The residents are busy with the preparations for the school musical. Among the collected chests they find an ancient Inca treasure: The Grail of Eternal Friendship. Noa accidentally liberates the spirit that resides in this grail and gets stuck inside a painting. One by one they meet the same fate. Only by solving the riddles and fulfilling dangerous assignments can the mysterious curse be undone. But is their friendship strong enough?

In Roy Rogers' Down Dakota Way, the deadly hoof-and-mouth disease has struck the herd owned by evil rancher H. T. McKenzie (Roy Barcroft). To avoid an expensive quarantine on his stock, McKenzie plans to murder the local veterinarian (Emmet Vogan) before the latter can report his findings to the government. Rogers manages to straighten out the situation by appealing to the sensibilities of the aunt (Elizabeth Risdon) of McKenzie's hotheaded hired assassin (Byron Barr). The film also bears several musical numbers from Roy, Dale Evans, and Foy Willing and the Riders of the Purple Sage.

Als Toms Angriffe außer Kontrolle geraten, schreibt Jerry seinem Cousin Muscles, einer zähen Innenstadtmaus, und bittet ihn um Hilfe.

Little Foot, aber auch seine Großeltern und alle anderen Langhälse, haben ähnliche Träume über einen Ort, wo ein Meteorit eingeschlagen ist. Die Träume und Vorahnungen bringen ihn dazu, sein Tal zu verlassen und in eine andere Gegend auf zu brechen. Dort begegnet er seinem bis dahin unbekannten Vater. Der ist der Führer einer anderen Dino-Herde und Little Foot muss sich entscheiden, ob er bei seiner neu gefundenen Familie bleiben will oder zu seinen Großeltern und alten Freunden zurückkehren soll.

Eine junge Kommissarin (Miou-Miou) wird wegen allzu forscher Ermittlungsmethoden in die Provinz versetzt, wo sie verbrecherischen Praktiken in der höheren Gesellschaft auf die Spur kommt: Kinder von Arbeitern werden für pornografische Fotos missbraucht.

Howard and Eli have graduated from gruesome basement antics to pirating a cable TV channel for the purpose of furthering their brand of homegrown depravity, madness and murder. With the help of 'do-it-yourself' violence videos sent in by adoring fans and a beautiful guest actress unaware of the pain in store for her, the sadistic hosts guarantee the "Bloodiest Show on Earth!"

Follows an assassin after completing a job.

An excellent comprehensive look at all the music that came out of Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati "Rock Legends" "James Brown" "King Records" "Pure Prairie League" "Lemon Pipers" "Syd Nathan" WEBN "Bootsy Collins" "Lonnie Mack" "The Who concert 1979" "Rick Derringer"

Während des Rückflugs von einem Einsatz, stürzt der Helikopter eines Kommando-Teams ab. Die Crew überlebt leicht verletzt und kämpft sich fortan durch einen dichten, abgelegenen tropischen Dschungel. Ihnen offenbart sich eine unerforschte verlorene Welt, die von einer längst vergessenen Spezies bevölkert wird: den Dinosauriern. Als diese die Menschen entdecken, wittern sie frische Nahrung. Die Gruppe muss schnellstens einen Weg finden aus dem todbringenden Tal zu entkommen, bevor sie zur Beute für die blutrünstigen prähistorischen Raubtiere wird.

Russische Tundra, 2009: Nach einer Ökokatastrophe sind die Menschen gezwungen, unter unwirtlichen Bedingungen am nördlichen Polarkreis zu leben. Mit Duldung der Militärregierung herrschen barbarische Rockerbanden über das Gebiet. Ihr liebster Sport ist Motorrad-Polo - mit Menschenköpfen - zu ohrenbetäubender Heavy-Metal-Musik. Doch die Zeit dieser blutigen Spiele ist gezählt, denn Einzelkämpfer Jake, früher ein Freund des Bandenchefs Duke, ist aus dem Gefängnis ausgebrochen, um sich zu rächen und den Terror zu beenden.

Åsa-Nisse and Klabbarparn has found an old pirate map that leads them to the island Mallorca in the Mediterranean Sea as they search for the hidden treasure.

MOST "end times" discussions focus on the coming Antichrist—but he is only half the story. MANY are surprised to discover that in Revelation 17, there is another mysterious character at the heart of prophecy; a woman who rides the beast. TRADITION says this "mystery" woman is connected with the church of Rome. But isn't such a view outdated? After all, today's Vatican is eager to join hands with evangelicals and all religions worldwide. BIBLICAL truth and global events present a well-defined portrait of the woman and her powerful place in the Antichrist's future empire. MORE THAN TEN remarkable clues in Revelation 17 and 18 prove the woman's identity beyond any reasonable doubt. Watch and be amazed!

The movie is based upon the lives of seven conservative families living together in one 'Haveli' in a Punjabi Village.

Deon (Eugene Smith) a struggling rapper, chooses to take on the violent world of drug running with his childhood friend, Rob. Wesley (Palmer Reed) Deon's musical partner, tries to persuade him to give up the drug life and get back to the studio with him and become famous rappers before something bad happens.

Swedish writer Stig Dagerman (1923-1954) was a literary sensation who after a few productive years, suddenly fell silent. Struggling with writer's block, Dagerman wrote the essay "Our Need for Consolation" about his inner demons and his quest for freedom. For the first time in English, featuring Stellan Skarsgard as an on-camera narrator, this film brings Dagerman's powerful words to life in the form of a visual poem.

Vans Skateboarding proudly presents Alright, OK, a new skate film featuring global signature team riders Elijah Berle and Gilbert Crockett, with a special guest appearance by Justin Henry. Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Greg Hunt—whose talent brought to life Vans’ first full-length skateboarding video, PROPELLER—Alright, OK is yet another masterpiece, encapsulating an epic labor of love by pro Elijah Berle, who worked tirelessly over two hard years to land arguably the best tricks of his career. Elijah shares the screen with Vans teammate and Richmond native, Gilbert Crockett, whose contrasting, eccentric style flows alongside Elijah’s timeless form like yin to yang.