Peter Parker és desemmascarat i per tant no és capaç de separar la seva vida normal dels enormes riscos que comporta ser un súper heroi. Quan demana ajuda a Doctor Strange, els riscos passen a ser encara més perillosos, obligant-lo a descobrir allò que realment significa ser Spider-Man.

Amb Naruto com a Setè Hokage, la Vila de la Fulla té previst ser la seu dels exàmens de Chuunin per a entrenar als nous ninjas tant de la Fulla com de les altres viles aliades.

When Mahendra, the son of Bāhubali, learns about his heritage, he begins to look for answers. His story is juxtaposed with past events that unfolded in the Mahishmati Kingdom.

Una mare soltera i els seus dos fills se'n viuran a un petit poble on descobriran la seva connexió amb els orígens dels Caçafantasmes i el llegat secret que el seu avi els ha deixat.

L'Asuka i la Mari són enviades amb les unitats Evangelion 02 i 08 a l'òrbita de la Terra per recuperar un contenidor on es troba en Shinji, segellat amb la unitat 01. Quan l'Asuka recull el recipient, s'alliberen les unitats drone Evangelion Mark.04, construides per SEELE. La Mari no pot seguir donant suport degut a la seva reentrada atmosfèrica prematura, i deixa l'Asuka tota sola per lluitar contra els drones. La unitat 01 es desperta i destrueix els avions, baixant junts a la Terra.

A tailor gains special powers after being struck by lightning but must take down an unexpected foe if he is to become the superhero his hometown in Kerala needs.

El canvi pot ser aterridor! Drac s’enfrontarà amb una de les situacions més esgarrifoses que mai no hagi viscut. El misteriós invent de Van Helsing està fora de control i Drac i els seus amics monstruosos es transformaran en... humans! I, Johnny... en un monstre!!!

When Seiya, Hyōga and Shun visit Saori (Athena) at the orphanage, they meet an employee called Eri. An orphan herself, Eri takes a liking to Hyōga and one night they sit outside watching the stars. They see a shooting star and Hyōga asks Eri to make a wish. After Hyōga leaves, however, Eri becomes powerfully attracted to the shooting star and wanders alone into the woods, where she finds a golden apple. She is then possessed by Eris, the Goddess of Discord, and kidnaps Athena, planning to use the golden apple to suck her energy out, fully reincarnate and take over the world. Eris leaves a message for the Bronze Saints, who set out for the goddess's temple which appears on the mountains. There, the heroes fight the five Ghost Saints: Maya of Sagitta, Orpheus of Lyra, Christ of the Southern Cross, Jan of Scutum (called by the Japanese name Tateza) and Jäger of Orion.

Un equip de periodistes viatja a través dels EUA durant la ràpida escalada de la Segona Guerra Civil nord-americana, que enfronta el govern amb les "Forces Occidentals" separatistes, liderades per Texas i Califòrnia. Retrat d’un futur distòpic en què el govern s'ha convertit en una dictadura i les milícies partidistes extremistes cometen crims de guerra amb regularitat.

When his family is murdered, a deaf-mute named Boy escapes to the jungle and is trained by a mysterious shaman to repress his childish imagination and become an instrument of death.

Recent college grad Jaime Reyes returns home full of aspirations for his future, only to find that home is not quite as he left it. As he searches to find his purpose in the world, fate intervenes when Jaime unexpectedly finds himself in possession of an ancient relic of alien biotechnology: the Scarab.

In an alternate timeline the original Godzilla is never defeated and repeatedly reemerges to feed on Japan's energy sources. A new inter-dimensional weapon called the Dimension Tide is created with the intent of eliminating Godzilla. However, the new weapon might also serve as a gateway to something far more sinister.

The Making-of James Cameron's Avatar. It shows interesting parts of the work on the set.

L'oficial de les forces especials, Matteo Donner, lluita amb la culpa després de perdre el seu millor amic en una missió conjunta. De tornada a Amsterdam, Donner acaba en una guerra d'un sol home intentant resoldre el seu únic objectiu: rescatar la filla segrestada del seu amic mort.

Giacomo is a low-level actor and voice actor with a great passion for acting. After another disappointing audition he has one last chance to get the part assigned

Based on True Events: Suffering from sleep paralysis, a medical student falls prey to a demonic force that wants to rip her apart from within. Torn between sanity and the unknown, she's left with no alternative but to contact a local priest for help.

Inventor Goro Ibuki creates a humanoid robot named Jet Jaguar. It is soon seized by an undersea race of people called the Seatopians. Using Jet Jaguar as a guide, the Seatopians send Megalon as vengeance for the nuclear tests that have devastated their society.

Decidits a viure una nova vida més a prop de la natura, una parella parisenca i els seus dos fills es muden a una petita comunitat rural. Però quan descobreixen que tots els nous veïns són caçadors entusiastes, han de fer tot el possible per eliminar-los.

Star is a young graffiti writer, the best in his city, Paris. His reputation attracts him as much into art galleries than in the police precincts. Accused of vandalism, he faces jail. Despite the threat, he decides to go to Rome with his crew in search of the meaning of his art.

Emma has a wonderful husband and two kids in the suburbs of New Jersey – she also has a secret life as an assassin for hire – a secret that her husband David discovers when the couple decide to spice up their marriage with a little role play.