A hitman is tasked to take out ex-mobsters when he suddenly hears a voice that questions his morality.

Parody trailer: A nun must rescue children trapped in a rural church and finds herself in a fight for her own freedom.

Джойс ди Донато и Хуан Диего Флорес са звездите в белканто спектакъла "Жената от езерото", който се поставя за пръв път в Метрополитън. Ди Донато пее главната роля на Елена, млада жена, преследвана от двама мъже, с Флорес, който изпълнява за пети път в излъчвания на живо ролята на Джакомо - великодушния крал на Шотландия. Микеле Мариоти дирижира в дебютната постановка на шотландския режисьор Пол Къран, копродукция с опера Санта Фе, където е и премиерата й през 2013 г. Кастингът включва още Даниела Барчелона в ролята на Малкълм, Джон Осбърн в ролята на Родриго и Орен Грейдъс в ролята на Дъглас. Росини създава операта по едноименната поема на сър Уолтър Скот и пренася слушателите сред приказната красота на шотландски планини, където красивата Елена възпява край езерото своя любим Малкълм и с песните си омагьосва сърцето на самия крал.

Valdis Nulle is a young and ambitious captain of fishing ship 'Dzintars'. He has his views on fishing methods but the sea makes its own rules. Kolkhoz authorities are forced to include dubious characters in his crew, for example, former captain Bauze and silent alcoholic Juhans. The young captain lacks experience in working with so many fishermen on board. Unexpectedly, pretty engineer Sabīne is ordered to test a new construction fishing net on Nulle's ship and 'production conflict' between her and the captain arises...

A young woman refuses to bow down to the local criminal kingpin who wants to take control of her late mother's flower shop in order to run drugs. However, when he crosses the line, she and her siblings seek revenge.

Popeye and Olive are taking a ferry run by Bluto. When they find out the fare, they decide, with Wimpy, to build a bridge. Bluto does what he can to sabotage this plan - until spinach time, of course.

Brad, an uptight office drone, seemingly discovers the perfect vehicle for letting off steam when an advertisement for a business catering to his innermost desires pops up one morning on his computer. Brad's subsequent visit to the business and encounter with its receptionist Janine, however, don't quite go as planned.

Sous un ciel changeant. Jean-Claude Rousseau uses his signature black frames to create Durasian elisions between painterly, Corot-conjuring tableaux.

A centuries-lasting relationship between Ayesha and her oft-reincarnated true love. She, H. Rider Haggard's fanciful novel about the immortal queen of a lost tribe, has been filmed at least 10 times, with seven versions emerging between the years 1910 and 1930.

Can, a mysterious man, has a traumatic past. In order to escape the events he experienced as a child, Can chooses to leave his village and start a new life for himself. Can, who spent his life studying in a boarding school far from his hometown, has only his grandmother as his surviving relative. His past haunting him causes his life and marriage to turn into a nightmare. Deciding to confront his past, Can sets off for his village with his wife Ezgi.

Annisa, a cheerful 15 year old girl, is open and has a tomboyish style. Entering his early years at Tunas Bangsa High School, he met Ivan and eventually became friends with Jelita, a 15-year-old girl who wore a headscarf, beautiful but shy and quiet.

In lots of myth, a hero must undergo a "Nachtmeerfahrt" in which he encounter mysterious creatures and dangerous events. The psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), himself made such an expedition to survey the world of symbols and archetypes, asking about their relevance for our lives. How do "Nachtmeerfahrten" appear today? Are they dangerous in some ways and which potential do they have? What are our spirits ("anima") and shadows telling us thereby? Does the imagines of our subconsciousness contain spiritual messages? This is a filmic journey to the biography of C. G. Jung and to the mighty world of myths, dreams and symbols.

On the Dr. Quinn Show The Joker is breaking up with his longtime enemy, Batman. An animated short on the home entertainment release of The Lego Batman Movie.

Twenty-something virtuoso multi-instrumentalist, singer and arranger Jacob Collier has managed to outdo The Beatles by winning Grammy Awards for each of his first four albums. Alan Yentob meets Jacob and musicians he has collaborated with, including Stormzy, Chris Martin and film composer Hans Zimmer. He also talks to music legends Quincy Jones and Herbie Hancock, who believe Jacob Collier is one of the most talented musicians on the planet today.

Detective Brighton investigates a series of unusually gruesome murders and is soon caught in a web of intrigue involving a mad scientist, a beautiful woman, a power mad politician, and one very ferocious monster. Their secret lies in a mysterious formula which could unlock the secrets of immortality... and on a less positive note, also cause the mass mutation of all life on earth! The bodies pile up as everyone scrambles for possession of the formula. It culminates in a climactic showdown whose outcome will determine the fate of all mankind!

A group of artists settle in a swamp on the banks of the Indre River. Meanwhile, a voice describes a utopian world.