Dviejuose lygiagrečiuose pasauliuose gyvena žmonės ir pabaisos. Jie stengiasi neįžengti į kitų pasaulį, kad išvengtų skaudžių padarinių. Tačiau vieną dieną nusistovėjusi tvarka sutrinka. Kijuta anksti tapo našlaičiu ir neteko stogo virš galvos, o su globėjais gyventi nenori. Tad jis pabėga ir ima klajoti gatvėmis. Klajodamas Kijuta sutinka vilkolakį meškiną Kumatetsą. Iš gailesčio vilkolakis nusprendžia priimti vargšą našlaitį į savo pasaulį. Jame gyvena būtybės, panašios į žmones, bet išvaizda labai besiskiriančios nuo Kijutos. Berniukas sutinka daug neįprastų naujojo pasaulio gyventojų, su kai kuriais susidraugauja. Pamažu berniukas nebesijaučia vienišas. Tarp lokio ir berniuko užsimezga stipri draugystė. Kijuta taip pat pradeda mokytis vietinių kovos menų, kurie padės jiems patiriant nuotykių.

A middle aged carpenter, who requires state welfare after injuring himself, is joined by a single mother in a similar scenario.

A story of Naoufel, a young man who is in love with Gabrielle. In another part of town, a severed hand escapes from a dissection lab, determined to find its body again.

Two mental patients with opposite personalities ditch their Tuscan hospital and embark on an unpredictable exploration of the real world.

A true sports story that utterly defies the odds, Duguay’s film captures the wild ups and downs of the Olympics-bound career of legendary equine star Jappeloup and his troubled rider, locked in a tense relationship with his horseman father and forever uncertain of his own skills as an equestrian

1945-ųjų Lenkija. Antrasis pasaulinis karas jau baigėsi, tačiau jo paliktos žaizdos dar nė nepradėjo gyti. Jauna prancūzė gydytoja Matilda kartu su Raudonuoju Kryžiumi gelbsti karo aukas. Vieną gūdžią žiemos dieną į klinikos duris pasibeldžia ir pagalbos paprašo jauna beviltiškoje padėtyje atsidūrusi vienuolė. Taip Matilda patenka į nuo pasaulio atskirtą vienuolyną, kuriame kankinasi besilaukiančios žiauriai sovietų karių išniekintos seserys. Kad nekiltų skandalas ir neišaiškėtų baisūs dalykai, vienuolyno vyresnioji nori bet kokia kaina išsaugoti paslaptį. Vienuolės labai pamažu į savo uždarą bendruomenę įsileidžia Matildą ir ji joms tampa vienintele viltim bei ramsčiu...

Without warning a father comes to visit his daughter abroad. He believes that she lost her humor and therefore surprises her with a rampage of jokes.

David Wozniak is a perpetual adolescent who discovers that, as a sperm donor, he has fathered 533 children. He is advised that more than 100 of his offspring are trying to force the fertility clinic to reveal the true identity of "Starbuck," the pseudonym he used when donating his sperm. To make matters worse, his girlfriend Valérie is pregnant with his child, but doesn't feel that he is mature enough to be a father.

Damien lives with his mother Marianne, a doctor, while his father, a pilot, is on a tour of duty abroad with the French military. At school, Damien is bullied by Thomas, who lives in the farming community up in the mountains. The boys find themselves living together when Marianne invites Thomas to come and stay with them while his mother is ill in hospital. Damien must learn to live with the boy who terrorized him.

American chess champion Bobby Fischer prepares for a legendary match-up against Russian Boris Spassky.

Arriving from all over the Eastern Bloc, the men who loiter around the Gare du Nord train station in Paris are scraping by however they can, forming gangs for support and protection, ever fearful of being caught by the police and deported. When the middle-aged, bourgeois Daniel approaches a boyishly handsome Ukrainian who calls himself Marek for a date, he learns the young man is willing to do anything for some cash.

