīgais analītiķis ir spiests konfrontēties ar izaicinājumiem, kas radušies pēc viņa identitātes maiņas, vienlaikus saglabājot savus principus un spējot izlavierēt caur tumšākajiem noziedzības nostūriem.

Ideālistiska aizstāvības advokāta dzīve apgriežas kājām gaisā, kad viņa mentors un cilvēktiesību ikona pēkšņi nomirst.

Izmisīgs mēģinājums apturēt noziedznieku plānu beidzas ar to, ka bojā gājušā CIP aģenta atmiņas, noslēpumi un iemaņas tiek nodotas uz nāvi notiesātajam, lai viņš pabeigtu aģenta misiju.

An ex-con reunites with his estranged wayward 16-year old daughter to protect her from drug dealers who are trying to kill her.

In an alternate present-day where magical creatures live among us, two L.A. cops become embroiled in a prophesied turf battle.

Marisa Ventura is a struggling single mom who works at a posh Manhattan hotel and dreams of a better life for her and her young son. One fateful day, hotel guest and senatorial candidate Christopher Marshall meets Marisa and mistakes her for a wealthy socialite. After an enchanting evening together, the two fall madly in love. But when Marisa's true identity is revealed, issues of class and social status threaten to separate them. Can two people from very different worlds overcome their differences and live happily ever after?

Jackie Cogan is an enforcer hired to restore order after three dumb guys rob a Mob protected card game, causing the local criminal economy to collapse.

Futbola huligānam Nobijam ir viss, par ko mazpilsētas Grimsbijas iedzīvotājs vien var sapņot, - ieskaitot 11 bērnus un smukāko meiteni ziemeļaustrumu Anglijā. Arī viņa kvēlākā velēšanas tūlīt piepildīsies – Nobijs beidzot satiks jaunāko brāli, no kura viņš ticis atšķirts vēl bērnībā un kuru meklējis 28 gadus! Taču Nobijam nav ne jausmas, ka Sebastians tagad ir ļoti bīstams slepenais aģents. Turklāt tikko izziņots globāls teroristu uzbrukums.

Sarah Huttinger's return home with her fiance convinces her that the sedate, proper, country-club lifestyle of her family isn't for her – and that maybe the Huttinger family isn't even hers – as she uncovers secrets that suggest the Huttingers are neither sedate nor proper.

20 years after a horrific accident during a small town school play, students at the school resurrect the failed show in a misguided attempt to honor the anniversary of the tragedy - but soon discover that some things are better left alone.