Jennifer Dulos, the wealthy, Connecticut mother-of-five who mysteriously vanished.

Elise thought she had the perfect life: an ideal boyfriend and a promising career as a ballet dancer. It all falls apart the day she catches him cheating on her with her stage backup; and after she suffers an injury on stage, it seems like she might not be able to dance ever again.

A serial killer ruthlessly hunts down a deaf woman through the streets of South Korea after she witnesses his brutal crime.

U Australiji, 1825. godine, mlada irska osuđenica Clare odsluživši sedmogodišnju kaznu, očajnički se želi osloboditi svog nasilnog gospodara poručnika Hawkinsa koji je odbija osloboditi optužbe i koji počini strašan čin nasilja nad njenom obitelji. Ne mogavši osigurati pravdu od britanskih vlasti, Clare odluči progoniti britanskog časnika kroz surovu tasmansku divljinu, namjeravajući se osvetiti. Prisiljena je zatražiti pomoć mladog aboridžinskog tragača Billya, koji je također obilježen traumom iz vlastite prošlosti ispunjene nasiljem.

Melissa is an experienced, exemplary prison guard. But a dangerous spiral is set into motion when she transfers to a Corsican jail, where she accepts help and protection from inmate Saveriu to get her bearings. Upon his release, he contacts Melissa expecting to collect.

Martin, who believes himself to be a vampire, goes to live with his elderly and hostile cousin in a small Pennsylvania town where he tries to redeem his blood-craving urges.

Nakon što doživi tragediju, žena se povuče u izoliranu brvnaru, ali nema vještine za preživljavanje. Dolazak lovca probudi joj nadu... no prvo će morati zacijeliti rane.

Nakon što čovjeka s izvanrednim telepatskim sposobnostima uhvate agenti, on otkriva da su neki drugi „skeneri“ naumili dominirati svijetom.

Dante accidentally kisses Alice and they get engaged. After a surprise party for his 40th birthday, he wakes up a year later, not remembering what happened. Not only does he discover that Alice is pregnant... He feels time is passing too quickly and he starts forgetting some of the most important moments of his life.

Joanna Eberhart has come to the quaint little town of Stepford, Connecticut with her family, but soon discovers there lies a sinister truth in the all too perfect behavior of the female residents.

U danima koji prethode Olimpijskim igrama u Seoulu 1988. godine skupina vozača i mehaničara ode na tajni zadatak kako bi razbila golemi lanac pranja novca.

Ralphie je odrastao u nastavku ovog blagdanskog favorita u kojem se mora nositi s Božićem i svime što dolazi u paketu s tim, ovaj put kao tata.

Julia se zajedno sa suprugom doseli u Rumunjsku zbog njegovog novog posla. Oprostila se od glumačke karijere pa ima dosta slobodnog vremena. No, ubrzo primjeti kako ju misteriozni voajer posmatra iz obližnje zgrade, dok serijski ubojica hara gradom.

Daniel leaves prison. He returns to Marseilles where Mathilda, his daughter, has just given birth. Nicolas, her spouse, a self-employed driver, is exhausted while Mathilda is a sales assistant on a trial basis. But, one night, Nicolas is assaulted by taxi drivers determined to reduce unfair competition.

Problematični Travis Block je vladin operativac koji je zadužen za izvlačenje tajnih agenata iz opasnih situacija. Kada otkrije zavjeru usmjerenu na američke građane, Block se nađe na meti ljudi za koje radi. Tada mora ne samo ući u trag agentu, već i saznati istinu. Istinu koja bi mogla opteretiti čak i njegov upitni moralni kodeks.

The extravagant cop Michael Dooley needs some help to fight a drug dealer who has tried to kill him. A "friend" gives him a dog named Jerry Lee (Officer Lewis), who has been trained to smell drugs. With his help, Dooley sets out to put his enemy behind the bars, but Jerry Lee has a personality of his own and works only when he wants to. On the other hand, the dog is quite good at destroying Dooley's car, house and sex-life...

Usamljeni stranac mora ući u trag i ubiti nemilosrdnog plaćenog ubojicu kako bi podmirio svoja dugovanja. Ali jedina informacija koju je dobio je vrijeme i lokacija gdje će pronaći svoju metu. Bez imena, bez opisa, bez ičega drugog. Kad atentator stigne, postoji nekoliko mogućih meta uključujući okružnog šerifa. Ugrožavajući svoj život, atentator kreće u lov kako bi pronašao ubojicu i izvršio svoju misiju. Ali susret s lokalnom ženom prijeti da mu pokvari misiju.

A story of friendship between a young convict who is forced to work in a retirement home and a group of crazy old people. Together they organize their escape.

Četvero klinaca, žestokih obožavatelja nogometa, udruži se kako bi svojim idolima pomoglo vratiti sposobnosti nakon što im lukavi zli znanstvenik ukrade talent.

Bivši policajac NYPD-a koji je postao šerif malog ruralnog grada u Georgiji mora se suočiti s bandom lopova koji su uzeli bogatog doktora za taoca.