Polas Konrojus (akt. Ryanas Reynoldsas) dar nesiruošia mirti, tačiau pabunda šešios pėdos po žeme. Įveikęs pirmąją panikos bangą, ankštame karste vyrukas randa mobilųjį telefoną ir žiebtuvėlį, bet pristinga atsakymų – kaip jis čia atsidūrė ir kodėl? Irake sunkvežimio vairuotoju dirbęs amerikietis – palaidotas gyvas! Blanki sąmonė, sparčiai senkanti mobiliojo baterija ir mažėjantis deguonis tampa didžiausiais Polo priešais kraupiose lenktynėse su laiku. Grumdamasis su panika, neviltimi ir kliedesiais jis turi tik 90 minučių būti išgelbėtas, prieš išsipildant baisiausiam jo košmarui – kankinančiai mirčiai ankštoje mirties duobėje…

What happens when a man and a woman share a common passion? They fall in love. And this is what happens to Jean-René, the boss of a small chocolate factory, and Angélique, a gifted chocolate maker he has just hired. What occurs when a highly emotional man meets a highly emotional woman? They fall in love, and this is what occurs to Jean-René and Angélique who share the same handicap. But being pathologically timid does not make things easy for them. So whether they will manage to get together, join their solitudes and live happily ever after is a guessing matter.

Filmo siužeto centre – sėkmingas verslininkas Žoslenas, kuris yra toks savanaudis mergišius, kad jau pats nuo savęs pavargęs. Moterų viliotojo išradingumui atkreipti į save dėmesį nėra ribų. Kartą, norėdamas suvilioti jauną gražią slaugę, jis apsimeta neįgaliojo vežimėlyje įkalintu vyru. Bet tada ji pristato savo seserį, turinčią negalią ir dienas leidžiančią invalido vežimėlyje. Tačiau nutinka keistas dalykas… Jausmams imant viršų, Žoslenas tampa savo paties apgaulės įkaitu – atskleisti tiesą darosi vis sunkiau ir sunkiau.

A star is born in a time of both celebration and instability in this historical drama with music from director Christophe Barratier. In the spring of 1936, Paris is in a state of uncertainty; while the rise of the Third Reich in Germany worries many, a leftist union-oriented candidate, Léon Blum, has been voted into power, and organized labor is feeling its new power by standing up to management.

A summer camp, a judo dojo, a theater workshop in a contemporary art museum. Relations between groups of children and adolescents and their adult guides; teaching methods and educational practices; materials and symbolic rules; relationships between the form of places and behaviors; the reverberation of what is learned in everyone's daily lives. An old super-eight projector, faded images on the wall, a puppet theater. The relationship between pupil and teacher, the transmission of knowledge, the experiences of a past that is only apparently distant in Naples, a city where school has never been the primary source of learning, nor has played a significant role in learning how to live.

Every year, Bruno makes a tour of all the wine stands, without setting foot outside the Show’s premises and without ever finishing his wine trail. This year, his father suggests they finish it together, but a real wine trail, across the French countryside. Accompanied by Mike, a young, quirky taxi driver, they set off in the direction of France’s major wine regions. Together, they are going to discover not only the wine trails, but also the road that leads back to Love.

While on a journey of discovery in exotic India, beautiful young Ruth Barron falls under the influence of a charismatic religious guru. Her desperate parents then hire PJ Waters, a macho cult de-programmer who confronts Ruth in a remote desert hideaway. But PJ quickly learns that he's met his match in the sexy, intelligent and iron-willed Ruth.

A French tradesman travels in time and liberates an oppressed tribe in another world.

A secret government research project tries reviving the World War II "Philadelphia Experiment," which was an attempt to create a cloaking device to render warships invisible. When the experiment succeeds, it brings back the original ship (the Eldridge) that disappeared during the first test in 1943 - which brings death and destruction to the 21st century. It's up to the sole survivor of the first experiment and his granddaughter to stop it.