Video Fanzine featuring: Half Japanese, Redd Kross with Sky Saxon as Purple Electricity, R Kern, Sonic Youth, White Flag, Psycho Daisies, Charlie Pickett, Nick Zedd, Morbid Opera More R&R, Film, Prose. Pencil numbering indicates there was a run of 600 tapes.

On July 9th GCW presents Fight Club Houston straight from Premier Arena in Houston, Texas. The lineup is almost completed, check it below: AJ Gray vs Bryan Keith Nick Gage vs Sadika Joey Janela vs Dante Ninja Mack vs Jack Cartwheel Effy vs Gino Jimmy Lloyd vs Carter Lucha Scramble .... more to be added soon!

Ma'moun works in a bank and he has Kleptomania. He steals a precious necklace while he is at a party hosted by the businessman Naguib. He meets Sonia, who turns out to be an informant for the police.

Egy kairói újságárus fantáziái egy limonádéárussal kapcsolatban veszélyes rögeszmévé válnak, amikor sorozatgyilkos kezdi terrorizálni a várost.

A chronicle of the long career of American filmmaker Roger Corman, the most tenacious and ingenious low-budget producer and director in the US film industry, a pioneer of independent filmmaking and discoverer of new talent.

A group of friends have created a brand new subculture that is taking over the streets of Glasgow. They've established their very own fight club, but this is no ordinary wrestling event - this is brutal, riotous chaos. Fights don't always stay inside the ring, people are bounced off the side of buses and thrown off balconies in pubs. They now plan the biggest show of their lives. The stakes are high, will it bring them the fame and recognition they need to survive?

A depiction of the Wrangelkiez neighbourhood in Berlin. The people portrayed tell their life stories. One woman came to the neighbourhood a decade ago to work in Berlin’s still unfinished Brandenburger Airport, one man reminisces his childhood on a Tobacco farm in Kentucky, another speaks of an exceptional day in an otherwise monotonous workplace. These portraits are interwoven with the story of Elpi, a Greek woman who is waiting for the long overdue visit of an old important friend. The outcome of this mixture is a film which captures the lives and perspectives of some of Wrangelkiez’s most commanding citizens, while at the same time evoking the loss that change and time passing means for places and for people.

Pursued by the police, Saget usurps the identity of a man who was returning to his town after having made his fortune in the United States. Under this new name, he deceives his compatriots with the exception of a doctor and the savage Isabelle. During an explanation Saget understands that Isabelle secretly admires him. She denounces him and Saget surrenders without a fight. Thus he ruins all his prestige with the young Amazon.

The movie takes place again in the fictional Wangan Station of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department the once empty space within Wangan's jurisdiction has become a popular tourist attraction. When a string of murders of company execs begins taking place, Aoshima jumps at the opportunity to pursue something other than his current case, which he finds less than inspiring. However the powers that be have other ideas, and Wangan again plays host to a special investigation team from headquarters. Aoshima's friend Superintendent Shinji Muroi, assigned by headquarters to assist Okita, is again powerless to help the local officers as decisions are made by the higher ups.

Szűcs János, a budapesti üzletközpont nagyfőnöke szabadságra készül. Harmincöt éves, karrierje a csúcson, pénze számolatlan, magánélete azonban nincs. Nagybátyjától gyönyörű autót kap ajándékba az útra. Alig száll be a kocsiba, máris balesetet okoz, fellöki a görkorcsolyázó Verát. A lány nem sérül meg, de a férfi szíve szerelemre gyúl. Úgy intézi, hogy Vera apja egy rádióvetélkedőn megnyerje a meseautót, és ő legyen a sofőrje.

Joe Rich (San Witwer) hétköznapi polgárként éli életét, mígnem egy nap összedől körülötte a világ: elveszíti a munkáját, a vagyonát, és még a felesége is elhagyja. Joe bosszút forral a sors ellen, és úgy dönt, hogy maga mögött hagyja a rendes életet, és ezúttal sötét eszközökkel szerzi vissza mindazt, amit elveszített. Visszamegy gyerekkorának helyszínére, Chicagóba, ahol nagybátyja most is lakik. Joe a nagybácsi alvilági kapcsolatait felhasználva igyekszik beépülni az alvilágba,és mindent megtesz, hogy a maffia világában felemelkedjen. Az új életformának azonban kemény ára van. Az alvilág királya igen meglepő filmes megoldásokkal is büszkélkedhet. A történetbe ágyazott dokumentumfilm-betétekben, akár egy görög kórus, időnként megszólal 10 mára már javakorabeli chicagói keménylegény is, akik néhány évtizeddel korábban átélt Joe-hoz hasonló megpróbáltatásaikat mesélik el a maffia fénykorából, a ?30-as, ?40-es, ?50-es évekből. Úgy tűnik, a konfliktusok és a dilemmák örökök.

Sunday Morning Rapture is a Bible-Based film focused on the second coming of Jesus Christ. This living parable depicts situational dramatizations centered around how this spectacular event effects lives around the world and the aftermath of what is left in it's wake.

In WWII, Captain Invincible used his superpowers against the Nazis and was hailed as a hero. But when he was accused of treason, he retired to Australia in disgrace. Cut to the present, when a US super secret super weapon is stolen and he's asked to come back to the States in order to help stop evil and restore his sterling reputation. Unfortunately, Captain Invincible is a drunk now...

Közelgő esküvője érdekében és hogy saját hűtlenségére ne derüljön fény, Eddie (Til Schweiger), a menő hirdetési ügynökség szakembere segít tisztára mosni a cég főnökének fiát, akit nemi erőszakkal vádolnak. A hamis alibi mégsem menti meg sem őt, sem az elkövető Anthony-t (Sebastien Roberts) az áldozat, Angelina (Lauren Lee Smith) brutális bosszújától. Eddie-t nem csak menyasszonya rúgja ki, hanem a leendő após is a cégből, majd az események felgyorsulnak és csakhamar börtönben találja magát, gyilkossággal vádolva, ahonnan talán még rutinos védőügyvédje (Eric Roberts) sem tudja kiszabadítani.

"The Afterman" is about a guy who lived alone in an atomic fallout shelter after the A-Bomb was dropped, so he can't read, write or speak. 20 years later the shelter opens and he wanders into a barbaric world full of sex and depravity. The film is done completely without dialogue and it offers some wall-to-wall sleaze including graphic nudity, homosexual rape and forced blow-job.

Tania, a broken-hearted woman, is welcomed to the neighborhood by Catherine and Delilah, the gossiping wives next door. She learns all about their dirty little secrets.