Jennifer Dulos, the wealthy, Connecticut mother-of-five who mysteriously vanished.

Elise thought she had the perfect life: an ideal boyfriend and a promising career as a ballet dancer. It all falls apart the day she catches him cheating on her with her stage backup; and after she suffers an injury on stage, it seems like she might not be able to dance ever again.

A serial killer ruthlessly hunts down a deaf woman through the streets of South Korea after she witnesses his brutal crime.

In 1825, Clare, a 21-year-old Irish convict, chases a British soldier through the rugged Tasmanian wilderness, bent on revenge for a terrible act of violence he committed against her family. She enlists the services of an Aboriginal tracker who is also marked by trauma from his own violence-filled past.

Melissa is an experienced, exemplary prison guard. But a dangerous spiral is set into motion when she transfers to a Corsican jail, where she accepts help and protection from inmate Saveriu to get her bearings. Upon his release, he contacts Melissa expecting to collect.

Martin, who believes himself to be a vampire, goes to live with his elderly and hostile cousin in a small Pennsylvania town where he tries to redeem his blood-craving urges.

Edee, in the aftermath of an unfathomable event, finds herself unable to stay connected to the world she once knew and in the face of that uncertainty, retreats to the magnificent, but unforgiving, wilds of the Rockies. After a local hunter brings her back from the brink of death, she must find a way to live again.

After a man with extraordinary—and frighteningly destructive—telepathic abilities is nabbed by agents from a mysterious rogue corporation, he discovers he is far from the only possessor of such strange powers, and that some of the other “scanners” have their minds set on world domination, while others are trying to stop them.

Dante accidentally kisses Alice and they get engaged. After a surprise party for his 40th birthday, he wakes up a year later, not remembering what happened. Not only does he discover that Alice is pregnant... He feels time is passing too quickly and he starts forgetting some of the most important moments of his life.

Joanna Eberhart has come to the quaint little town of Stepford, Connecticut with her family, but soon discovers there lies a sinister truth in the all too perfect behavior of the female residents.

Chasing speed, dreams and money, a team of drivers get involved in the slush fund investigation of a powerful figure during the 1988 Seoul Olympics.

Ralphie is now all grown up and must deal with Christmas and all that comes with it… as a dad.

As a serial killer stalks the city, Julia — a young actress who just moved to town with her husband — notices a mysterious stranger watching her from across the street.

Daniel leaves prison. He returns to Marseilles where Mathilda, his daughter, has just given birth. Nicolas, her spouse, a self-employed driver, is exhausted while Mathilda is a sales assistant on a trial basis. But, one night, Nicolas is assaulted by taxi drivers determined to reduce unfair competition.

Politická aktivistka Sofia zahynie pri nehode, pri ktorej ju zrejme niekto úmyselne zrazil autom a ušiel z miesta činu. Veterán vietnamskej vojny Travis Block pracuje ako tajný agent pre riaditeľa FBI Gabriela Robinsona a vykonáva špinavú prácu ako likvidátor problémov v systéme. Travis chce odísť do dôchodku a tráviť viac času so svojou dcérou a vnučkou, ale šéf ho nechce prepustiť. Novinárka Mira Jonesová pátra po príčinách Sofiinej smrti a získa dôkaz, že nešlo o nehodu. Tajný agent Dusty Crane jej navyše tvrdí, že má informácie o prísne tajnej operácii FBI s názvom Projekt Unity, pri ktorej sa likvidujú nepohodlní ľudia a zabíjajú nevinní civilisti ako Sofia. Riaditeľ FBI poverí Travisa Blocka poslednou úlohou pred odchodom do dôchodku, má priviesť agenta Dustyho Cranea. Keď sa Block dozvie od novinárky o tajnom projekte FBI a vražde jej vydavateľa, ktorý o tom publikoval článok, nezostáva mu nič iné, len považovať svojho šéfa za zločinca a zastaviť ho všetkými prostriedkami.

Mike Dooley je policajt, ktorého by nechcel mať na krku žiadny zločinec. Samotár, ktorý zvysoka kašle na smernice. Jeho jediným záujmom je dostať drogového priekupníka Lydmana za mreže a tomu podriaďuje všetko. Ani tak významný zločinec sa však pred Dooleym nemôže cítiť v bezpečí. Lenže potom, ako Lydmanov plán na odstavenie Dooleyho zlyhá, všetko sa zmení. K Dooleymu pribudol parťák, ktorý nevie hovoriť, niekedy mu neuveriteľne tečú sliny a naviac býva aj tvrdohlavý. Hovorí sa, že pes je najlepší priateľ človeka, ale Dooleymu sa to akosi nezdá. Vlčiak K9 sa v skutočnosti volá Jerry Lee a Dooley zistil, že bude pracovať iba vtedy, keď sa mu bude chcieť. Nakoniec si tí dvaja možno predsa len porozumejú...

Danger, deception and murder descend upon a sleepy town when a professional assassin accepts a new assignment from his enigmatic boss.

A story of friendship between a young convict who is forced to work in a retirement home and a group of crazy old people. Together they organize their escape.

When mysterious green slime monsters start popping out of soccer balls, all-star athletes Zlatan Ibrahimović and Megan Rapinoe must team up with their four biggest fans to stop evil scientist "Weird Al" Yankovic from stealing their talent.

An ex-NYPD officer-turned-sheriff of a small rural Georgia town has to contend with a gang of thieves who have taken a wealthy doctor hostage.