Fool's Day is a dark comedy about a 4th grade class that pull an innocent, April Fool's prank on their teacher...that accidentally kills her. Panicked and convinced they will go to prison, the blood splattered classmates try to cover up the murder and dispose of the body before their D.A.R.E. officer shows up for his weekly lesson.

A filmed version of David Byrne's Broadway show, a unifying musical celebration that inspires audiences to connect to each other and to the global community.

Joaquín has just turned 40, he has a ringing in his ears and he knows little about himself. His emotional and work life have no direction. His girlfriend is 20 years younger. When he meets Maria again, he falls in love. The idea of leaving his girlfriend, his job, and recovering his apartment is the beginning of a new life... But order always must become from the inside.

Juan Manuel Fangio was the Formula One king, winning five world championships in the early 1950s — before protective gear or safety features were used.

At a certain park, there is a mysterious man, who has red eyes and a black suit, that people can go to and request him to kill someone. His assassinations can never be blamed on him because he takes no illegal action. His strength is in the power of suggestion and the arrangement of events. He accepts these requests, all the while privately mocking the foolishness of those whose unwise wishes he grants.

A wheelchair-bound young girl returns to her father's estate after ten years, and although she's told he's away, she keeps seeing his dead body on the estate.

Diane can't ignore the leak coming from the ceiling above the family dining room anymore.

This film tells the story of three defeats: Berlusconi’s political and human defeat in his “twilight”, the one of Ciccio Mirra, Berlusconi’s unconditional supporter, deeply rooted in an ancient culture that dies hard, and the director’s artistic defeat in an Italy that recognised itself in this “Berlusconian culture” for a long time, and probably still does.

Италианските тайни служби са получили информация, на която им е трудно да повярват. Мъж, живеещ в Сардиния, е законният собственик на Луната. За да изпреварят тайните служби на останалите държави, те решават да изпратят на място своя таен агент Кевин Пирели, чийто корени са от този регион, въпреки че самият той никога досега не е стъпвал там. Нищо в досегашната му кариера на таен агент не може да го подготви за хаоса и бронебойния чар на Сардиния, където наистина всичко е възможно и се приема с усмивка на лицето.

Dr. Anne Innis Dagg re-traces the steps of her groundbreaking 1956 journey to South Africa to study giraffes in the wild. Now, at 85 years old, Anne sees a startling contrast between the world of giraffes she once knew and the one it has become. Weaving through the past and present, her harrowing journey gives us an intimate look into the factors that destroyed her career and the forces that brought her back.

Josh and Danielle have found the perfect surrogate, Kailee, to bear their child. But when Kailee gives birth to a beautiful baby girl, the happy couple learns how deep and dark a mother's love can go. But is it really Kailee whom they need to fear, or is she just a pawn in someone else's game? Someone who will stop at nothing to take what she views as hers.

Eve, a young chambermaid at a luxurious Mexico City hotel, confronts the monotony of long workdays with quiet examinations of forgotten belongings and budding friendships that nourish her newfound and determined dream for a better life.

Before entering the witness protection program, bank robber Mikael demands 3 things from the police. 3 things that cast a whole new light on the robbery he and his partners have been jailed for.

Eli has four children, an unemployed husband and a job with an almost impossible commute. Vale is single and makes ends meet by working in clubs as a dancer. Tied by a profound emotional bond of true sisterhood, the two women's lives are two sides of the same coin, but their mutual solidarity isn’t always enough to lighten the load of their difficult circumstances.

Голямото чакане приключи. Джак Никълсън се завръща като частния детектив Джейк в продължението на “Китайски квартал” - филм, който “неотклонно следва магическата формула на именития оригинал”. (Майк Кларк, в. “USA Today”). Много вода изтече от последната ни среща с Джейк. Междувременно войната е избухнала и свършила, Лос Анжелис от 1948-а бъка от оптимизъм и бързи пари. Но Джейк знае, че едно нещо със сигурност си остава непроменено. “Ако следваш парите, ще стигнеш до истината в девет от десет случая.” Това е следата, по която той тръгва, и която ще го отведе от едно съвсем обикновено дело за съпружески неразбории към убийство, зад което стои борба за притежание на нефт, както и към миналото на самия него...

A single mother in London's Camden Town hears music when she meets a handsome stranger with a past. But she's not sure she's ready to open her heart.

Saint Charles County, Missouri, December 1863. Edmond, a prosperous French perfume merchant, decides to flee to a safer place when the storms of the American Civil War start knocking at his door, threatening the life and fortune of his family.

Красивата Саша е влюбена в лукса, забавленията и приключенията, които й осигурява нейния приятел, който се занимава с търговия с наркотици. Младата жена пътува към вилата му в Бодрум, където официално ще стане част от неговото „семейство“. Оказва се, че физическото и психическо насилие са част от всекидневието в гангстерския клан и когато Саша започва да флиртува с друг мъж, нещата бързо излизат изпод контрол. Има ли тя все още шанс да се измъкне жива от кашата, в която се е забъркала?

A rag tag unit of misfits known as the War Pigs must go behind enemy lines to exterminate Nazis by any means necessary.