In the middle of a broadcast about Typhoon Yolanda's initial impact, reporter Jiggy Manicad was faced with the reality that he no longer had communication with his station. They were, for all intents and purposes, stranded in Tacloban. With little option, and his crew started the six hour walk to Alto, where the closest broadcast antenna was to be found. Letting the world know what was happening to was a priority, but they were driven by the need to let their families and friends know they were all still alive. Along the way, they encountered residents and victims of the massive typhoon, and with each step it became increasingly clear just how devastating this storm was. This was a storm that was going to change lives.

After drinking all night, Monty and his friend try to get home, but it turns out to be not easy. The next day, Monty tries to win the heart of a theater actress.

Bandaged wrote a romance about his breakup and is about to launch it at the biggest literary event ever, BasicCon. There, the police are causing riots over censorship on LGBTIA+ books, but no commotion is bigger than his ex showing up.

Based on the acclaimed novel by danielle marcus and directed by derek scott. Plug love is a urban love story. When a woman realize that being cheated on is not worth the finer things in life. While being in a unfaithful relationship with her man. She stumbles upon the true definition of real love. Which is define by another man. In which the relationship becomes deadly.

A young girl is striving for stardom. In order to get a lead role in a new production, she agrees to stand-in for a famous star whose rich patron died in her arms one night. The real-life drama gradually comes to mirror the story of the play being performed by her.

Начало нового столетия знаменовалось массой неприятностей, но, кажется, что это никак не касается главных героев. Шерлок поселился в Суссексе, где начал разводить пчел. Ватсон женился и занимается врачеванием. Миссис Хадсон переехала и создала в доме на Бейкер-Стрит музей Холмса. И даже инспектор Лестрейд вышел на пенсию. Но двадцатый век грозит катастрофой. Затем разворачивается угроза дипломатического скандала, вследствие которого легко может начаться мировая война. А чего стоит находка секретных чертежей подлодки, найденной рядом с трупом обычного работника арсенала? Связано ли это с германской разведкой и ролью Шерлока в британских планах? Теперь Холмсу и Ватсону не позавидуешь. Им предстоит решить одновременно несколько загадок, за каждой из которых стоит целая страна.

To bring peace back to the universe, Amazoness Queen, Hippolya, sends her soldiers, Altesia and Nadia to the earth. Their mission is to find Prince Intao.

On Christmas Eve, snowplow driver Leo races to clear the streets of Montreal and complete his holiday shopping in time for midnight Mass. The feature directorial debut of celebrated filmmaker Gilles Carle (The Death of a Lumberjack), The Merry World of Leopold Z is an offbeat holiday treat that builds to a disarmingly resonant conclusion.

Documentary about Fidel Castro, covering 40 years of Cuban Revolution. Rare Fidel Castro footage: he appears swimming with a bodyguard, visiting his childhood home and school, playing with his friend Nelson Mandela, meeting kid Elián Gonzalez, and celebrating his birthday with the Buena Vista Social Club group.

High school is almost over and four friends are going their separate ways as they go to college. But they have one more chance to spend some time together: Inspection 12, their favorite band, is playing one last concert in Jacksonville, FL.

The movie is a fictionalized account of a disgruntled cop who has been wrongly implicated in a torture video that went viral. It begins on his last night of duty, as he is about to leave for abroad for better job prospects.

После ужасных событий в университете Мискатоник гениальный ученый Герберт Уэст отбывает срок в сырой камере старой провинциальной тюрьмы. Он по-прежнему одержим зловещей идеей оживления мертвецов. Используя любой доступный материал, Уэст продолжает свои чудовищные эксперименты, и, кажется, он близок к успеху — им выделена субстанция, покидающая организм в момент смерти. Получив ее, умерший человек должен обретать не только жизнь, но и разум. Доктор уверен, что новые опыты с человеческой плотью подтвердят его правоту, но он не предусмотрел их опасные побочные эффекты…

David McDoll is a selfish and wealthy man living an enviable lifestyle in his large villa and collecting fancy cars. However, his life is about to be changed forever when he inherits his six grandchildren. His glamorous lifestyle quickly becomes complete chaos. But he will learn a valuable lesson that teaches him about placing family first and discovering a newfound appreciation for life.

Университетский преподаватель Василий Муравин подошел к рубежу своей жизни - ему пятьдесят, и итоги прожитого скорее удручают, чем радуют. Устав от вечных неудач в карьере и в личной жизни, Василий уходит из дома и с работы и решает заниматься единственным делом, которое ему по душе - игрой на гитаре. Так преподаватель становится уличным музыкантом. Однажды, играя на улице для прохожих, Муравин встречает свою дочь Ксюшу. Эта встреча выводит их взаимоотношения на новый уровень, когда необычная ситуация позволяет каждому из близких людей стать более открытыми друг другу. «По главной улице с оркестром» - фильм Петра Тодоровского, сценарий к которому он написал совместно с Александром Буравским.

After long and mature reflections, Hassan and Ilham resolved to acquire their own accommodation, to finally free themselves from the weight of family cohabitation. Not having enough financial resources, the couple decides to take out a loan from Hamza their brother-in-law. A solution that will cost them dearly, because after taking the plunge, the two lovebirds realise as a couple that by signing this deal, they have somehow signed a pact with the devil... The nest that was supposed to bring them peace and quiet. Stability becomes the source of their troubles. Overnight, their dream turns into a nightmare...

Filmed record of a burlesque show, featuring Tempest Storm in a Technicolor segment.