Catch Sharon Needles performing in Sessions on Sunday, February 14 at 7PM PT. No replays, no rewinds, no repeats. Don't miss it!
Anna Fritz is a beautiful and famous actress. Suddenly her body is found in a hotel and the news of her death goes around the planet. The young, shy caretaker Pau works at the hospital where they carried the body of Anna Fritz. He and his friends decide to take pictures of the body of Anna Fritz. They decide they could make love to her and nobody would know. They are in front of Anna Fritz ... and can do with it what they want.
Best friends Marie and Alexia decide to spend a quiet weekend at Alexia's parents' secluded farmhouse. But on the night of their arrival, the girls' idyllic getaway turns into an endless night of horror.
Nekaltai nužudytųjų prakeiksmas slepiasi name – ten, kur jie buvo kankinti ir nužudyti. Jauna mergina, dirbanti Tokijuje, atsitiktinai atveria šio namo duris. Namo, kuriame slypi pats BLOGIS. Prakeiksmas išsilaisvino: jis ims vis naujas gyvybes, kaskart tapdamas vis stipresniu. Jis niekada neatslūgs, niekada neatleis, niekada nepamirš savo prigimties. PAGIEŽA...
Jack's favorite babysitter Elizabeth introduces him to the art of pumpkin carving on Halloween night. Nothing will ever be the same.
A young man in a personal tailspin flees the US to Italy, where he sparks up a romance with a woman harboring a dark, primordial secret.
Dave, an artist who has yet to complete anything significant in his career, builds a fort in his living room out of pure frustration, only to wind up trapped by the fantastical pitfalls, booby traps, and critters of his own creation. Ignoring his warnings, Dave’s girlfriend Annie leads a band of oddball explorers on a rescue mission. Once inside, they find themselves trapped in an ever-changing supernatural world, threatened by booby traps and pursued by a bloodthirsty Minotaur.
The sordid lives of an addict, an ex-con, and a luchador collide when an organ harvesting caper goes very, very wrong.
Clover is finishing a veterinary course when her brother dies and she is called home to her family's struggling Somerset farm.
Ben Hall is drawn back into bushranging by the reappearance of his old friend John Gilbert. Reforming the gang, they soon become the most wanted men in Australian history.
Po 15 metų kartu, Ben (Bruce Willis) ir Katie (Michelle Pfeiffer) kovoja su universaliu paradoksu: kodėl savybės, dėl kurių jie vienas kitą pamilo, tapo savybėmis, dėl kurių jie dabar nori išsiskirti. Kaip gali tos savybės, kadaise buvusios tokios mielos tapti tokiomis siutinančiomis, kad prarandi supratimą apie svarbius dalykus? Kodėl mes pamirštame, jog negalime gyventi be mylimo žmogaus?
In a fantasy world where magic is being superceded by technology, an orphaned teen discovers her destiny to become a dragonslayer.
A man bumps into an old crush and becomes obsessed. After several failed attempts at winning her over, he kidnaps her and holds her captive underneath the animal shelter where he works.
2021-ieji metai. Visas pasaulis prijungtas prie vieningo Interneto tinklo. Beveik pusė žmonijos kenčia nuo Nervinio išsekimo sindromo (NAS).Džoniui į smegenis buvo implantuota mikroschema bei duotas nurodymas ją nugabenti iš Beijingo į Niuarką. Kol Mnemoniką medžioja Pharmakom Industries, Low-tech kompanija, vadovaujama J-Bone'o, stengiasi nulaužti trūkstamą kodą, kad būtų galima parsisiųsti vaistus nuo NAS, kuriuos gabena Džonas...
Geriausios draugės Ana ir Bet - aktorės, kurių karjeros susiklostė skirtingai. Jos abi nusprendžia keliauti į Big Surą ir atnaujinti ryšius, kurie pasimiršo dėl ne vienerius metus trukusios konkurencijos ir pavydo. Įtampa vis labiau auga, galiausiai prasiveržia netikėta, bet neišvengiama pykčio banga. Draugės pradeda nesutarti ne tik dėl savo draugystės pagrindų, bet ir dėl savo tapatybės.
In the wake of a horrific car accident that kills her husband, Michael, expectant mother Madeline Matheson discovers that her daughter, Grace, has died in the womb. Ignoring her doctor's warnings that the fetus must be removed from her body, a grief-stricken Matheson demands to carry the child to term -- even if it endangers her own life to do so. Curiously, little Grace emerges undead -- and with a craving for human blood.
When her boyfriend dumps Emily, a spontaneous woman in her 30s, she persuades her ultra-cautious mom to accompany her on a vacation to Ecuador. When these two very different women are trapped on this wild journey, their bond as mother and daughter is tested and strengthened while they attempt to navigate the jungle and escape.
Per pandemijos protrūkį mutavęs pasiutligės virusas daugelį žmonių pavertė itin protingais naujos rūšios sutvėrimais, vadinamais „infekuotaisiais“. Užkratą išgyvenęs Morganas geba bendrauti su infekuotaisiais. Jis tiria naująją rūšį ir ieško ligonio, nuo kurio prasidėjo pandemija. Atsekus pradžią būtų galima sukurti priešnuodį bei išgelbėti žmoniją, o taip pat ir jo žmoną. Ieškoti Morganui padeda virusologė Džina Rouz ir pulkininkas Noksas.
A young woman bound in the front seat of a parked car watches helpless as her captor methodically digs a grave in the desert ground. The bloody lifeless body of her boyfriend lies framed in the rear-view mirror, a fate she will fight at all costs to avoid for herself. But this is only the beginning of a brutal struggle where survival could be worse than death.
Essex has been the central hub for many famous criminal activities. For generations Essex Boys have ruled the streets of Essex and East London in their underworld empires. Many people thought this ended in a Range Rover in 1995. They were wrong... Danny - an ex hooligan is driven back into a life of crime after his world is turned upside down on the streets of Essex.