






『アメリ』のジャン・ピエール・ジュネ監督とオドレイ・トトゥが再び組んだ、重厚で純粋な愛の物語。第一次世界大戦で兵士となり、行方不明となった恋人マネクを、自らの直感を頼りに探し求める女性マチルドの姿が描かれる。原作はフランスの著名なミステリー作家、故セバスチャン・シャプリゾによる1991年の作品。 2004年 第77回 アカデミー賞 美術賞 2004年 第77回 アカデミー賞 撮影賞

Bahia Benmahmoud, a free-spirited young woman, has a particular way of seeing political engagement, as she doesn't hesitate to sleep with those who don't agree with her to convert them to her cause - which is a lot of people, as all right-leaning people are concerned. Generally, it works pretty well. Until the day she meets Arthur Martin, a discreet forty-something who doesn't like taking risks. She imagines that with a name like that, he's got to be slightly fascist. But names are deceitful and appearances deceiving.

The activities of rampaging, indiscriminate serial killer Ben are recorded by a willingly complicit documentary team, who eventually become his accomplices and active participants. Ben provides casual commentary on the nature of his work and arbitrary musings on topics of interest to him, such as music or the conditions of low-income housing, and even goes so far as to introduce the documentary crew to his family. But their reckless indulgences soon get the better of them.

親友のベッキーとハンターにとって、人生とは恐怖を克服し、限界に挑戦することです。 しかし、人里離れた廃墟となった電波塔の頂上まで 2,000 フィート登った後、彼らは降りることができず立ち往生していることに気づきます。 今、ベッキーとハンターの熟練したクライミング スキルが究極の試練にさらされます。彼らは要素、物資の不足、めまいを誘発する高さを生き残るために必死に戦います。

Handed over to foster care by his mother—who's unwilling to give up permanent custody—the now-adolescent François understands that nothing in life is permanent, and his increasingly erratic actions reflect this knowledge.

David, who gets by doing odd jobs, meets Léna, who has just moved up to Paris, and falls in love. But soon after, his life is brutally interrupted by the sudden death of his sister. Beyond the shock, and the pain, David now finds himself alone with his young niece Amanda to care for.

記念すべき第 10 回ハンガー・ゲームの新しい試みとして、贄の教育係に任命された 18 歳の少年スノーは、貧しい境遇から抜け出す為に優勝を心に決める。だが、彼が担当する事になったのは、最も弱い第12 地区の少女ルーシーだった。そして、彼女の唯一の武器は歌だった...

Fifteen-year-old Suzanne seeks refuge from a disintegrating family in a series of impulsive, promiscuous affairs. Her fulsome sexuality further ratchets up the suppressed passions of her narcissistic brother, insecure mother and brooding, authoritarian father.

Two whimsical, aimless thugs harass and assault women, steal, murder, and alternately charm, fight, or sprint their way out of trouble. They take whatever the bourgeoisie holds dear, whether it’s cars, peace of mind, or daughters. Marie-Ange, a jaded, passive hairdresser, joins them as lover, cook, and mother confessor. She’s on her own search for seemingly unattainable sexual pleasure.

Paris, 1933. The daughter of a respectable lower middle class couple, Violette Nozière, leads a disreputable double life. Far from being the innocent 18-year-old her parents mistake her for, she spends her nights with dissolute young men in the less salubrious areas of the city.



Mangin, a police inspector in Paris, leans hard on informants to get evidence on three Tunisian brothers who traffic in drugs. He arrests one, Simon, and his girl-friend Noria. Simon's brothers go to their lawyer. He springs Noria, who promptly steals 2 million francs that belong to the Tunisians. They suspect her of the theft; her life as well as the lawyer's is in danger. Meanwhile, Noria is playing with both the lawyer and Mangin's affections. Mangin is mercurial anyway: intimidating and bloodying suspects, falling for a police commission trainee before flipping for Noria, wearing his emotions on his sleeve. Can he save the lawyer and Noria, and can he convince her to love?