"Jennifer Lopez: All I Have" was the first concert residency by American entertainer Jennifer Lopez. Performed at Zappos Theater (formerly The AXIS Theater) located in the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, the residency began on January 20, 2016 and concluded on September 29, 2018. The show has received critical acclaim for its production and Lopez's showmanship. The residency grossed $101.9 million after 120 shows, making it the sixth highest-grossing Las Vegas residency of all time, and the top residency by a Latin artist.

Kad pār cilvēci savilkušies draudu mākoņi un visu dzīvo ir gatavs iznīcināt noslēpumains ienaidnieks, starptautiska organizācija, kas uztur mieru visā pasaulē, Zemes aizstāvēšanai nolemj savākt vēl nebijušu superkomandu. Tajā plecu pie pleca nāksies cīnīties Kapteinim Amerikam, Dzelzs vīram, Toram, Halkam, Melnajai Atraitnei un Vanagacij - katram no viņiem ir savas ambīcijas, taču viņi ir vienīgie, kuri spējīgi glābt pasauli no iznīcības.

Shishio sets sail in his ironclad ship to bring down the government. In order to stop him, Kenshin trains with his old master to learn his final technique.

Multimiljonārs Tonijs Starks pa dienu vada savu impēriju “Starks Enterprises”, bet nakts aizsegā kļūst par Dzelzs vīru! Nodrošinājies ar miljardiem dolāru vērtām, modernām tehnoloģijām aprīkotām un ložu necaurlaidīgām metāla bruņām, ik nakti viņš stājas pretī noziedzīgajai pasaulei, terorismam un izspiegošanai. Filmas pamatā – pasaulslavenais “Marvel” komikss. Iron Man

The ultimate X-Men ensemble fights a war for the survival of the species across two time periods as they join forces with their younger selves in an epic battle that must change the past – to save our future.

Pīters Pārkers kopā ar labākajiem draugiem dodas vasaras brīvdienās uz Eiropu. Tomēr no iecerētās atpūtas nekas nesanāks, jo Pīters piekritīs palīdzēt Nikam Fūrijam tikt skaidrībā, kas tās par noslēpumainajām būtnēm, kas izraisa katastrofas un postījumus visā kontinentā.

Ana and Helen, two divorced women, were close friends as teenagers. Today, amidst the corona virus pandemic and in quarantine, they get in touch after 20 years via internet. Through video conference calls, memories, sensations and emotions reflourishes.

Pēc sensacionālās debijas filmā "Kapteinis Amerika: Pilsoņu karš" jaunais Pīters Pārkers jeb Zirnekļcilvēks iejūtas supervaroņa identitātē filmā "Zirnekļcilvēks: Atgriešanās mājās".

A heroic version of Lex Luthor from an alternate universe appears to recruit the Justice League to help save his Earth from the Crime Syndicate, an evil version of the League. What ensues is the ultimate battle of good versus evil in a war that threatens both planets and, through a devious plan launched by Batman's counterpart Owlman, puts the balance of all existence in peril.

Kopš neatminamiem laikiem, nostāsti par grandiozām kaujām un teiksmainas leģendas dzīvo noslēpumainajos Skotijas kalnos. Princese Merida - karaļa Fērgusa un karalienes Elinoras meita atsakās sekot senajām tradīcijām, līdz ar to metot izaicinājumu varenajiem skotu klaniem un to vadoņiem. Princeses nepārdomātā rīcība draud radīt karaļvalstī haosu un tāpēc Merida dodas ceļā pēc padoma pie burves. Taču, lai palīdzētu princesei, burve uzliek viņai lāstu un drīz vien jaunajai Meridai nāksies likt lietā visu savu drošsirdību, lai atbrīvotos no ļaunā lāsta un uzveiktu kalnu ielejās mītošo briesmīgo zvēru.

When Tony Stark's world is torn apart by a formidable terrorist called the Mandarin, he starts an odyssey of rebuilding and retribution.

With the world now aware of his dual life as the armored superhero Iron Man, billionaire inventor Tony Stark faces pressure from the government, the press and the public to share his technology with the military. Unwilling to let go of his invention, Stark, with Pepper Potts and James 'Rhodey' Rhodes at his side, must forge new alliances – and confront powerful enemies.

Ironheart, AKA Riri Williams, is having difficulty adjusting to college life as the youngest student there when the college's engineering lab is demolished by an alien and her best friend is kidnapped. Inspired by Iron Man, she develops a plan to save her friend.

Agent Coulson stops at a convenience store and deals with a coincidental robbery during his visit.

2112; the summer before Akane Tsunemori was assigned to Division One of the Public Safety Bureau's Criminal Investigation Department. Teppei Sugo, an accomplished pilot of the Defense Army's 15th Integrated Task Force, joins the military operation in Okinawa. Three months later, an unmanned combat drone opens fire on the Ministry of Defense in Tokyo. Enforcer Tomomi Masaoka of CID Division One is dispatched to Sugo's military base to investigate the truth behind this case.

Peter Parker is an outcast high schooler abandoned by his parents as a boy, leaving him to be raised by his Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Like most teenagers, Peter is trying to figure out who he is and how he got to be the person he is today. As Peter discovers a mysterious briefcase that belonged to his father, he begins a quest to understand his parents' disappearance – leading him directly to Oscorp and the lab of Dr. Curt Connors, his father's former partner. As Spider-Man is set on a collision course with Connors' alter ego, The Lizard, Peter will make life-altering choices to use his powers and shape his destiny to become a hero.

In an alternative Victorian Age Gotham City, Batman begins his war on crime while he investigates a new series of murders by Jack the Ripper.

The Hangover crew heads to Thailand for Stu's wedding. After the disaster of a bachelor party in Las Vegas last year, Stu is playing it safe with a mellow pre-wedding brunch. However, nothing goes as planned and Bangkok is the perfect setting for another adventure with the rowdy group.

Paris, France. Commissaire Wens is put in charge of the investigation into the murder of one of six friends who, in the past, made a very profitable promise.

Pēc kaimiņa nāves, Džesijs sāk piedzīvot dāžādas neizskaidrojamas parādības. Meklējot izskaidrojumu Džesijs uzzin, ka ir marķēts dēmoniskam iemiesošanās procesam, un nav palicis daudz laika līdz viņa ķermenis būs pilnīgā dēmona kontrolē…