Palma – vokiečių aviganė, kurią lipdamas į lėktuvą palieka jos šeimininkas (akt. Janas Capnikas) ir... išskrenda „daryti“ karjeros. Šeimininko išdavystės Palma nesuprato, ji tvirtai tikėjo, kad ateis ta diena, kai jis sugrįš. Bėgo dienos, savaitės, mėnesiai, metai, lėktuvai kilo ir leidosi, bet Palma vilties neprarado. Kasdien ji lėkdavo pasitikti besileidžiančių lėktuvų, kartais išbėgdavo tiesiai ant pakilimo tako, kartais aplodavo keleivius, bet niekada nenustojo laukti. Netikėtas susitikimas su devynmečiu berniuku Kolia (akt. Leonidas Basovas) į vienišo šuns gyvenimą atnešė šį tą gražaus. Patyrusi skausmą ir išdavystę ji dar kartą patikėjo žmogumi! Kolia ir Palma tampa tikrais draugais, kuriuos sieja ne tik draugystė, jie turi šį tą bendro – juos abu paliko... Palmą – šeimininkas, Kolią – mama.

Hollywood veteran Bing Russell creates the only independent baseball team in the country—alarming the baseball establishment and sparking the meteoric rise of the 1970s Portland Mavericks.

Three angels bestow the gift of song to a young girl, who must follow a series of rules in order hold on to it during her rise to fame and fortune.

Three different men, three different worlds, three different wars – all stand at the intersection of modern warfare – a murky world of fluid morality where all is not as it seems. A unique and dramatic look at the Canadian Army in Afghanistan.

A mysterious woman, known as Madame M, kidnaps forty pre-teen girls and transports them to a remote island to train them as the most deadly assassins. CIA operative Jack Chen follows the case for 6 years with no leads, but when a series of assassinations begin to occur, Jack suspects that Madame M is back in business.

The final showdown, and the final reveal. who is Friend? How can he be stopped?

When a nobleman is threatened by a family curse on his newly inherited estate, detective Sherlock Holmes is hired to investigate.

Džeimsas ir Zoja paplūdimio namelyje laukia po dvylikos valandų ateinančios pasaulio pabaigos. Zoja stengiasi būti rami, pasako Džeimsui, jog laukiasi, jis nebesugeba išlikti ramus ir išvažiuoja paskutinį kartą gerai prisigerti ir surasti savo merginą. Pakeliui jis pamato dviejų vyrų puolamą mergaitę, kurios tiesiog negali palikti vienos. Susidoroja su užpuolikais ir ją išgelbėja. Mergaitė – Rauzė – Džeimsui papasakoja, kad nori surasti savo tėtį, Džeimsas bando jai padėti.

Doc and Chapagua are two rogues who acquire a large stash of gold before the Civil War. They agree to hide it together, blindfolding each other on the way so they'll need each other to find the hiding place. After the War, double-crosses abound as Doc and Chapagua not only have to deal with the army, but with the seductive, gold-hungry Moira as well.

Chinese steampunk martial arts blockbuster about the early years of Tai chi master Yang Luchan, the man who founded in the 19th century what has now become the most popular Tai Chi style in the world. The second instalment of the "Tai Chi" trilogy continues the journey of Yang Luchan, a gifted child with a fleshy growth on his forehead who helped save a village from a frightening army of steampunk soldiers bearing strange machines with the knowledge of Tai Chi that they entrusted him with.

A man takes over a TV station and holds a number of hostages as a political platform to awaken humanity, instead of money.

Skillfully framed by an unknown enemy for the murder of a priest, wanted vigilante MacManus brothers Murphy and Connor must come out of hiding on a sheep farm in Ireland to fight for justice in Boston.

Jim is an average New Yorker living a peaceful life with a well paying job and a loving family. Suddenly, everything changes when the economy crashes causing Jim to lose everything. Filled with anger and rage, Jim snaps and goes to extreme lengths to seek revenge for the life taken from him.

The story follows Jamie, a troubled young man with a birthmark on his face, which has left him feeling isolated and fearful, hiding from the world outside. He lives in the East End of London, an area notorious for its violent hooded gangs. According to news reports, the gangs are now wearing demon masks. But, one night, Jamie discovers the terrifying truth.

When up-and-coming District Attorney Mitch Brockden commits a fatal hit-and-run, he feels compelled to throw the case against the accused criminal who was found with the body and blamed for the crime. Following the trial, Mitch's worst fears come true when he realizes that he acquitted a guilty man, and he soon finds himself on the hunt for the killer before more victims pile up.

The life of a woman is transformed after she is diagnosed with a terminal disease, fired from her job and abandoned by her boyfriend. Given two months to live, she throws caution to the wind to pursue her dreams.

Jaunų sutuoktinių porelė atvyksta pas draugus į Ispaniją. Turėjusi būti rami vasara staiga virsta košmaru, nes vieną dieną kompanija miške aptinka mažą mergaitę subjaurotomis rankomis. Norėdami padėti, jie išvaduoja mergaitę iš namo kuriame ji buvo įkalinta, bet tuo užsitraukia ją saugoti turėjusių vietinių pyktį. Trokšdami atkeršyti per daug smalsiems ir savimi pasitikintiems atvykėliams, grupelė vietinių leidžiasi jų medžioti turėdami neatremiamą ginklą: mišką jie pažįsta kur kas geriau nei atvykėliai.

Bill Williamson is back, alive and well and doing a recon mission around D.C. This time he wants to cause a major population disruption within the USA which result in devastating consequences reverberating throughout the world. His new mission this time to bring down The President of the United States and his Secret Service detail. Bill brings with him all the freak-in havoc and acidity of the previous 2 movies.

Edward Carnby is a private investigator specializing in unexplainable supernatural phenomena. His cases delve into the dark corners of the world, searching for truth in the occult remnants of ancient civilizations. Now, the greatest mystery of his past is about to become the most dangerous case he has ever faced.

Pavasario atostogų metu grupė jaunuolių keliauja į salą, kur lanko reidą. Paslaptinga sala vadinama „mirties sala“, o šimtmečius, kaip pasakoja legenda, burtininkas eksperimentavo su eliksyru, kad apgautų mirtį. Pabuvę saloje, jauni žmonės sužino, kad burtininkas vis dar gyvas ir kad jis maitinasi žmonėmis, kurie patenka į jo rankas. Dabar, įstrigę saloje, jie turės naudoti bet kokį jiems prieinamą ginklą, kad kovotų su žudikų zombiais, kurie yra blogio burtininko įtakoje.