Three girls drive around Hollywood without paying much attention to the road.

A live concert experience and exclusive look into life on the road with The Jonas Brothers during their Happiness Begins concert tour.

Ciel learns of a "Aurora Society", that is rumored to be researching how to bring the dead back to life. Their next meeting is scheduled to be conducted on the ship Campania, voyaging across the Atlantic Ocean. Much to Ciel's dismay, Elizabeth "Lizzy" Midford, is taking the same ship, thus leaving him with no choice but to get aboard as well.

It has been five years since Laura and Carmilla vanquished the apocalypse and Carmilla became a bonafide mortal human. They have settled in to a cozy apartment in downtown Toronto, Laura continues to hone her journalism skills while Carmilla adjusts to a non-vampire lifestyle. Their domestic bliss is suddenly ruptured when Carmilla begins to show signs of "re-vamping" – from a fondness for bloody treats to accidental biting – while Laura has started having bizarre, ghostly dreams. The couple must now enlist their old friends from Silas University to uncover the unknown supernatural threat and save humanity – including Carmilla's.

When Mahendra, the son of Bāhubali, learns about his heritage, he begins to look for answers. His story is juxtaposed with past events that unfolded in the Mahishmati Kingdom.

You are thousands of years old. You have amazing powers. You have watched civilizations rise and fall. So why does no one remember any of this? Best-selling author, Neil Gaiman (Marvel: 1602) is joined by superstar artist, John Romita. Jr. (Amazing Spider-Man), to bring you the extraordinary tale of The Eternals. Medical student Mark Curry's world is turned upside-down when he meets Ike Harris, a man who believes that he is part of a centuries-old race of super-powered beings put here on Earth by aliens to preserve and safeguard the planet — and even crazier, tried to convince Mark that he is one too.

Després de l’atemptat de les Torres Bessones, el govern republicà nord-americà temia que les demandes d'indemnització de les víctimes paralitzessin els jutjats i l'economia del país. Per aturar el perill, van crear un fons de compensació al capdavant del qual van situar Ken Feinberg, un prestigiós advocat de Washington. La tasca d’en Feinberg era repartir compensacions “raonables” per mitjà d’una fórmula objectiva a la qual s’havien d’acollir, com a mínim, un 80% dels afectats abans d’una data límit. La lluita per la defensa dels interessos de les víctimes canviarà la seva vida.

Pee-Wee is excited when Jambi the genie grants him a wish. He wishes to fly but gets upset when he sees Captain Carl and Miss Yvonne on a romantic date with each other.

A first-person documentary on an expedition to one of the last regions of the world still unexplored by man.

El somriure que un home negre dedica a un nen blanc en un supermercat d'extraradi provoca una guerra sense concessions entre dos bàndols. Un cop la violència es desferma, ja no és controlable per part de ningú.

Una colònia pacífica a l'extrem de la galàxia està amenaçada pels exèrcits d'un regent tirànic anomenat Balisarius. Els civils desesperats envien Kora, una jove que té un passat misteriós per buscar guerrers de planetes propers per ajudar-los a desafiar el regent.

En Mike, un treballador de la construcció amb els peus a terra, és ràpidament empès al món dels superespies i agents secrets quan la seva exparella de l'institut el recluta en una missió d'intel·ligència estatunidenca d'alt risc.

An intelligent 15-year-old high school student is unexpectedly transferred to a boarding school where he opens a portal of monsters from another dimension.

Oscar and Arthur are two actors without fortune who survive unemployment with a routine street, where one represents the thief and the other to the police. Thanks to this performance are "hired" by Mr. Mauricio Tavares to play a practical joke on dangerous Don Antonio Robledo, a senior executive who suffer a fictional kidnapping for later culminate in a surprise party.

La Corine i l'André tenen molt bona relació amb la seva filla, la Garance, i el seu gendre, en Harold. Però quan la Garance decideix tallar amb en Harold i ordenar els seus pares que no el tornin a veure més, no se'n poden fer a la idea: ella l'ha abandonat, però ells no. Hauran de dur una doble vida per poder continuar veient el seu estimat gendre.

Any 1789. El poble francès entra en revolució. La història entrecreua els destins de dones i homes de la vila amb els de figures històriques. El seu lloc de trobada és la recentment creada Assemblea Nacional. Al centre de la història, la sort d'un rei i el naixement de la República.

Meet innocent Jim, terrified of girls, and on a reluctant quest to prove his manhood the night before he turns 30. He and his cocky friend Alex think they’ve hit the jackpot when they meet the beautiful siblings Kitty and Lulu, who seem up for anything on a wild party-fuelled night. But little do they know that the femmes fatales want to make Jim lose much more than just his virginity… Getting laid has never been so bloody difficult.

Everyone has 'moved on', except for Sherman and Jim Levenstein's still understanding father. Little Matt Stiffler wants to join his older brother Steve's business and, after everything Matt has heard from Jim's band-geek wife, he plans to go back to band camp and make a video of his own.

Through economic necessity, an Aran Islander is forced to travel to England to work on building sites so that he can earn money to support his family back on the Islands.