Oscar nominated Live Action Shorts 2014: "Helium" (Director: Anders Walter, Denmark). "The Voorman Problem" (Director: Mark Gill, UK). "Avant Que De Tout Perdre" (Director: Xavier Legrand, France). "Aquel No Era Yo" (Director: Esteban Crespo, Spain). "Pitääkö Mun Kaikki Hoitaa?" (Director: Selma Vilhunen, Finland).

A cautionary tale about the absurdly dire consequences of oversharing on social media.

Wanting a closer connection with his older brother, freshman Ted Wheeler seeks initiation into a group called "The Kings". But, as the corruption of The Kings is revealed, Ted must expose the ugly truth about the brother he once idolized.

Eduardo Peña and Angel Ruiz are two Spanish actors who are on tour in Argentina. They try to achieve success there with a play that speaks of man and his passage through life, but the spectators are becoming increasingly scarce. One day his old car breaks down and they stop at Zapallares, a lost town. There, on the eve of the municipal elections, they meet an old friend, Professor Roberto Tolosa (Dario Grandinetti), critical of the construction of a new hotel and with the political class of the place and that will try to reopen a theater with the help of their fifth-year students, despite opposition from politicians.

A criminal gossip magazine receives a video tape from Japan's most notorious criminal rapist, the "Hyper Villain" Shouhei Eno. On the tape, Eno reveals himself and proclaims he has raped 107 girls in 10 years. He also offers the magazine a chance to interview him and film his upcoming 108th rape.

Enraged by an unseemly love affair between best friend and teacher, a student carelessly awakens a wraith that feeds on its victim's most shameful regrets.

In the tradition of Sunday Too Far Away, this independent film is based on the classic Australian play by John Power. Pic tells the story of a group of miners living in a camp in outback Australia. They swear, brawl, gamble, and drink heavily. Central to the story is the conflict between Tarzan, the authoritarian group leader and cocky loud-mouth wisecracking Pansy. This results in a bare-knuckle punch-up for the movie's denouement.

When Abhoy gets engaged to Sabitri she starts to ridicule him as he is old fashioned and socially awkward. Will situations change for Abhoy?


Eleven-year-old Marco (Daniel D'Amico) is cunning and smart, and he knows it. With the face of an angel and the heart of a trickster, his pranks are the terror of the neighborhood and everyone is fair game for his cunning imagination. Can Marco get away with his annoying behavior or will he end up behind the eight ball? Can the town be made safe from Marco the Menace?

话说这一日,唐朝和尚唐僧(何藩 饰)带着沿途手下的徒弟孙悟空(周龙章 饰)、猪八戒(彭鹏 饰)、沙和尚(田琛 饰)跋山涉水,历经艰苦,辗转来到了烈火炎炎的火焰山。因当年悟空大闹天空踹翻了炼丹炉,导致天火降落人间,非铁扇公主(丁红 饰)的宝扇不能灭除。悟空因之前降伏红孩儿,致令结拜大哥牛魔王(井淼 饰)及其夫人铁扇公主对其恨之入骨,坚决不肯借扇子,由此上演了三盗芭蕉扇的好戏。经过一波三折,师徒四人好不容易闯过火焰山,结果又遭遇白骨精姐妹(郑佩佩 & 何莉莉 饰)两姐妹的阻截。为吃到唐僧肉,白骨精变化多端,诡计频出……

Fogi is enjoying his never ending puberty. But simultaneously Fogi is also trying to live up to his family duties and bring up Véna, his son from the first marriage. He did not get married again but lives with Jana, a post office employee. Together they have little Anicka and they all live in a flat in a small town. At first, Jana is trying to tolerate Fogi's moods, but her patience is running out. Fogi loses his job. On top of that he starts to see himself in his adolescent son and realizes with horror that Véna repeats his own mistakes. The first fights, bans and mutual misunderstandings are approaching.

供职某媒体的杨晨(陈司翰 饰)和林欣雅(贡米 饰)是一对办公室情侣,不知为何二人陷入冷战,彼此横眉冷对,相顾无言。就在此时,总编(李菁 饰)命令二人前往偏远的落坡岭镇真情宾馆调查一起不久前发生的凶杀案。虽然心中不情愿,但是他们还是结伴同行。真情宾馆位于一个偏远所在,小店简陋阴暗,且正处在装修中。二人分房而睡,谁知却从对方房间传来暧昧诡异的声音。紧接着,身穿黑衣手持利刃的杀人狂惊现宾馆,展开一连串的血腥大屠杀。