On Halloween 1979, a small town is turned upside down when a transient evil takes up residence in the local bowling alley. (ALTER)
A marshal goes up against a collection of vicious outlaws terrorizing his own.
An animated animal couple tries to resolve their problems.
Holocaust survivor Eva Schloss preserves her story interactively so that she will be able to tell it forvever.
Na Ukrajině 26. dubna 1986 otřásla celou Evropou katastrofa a svět zažil osudný den, který se zapsal do jeho historie - velká jaderná havárie v Černobylu proměnila celé město v postapokalyptické město duchů. Desetitisíce lidí přišly o život. Dnes začala příroda rekultivovat oblast vyloučené zóny kolem staré elektrárny. Následky a utrpení jsou však citelné dodnes. Černobyl je poučením pro současnost. Varuje nás před riziky naší neustále se vyvíjející moderní společnosti. Černobyl nás však poučil především o ceně lží. Tím, že poukázal na nedostatky v systému Sovětského svazu, odhalil, jak mohou vést ke katastrofě a jak způsob, jakým sdělujeme informace o tom, co se skutečně stalo, může způsobit škody. Minulost nelze vrátit zpět, ale můžeme se z ní poučit.
Kotori Haneda is a university student interning at a publishing house. While doing her internship, she is partnered with another intern named Eba Shimazaki; the two start a relationship, but her happiness is not to last.
Annina, who grew up in the Ruhr region, is to become the wife of a real lord, William Huxley III, in her adopted home of London. Before that, however, she has to take care of a little formality back home, as Annina is actually still married to her childhood sweetheart Tom. After the divorce is finalized, it turns out that neither spouse has really come to terms with their relationship.
Kandasamy is desperate to enrol his son in a good school. Trouble ensues when his wife spots him with an educated woman who is posing as their child's mother in order to help him get admission.
A blend of reality and fiction, "Open Five" follows the story of Jake, a struggling musician and his sidekick, Kentucker, a maker of "poor" films and what happens when two girls (Lucy and Rose) venture down to Memphis for a long weekend.
Beto wakes up in his apartment not knowing where or who he is. He does not remember anything from his past. On the floor is a passport in the name of Marcelo Peralta. Trying to regain memory and their own lives, reveals a number of elements that will be intertwined with each other in unexpected course of events, such as theft, fraud and passionate love.
Traveling cowboy gets involved in political issues in a town he passes through. Also a romance.
A film about endless love, relationship and arguments between two young homosexual men. They seem to be the happiest couple in the world but...
Alongside his work of nearly 30 years as a drummer with iconic rock band the Grateful Dead, MICKEY HART has flourished as a solo artist,bandleader and author. INNOVATORS IN MUSIC was fortunate to spend the better part of two days at Mickey's home and studio in a remote area of northern California
This is a theatrical play adaptation of the popular comic series "Lychee Light Club."
Two unsuspecting travelers encounter a mysterious dwarf in the woods in this horror short.