When Chris and Aurora Benton travel north to visit their father and step-mother, they expect a normal weekend of boredom and small talk. What the siblings don't know is that a creature has been wreaking havoc on the local wildlife and farm animals, creating a volatile situation for all parties involved. When their parents do not come home after their first night in the cabin, Chris and Aurora's minds begin to break down and tension builds. As the night draws nearer and unseen responsibilities mount, hope becomes harder and harder to come by...if only they can hold out until the dawn. Shot in the style of an observational documentary, slowly morphs into a gritty, stylized suspense picture.

After being cruelly set up and deceived by Sugimi, a detective in cohorts with the mob with whom she was whole-heartedly in love, Matsushima’s desire for revenge knows no bounds.

A freighter crosses the ocean. The hypnotic rhythm of its gears reveals the continuous movement of machinery devouring its workers: the last gestures of the old sailors’ trade disappearing under the mechanic and impersonal pace of 21st century neo-capitalism. Perhaps it is a boat adrift, or maybe just the last example of an endangered species. Although we don’t know it, the engines are still running, unstoppable.

A writer dying of AIDS searches for a cure and human interaction in the hospitals and sex clubs of Buenos Aires.

Robin Wright, vaidinanti pati save, vis dažniau susiduria su seksistiniu Holivudo požiūriu į senstančias moteris. Anksčiau aktorė atsisakydavo vaidinti brangiuose pramoginiuose trileriuose, bet dabar prodiuseriai nebesiūlo jai įdomių vaidmenų. Vienintelė pelninga išeitis – pasirašyti dvidešimties metų sutartį su studija „Miramount“, kuri pasiūlo nuskenuoti jos kūną ir paversti moterį visuomet jauna virtualia aktore. Tokiu būdu Wright užsidirba daug pinigų ir nepervargsta vaidindama. Tačiau ji bus naudojama ir tokiuose filmuose, kuriuose anksčiau vaidinti atsisakydavo. Sutarčiai pasibaigus aktorė patiria nenumatytų pasekmių.

'Zinzana' is a psychological thriller set in a prison. Our hero finds himself locked in a cell with no I.D and no memory of what happened the night before. But being unable to make bail is the least of his problems when he's forced to play a madman's twisted game in order to save his family's lives.

Griffith adapts the story of the Apocryphal Book of Judith to the screen. During the siege of the Jewish city of Bethulia by the Assyrian tyrant Holofernes, a widow named Judith forms a plan to stop the war as her people suffer in starvation, nearly ready to surrender.

Horror fan Tal Zimerman examines the psychology of horror around the world to find out why people love to be scared.

Vilsonas – neurotiškas, visiškai tiesmukas, vidutinio amžiaus mizantropas, kuris vėl susitinka su savo seniai nutolusia žmona ir, pirmą kartą išvydęs savo paauglę dukterį, kurios dar niekada nebuvo sutikęs, bando ją susigrąžinti neįtikėtinai keistu ir sudėtingu būdu.

During the film Dawn of the Dead, the survivors in the shopping mall communicate with a lone man named Andy, who is on the top of a building across the street. This is the footage from Andy's last days.

Kovinis filmas mėgstantiems kvapą gniaužiančius siužetus. Mokslininkas – avantiūristas renka samdomą būrį apleistos vokiečių slėptuvės tyrimui, norėdamas surinkti mokslinę informaciją, tuo pačiu pasiekti šlovę ir gauti pinigų. Jie - tikri karo veteranai, tačiau turi tik 48 valandas išsikapstyti iš slėptuvės. Geri pinigai už mažą riziką... Ar taip tik atrodo? Karinė užduotis pavirsta į tikrą painiavą,- nežinomas Kažkas pradeda medžioklę...

Ronnie runs a Disco walking tour with his son, Brayden. When a sexy woman takes the tour, it begins a competition between father and son for her love. It also signals the arrival of an oily strangler who stalks the streets at night.

With school finally over, college graduate Natalie Wilner returns to her hometown to celebrate the Fourth of July weekend. But beneath the flags and fireworks lurks a dark, malevolent figure. After a night of drunken parties, she stumbles home and drifts off to sleep, only to be woken moments later by a loud knock on the door.

A group of urbex enthusiasts travel to the backwoods of Appalachia to capture footage of abandoned houses, when they unwittingly become the subjects of a much darker video - made by a different kind of "enthusiast".

Chronically agoraphobic since the day his wife was murdered, Tommy Cowley finds himself terrorized by a gang of syringe-wielding feral children, who are intent on taking his baby daughter. Upon discovering the nightmarish truth surrounding these hooded children, he learns that to be free of his fears, he must finally face the demons of his past and enter the one place he fears the most - the abandoned tower block, known as the Citadel.

Madman Marz, an old folklore legend who murdered his family before escaping into the woods, is inadvertently summoned to a campsite to finish the spree he started decades ago.

While recovering from an abusive relationship, Joy joins her friend's therapy group on an isolated mountainous retreat. Led by a doctor with experimental methods, the group is soon forced to confront a monstrous entity.

Brothers Mike and Jody join family friend Reggie to battle the Tall Man and his evil minions from another dimension, for the final time.

Pregnant with director Roman Polanski's child and awaiting his return from Europe, 26-year-old Hollywood actress Sharon Tate becomes plagued by visions of her imminent death.