Harry, Ron in Hermiona se pripravljajo na končno bitko z Mrlakensteinom, ki je odločen uničiti Harryja za vselej. Najti morajo še zadnji Mrlakensteinov skrižvn, preden bi se njegov mračni načrt uresničil.

Pustolovski kapetan Jack Vrabec potuje po vodah Karibov. Toda njegove dogodivščine se končajo, ko njegov sovražnik, kapetan Barbossa, ukrade njegovo ladjo Črni biser in napade mesto Port Royal, ugrabi Elizabeth Swann, hčerko guvernerja. Will Turner, Elizabetin prijatelj iz otroštva, se pridruži Jacku, da bi jo rešil in najti črni biser. Toda Elizabetin zaročenec Commodore Norrington jih zasleduje na krovu HMS Undaunted. Poleg tega sta Barbossa in njena posadka žrtve uroka, s katerim so obsojene, da živijo večno in da se vsak večer spremenijo v žive okostje, v duhovne bojevnike.

To je četrto leto Harryja Potterja na čarovniški šoli Bradavičarki.Harry, Ron in Hermione se veselijo mednarodnega finala v qidditchu.

Wreck-It Ralph is the 9-foot-tall, 643-pound villain of an arcade video game named Fix-It Felix Jr., in which the game's titular hero fixes buildings that Ralph destroys. Wanting to prove he can be a good guy and not just a villain, Ralph escapes his game and lands in Hero's Duty, a first-person shooter where he helps the game's hero battle against alien invaders. He later enters Sugar Rush, a kart racing game set on tracks made of candies, cookies and other sweets. There, Ralph meets Vanellope von Schweetz who has learned that her game is faced with a dire threat that could affect the entire arcade, and one that Ralph may have inadvertently started.

Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann join forces with the revived Captain Barbossa to free Jack Sparrow from Davy Jones' locker. The group must navigate dangerous waters, confront many foes and, ultimately, choose sides in a battle wherein piracy itself hangs in the balance.

Ustvarjalci zabavne animacije Zlatolaska so pripravili nepozabno zimsko pustolovsko zgodbo o kraljičnah Ani in Elsi. Slednja premore čarovno moč ustvarjanja snežnih metežev, toda ko se njena magija nekega dne ponesreči, celotno kraljestvo ogrne v večni sneg in led. Dvolični grof, ki se želi polastiti prestola, ljudi naščuva proti kraljični, zato se njena sestra skupaj z izkušenim hribolazcem, zabavnim jelenom in čudaškim snežakom poda na neverjetno reševalno akcijo, polno nepričakovanih nevarnosti in kaotične snežne zabave.

Join Barbie in a colourful, modern-day fairytale filled with fashion, friends and fun! Barbie and her dog Sequin jet off to visit her Aunt's amazing fashion house in Paris, and much to her surprise it's about to be shut down forever. After she discovers three enchanting Flairies with sparkle-magic powers, Barbie comes up with a brilliant idea to save the business. She even inspires Alice, a shy fashion designer, and together they create a dazzling runway fashion show. Barbie shows that magic happens when you believe in yourself.

Možje v črnem so od nekdaj varovali Zemljo pred sovražniki iz vesolja. Toda v najnovejši pustolovščini je izziv veliko večji: sovražnik se tokrat skriva med njimi samimi in znotraj tajne organizacije MIB.

Resničnostni boj na življenje ali smrt, v katerem sta za tekmovanja naključno izbrana dva najstnika iz vsakega od dvanajstih okrožij države Panem.

Set in a post-apocalyptic world, young Thomas is deposited in a community of boys after his memory is erased, soon learning they're all trapped in a maze that will require him to join forces with fellow “runners” for a shot at escape.

Johnny Rico se prostovoljno javi v vojsko, da bi osvojil srce očarljive Carmen Ibanez. Ko se med urjenjem zgodi tragična nesreča, Johnny spozna, da se je vojski pridružil zaradi napačnih razlogov. Ko hoče vojsko zapustiti, Zemljo napadejo orjaške žuželke, ki njegovo rojstno mesto zravnajo s tlemi. Zaradi smrti svoje družine in prijateljev se Johnnyjeva žalost prelevi v jezo in odloči se, da bo ostal v vojski ter se boril proti žuželkam. S svojo enoto odpotuje na oddaljene planete, da bi se boril proti neusmiljenemu sovražniku.

Med dvema rasama robotskih nezemljanov – Avtoboti in Deseptikoni – že stoletja divja vojna, od katere je odvisna usoda vesolja. Ko se bitka preseli na Zemljo, je edino, kar stoji med Deseptikoni in največjo močjo, ključ, ki ga ima mladi Sam Witwicky. Kot vsi najstniki se Sam ukvarja z vsakdanjimi skrbmi glede šole, prijateljev, avtomobilov in deklet. Sam ne ve, da je zadnja možnost človeštva za preživetje in prijateljico Mikaelo se znajdeta sredi boja med Avtoboti in Deseptikoni.

A blue harvest moon will rise, allowing the fairies to use a precious moonstone to restore the Pixie Dust Tree, the source of all their magic. But when Tinker Bell accidentally puts all of Pixie Hollow in jeopardy, she must venture out across the sea on a secret quest to set things right.

Zabavna zgodba papagaja Bluja, ki v iskanju družice zapusti varnost domače kletke in se odpravi v Rio de Janeiro. Tam sreča simpatično Jewel, toda da bi očaral razigrano mladenko, se mora udomačeni Blu najprej naučiti leteti.

Captain Jack Sparrow crosses paths with a woman from his past, and he's not sure if it's love -- or if she's a ruthless con artist who's using him to find the fabled Fountain of Youth. When she forces him aboard the Queen Anne's Revenge, the ship of the formidable pirate Blackbeard, Jack finds himself on an unexpected adventure in which he doesn't know who to fear more: Blackbeard or the woman from his past.

Mother and daughter bicker over everything -- what Anna wears, whom she likes and what she wants to do when she's older. In turn, Anna detests Tess's fiancé. When a magical fortune cookie switches their personalities, they each get a peek at how the other person feels, thinks and lives.

Rodney Copperbottom is a young robot inventor who dreams of making the world a better place, until the evil Ratchet takes over Big Weld Industries. Now, Rodney's dreams – and those of his friends – are in danger of becoming obsolete.

Huo An, the commander of the Protection Squad of the Western Regions, was framed by evil forces and becomes enslaved. On the other hand, a Roman general escapes to China after rescuing the Prince. The heroic duo meet in the Western Desert and a thrilling story unfolds.

Smrkci se s pomočjo človeških prijateljev lotijo reševanje Smrkete, ki jo je ugrabil zlobni Gargamel, saj le ona pozna skrivni urok, ki lahko preobrazi Gargamelova bitja žlehtke v prave Smrkce.

An overweight, young woman, who finds it hard to land a husband, learns to accept her 'Size Sexy' figure and leads an awareness campaign against a dubious slimness centre.