The Cove tells the amazing true story of how an elite team of individuals, films makers and free divers embarked on a covert mission to penetrate the hidden cove in Japan, shining light on a dark and deadly secret. The shocking discoveries were only the tip of the iceberg.

SpongeBob and all of Bikini Bottom face catastrophe—until a most unexpected hero rises to take center stage.

The best women of British acting go to an audition for a dream role, primed to take on the role of a lifetime: that complex woman, the strong woman, a woman for today.

Louis Theroux travels to Johannesburg, where the residents find themselves increasingly besieged by crime as he looks at the issue of law and disorder.

In this one-off documentary, David Malone looks at four brilliant mathematicians – Georg Cantor, Ludwig Boltzmann, Kurt Gödel and Alan Turing – whose genius has profoundly affected us, but which tragically drove them insane and eventually led to them all committing suicide. The film also talks to the latest in the line of thinkers who have continued to pursue the question of whether there are things that mathematics and the human mind cannot know. Dangerous Knowledge tackles some of the profound questions about the true nature of reality that mathematical thinkers are still trying to answer today.

This year, over 5 million American kids will be bullied at school, online, on the bus, at home, through their cell phones and on the streets of their towns, making it the most common form of violence young people in this country experience. The Bully Project is the first feature documentary film to show how we've all been affected by bullying, whether we've been victims, perpetrators or stood silent witness. The world we inhabit as adults begins on the playground. The Bully Project opens on the first day of school. For the more than 5 million kids who'll be bullied this year in the United States, it's a day filled with more anxiety and foreboding than excitement. As the sun rises and school busses across the country overflow with backpacks, brass instruments and the rambunctious sounds of raging hormones, this is a ride into the unknown.

Madsas ir Danielis vykdo pirmą operaciją Helmando provincijoje, Afganistane. Jų būrys dislokuotas bazėje "Armadillo", praktiškai ties fronto linija su Talibanu Helmande. Kareiviai turėtų padėti afganams, tačiau žūtbūtinės kovos Madsą, Danielį ir jų draugus paverčia tikrais cinikais ir taip tik gilina prarają tarp jų ir vietinių gyventojų. "Armadillo" – tai savotiška kelionė po kareivio mąstymą, klasikinio mito apie vyrą ir karą versija, kurios veiksmas nukelia žiūrovus į Afganistano nūdieną.

Gripping, heartbreaking, and ultimately hopeful, Waiting for Superman is an impassioned indictment of the American school system from An Inconvenient Truth director Davis Guggenheim.

Austin, Texas, is an Eden for the young and unambitious, from the enthusiastically eccentric to the dangerously apathetic. Here, the nobly lazy can eschew responsibility in favor of nursing their esoteric obsessions. The locals include a backseat philosopher who passionately expounds on his dream theories to a seemingly comatose cabbie, a young woman who tries to hawk Madonna's Pap test to anyone who will listen and a kindly old anarchist looking for recruits.

Filme JCVD „Briuselio smarkuolis" Jean-Claude Van Damme vaidina patį save. Sugrįžęs į gimtąjį miestą, kad pailsėtų po užsitęsusios ir nesėkmingos teisinės kovos dėl dukters globos, į banką užsukti pataiko tuo metu, kai jame vykdomas apiplėšimas. Negana to policija mano, kad nuskurdęs senstantis aktorius ir yra banko plėšikas. Atsidūręs nepavydėtinos įkaitų dramos sūkuryje, Jean-Claude turės prisiminti viską, ko išmoko Holivude, ir suregzti pabėgimo planą. Tačiau ar tikrame gyvenime jis sugebės būti panašus į vaidinamus herojus?

Henry Hackett is the workaholic editor of a New York City tabloid. He loves his job, but the long hours and low pay are leading to discontent. Also, publisher Bernie White faces financial straits, and has hatchet-man Alicia Clark—Henry's nemesis—impose unpopular cutbacks.

An exposé of comic proportions that only Chris Rock could pull off, GOOD HAIR visits beauty salons and hairstyling battles, scientific laboratories and Indian temples to explore the way hairstyles impact the activities, pocketbooks, sexual relationships, and self-esteem of the black community.

In a time when America's economy was crumbling and sense of community was in question, one guy left everything behind to see if he could survive solely on the support and goodwill of the 21st century's new town square: Craigslist.

A subjective documentary that explores various theories about hidden meanings in Stanley Kubrick's classic film The Shining. Five very different points of view are illuminated through voice over, film clips, animation and dramatic reenactments.

The twisted tale of Kenneth, socially insecure technical writer who forms an obsessive relationship with "Nikki", an anatomically accurate silicone sex doll he orders over the Internet.

Twenty years after the modern world's most notorious child murder, the legacy of the crime and its impact are explored.

Mika and Tesfay. She: a photographer. He: a musician. Both up-and-coming. The first love. But an invisible conflict, an unnamable shame, stirs between their sheets. An insidious power game is in play, with its rules changing like music beats at the parties in Gothenburg, Stockholm and Ibiza. Behind closed doors and beautifying filters lies a raw reality where Mika’s control over her mind and body is at stake. But Mika rips apart relationship prejudices and explores what really makes our pulses quicken in matters of the modern heart.

Everything appears off-kilter when a man returns to his hometown after 25 years to visit his former lover.

After they came home from meeting Angela and her family in Michigan, the crew of Catfish cold-called Aimee Gonzales: the face of Megan Faccio--the girl Nev had fallen in love with. Then they flew her to New York to tell her what happened.

No emotion. No fear. No pain. They were the perfect soldiers to protect civilization until the drone police became the perfect enemy. With little hope left for mankind, Tallis, an electronically enhanced soldier, rescues a survivor from a failed resistance mission. She will have to learn to fight and think like a machine for the final battle to save the human race.