
一年一度的七夕即将到来,东京、神奈、静冈、长野等地却接连发生六起连环杀人案,被害者身边皆留下麻将牌中的七筒和奇怪暗示。由于作案范围过大,各地警署探员纷纷聚到东京警署的专案组共同研究案情,毛利小五郎也被邀请参加,柯南则偷偷听取了会议的内容。会后,柯南无意中听到群马县警部山村操哼唱的童谣,继而发现有黑衣组织的成员混进警察中间。在一次围捕行动中,柯南遇到假扮人质的 Vermouth,得知近期一连串的杀人案件与存有组织内部人员资料的记忆卡有关。与此同时,潜入警察内部的间谍偷偷盗取工藤新一和柯南的指纹,新一的身份眼看被拆穿,巨大的危险正向他和身边的人急速袭来。

亚当(Andrzej Chyra 饰)直到21岁才发现人生的使命就是成为主的仆人。如今他已是波兰乡村的一位牧师,因帮助和挽救问题青少年而深受乡民爱戴。他拒绝了金发女郎伊娃(Maja Ostaszewska 饰)的求欢,表示已将此身献给上帝——然而这并不是全部原因。当他知道自己喜欢男性后,他就把从事牧师职业当成了对抗这种欲望的手段。直到遇见当地农户之子、沉默寡言的卢卡斯(Mateusz Kosciukiewicz 饰)后,亚当的禁欲心防终于决堤,迎接他的将是生命不能承受之重......

《博物馆》讲述的故事发生在1985年,一群罪犯为了嘲笑墨西哥人类学博物馆的安全指数,而去盗窃博物馆中的140多件前西班牙的文物。尽管电影取材于1985年发生的真实事件,电影与原始事件本身一样让人吃惊,它以精细的手法接近真相,又在每一个转折处进行重塑,并借鉴了多种电影类型 。

Based on the book by Caroline B. Cooney, a girl happens to look down at a milk carton one day and she sees herself on the back! Could her parents really have kidnapped her?

An shy writer has to go out on a date with a different man every month in order to write an article for her company's 'Man for Every Month' blog.

After a serious accident on a film shoot, Marc, an equestrian, loses all hope to mount back on. His insurance company instructs Florence to handle his case. This film is the story of their meeting.

Lauren, a lovely 29-year-old it-girl, tries to break into the world of fashion by skimming Parisian parties. Olivia, a 28-year-old psychologist, has two obsessions: to save the confectionery of her parents, and to find her ideal husband. At the age of 26, Salma, a fiery young history teacher, still lives with her mother in the suburbs. Their roads have no reason to cross - until the day when, on the death of their biological father that they never knew, they inherit together a splendid Parisian apartment. For these three sisters who have nothing in common, cohabitation will prove to be explosive, to say the least.

Camila Mendes is a pop star who only thinks about her fame. However, her life changes completely when she suddenly wakes up in 2004, as a not at all popular girl.

At a Christmastime event, Jenna shares an impromptu, unforgettable kiss with the dashing billionaire, Cooper Montgomery. Unaware of his intentions and fearful of getting hurt in another relationship, Jenna vows to resist his charms, but begins to realize his affection is real as the two spend more time together.




The only thing that is working in Cassie's world is her small town business. Her Christmas Cupcakery is a huge success, but her love life is a mess. Cassie's whole universe is turned upside down when she falls in love with a co-worker who is revealed to be the famous and notoriously troubled actor Alex Gray. There's no denying that Alex and Cassie are in love, but can their relationship survive the pressure of Hollywood and the holidays?

In 1944, a retired German detachment found itself stranded in a French town. The inhabitants try to live in good harmony with the occupants. But one day kids, playing with a grenade, accidentally cause the death of an SS lieutenant.

Gilles is suffering from amnesia as the result of a mysterious accident.

  明朝嘉靖期间,"一英三杰"----贺英、龙、虎、獒在朝堂内外赫赫有名。贺英(甄子丹饰)和獒(王宝强饰)曾为孤儿被桃源村收留,二人自小加入锦衣卫训练营并由此结识龙(任达华饰)、虎(喻亢饰)两兄弟,四人在训练成长中结下深厚友谊,歃血为盟。   某日,贺英奉皇帝之命前往天竺国押运相传可以预知未来的国宝"时空金球"。归来途中,却突遇龙、虎和獒这三个兄弟前来捉拿自己。原来朝廷重臣杜大人一家被人杀害,现场杀人证据一并指向贺英。众人正在争斗当中,地动山摇,巨大雪崩将四人淹没。   400年后,意外解冻的贺英来到了现代社会,并在万圣节的晚上偶遇醉意朦胧的都市女孩小美(黄圣依饰)。小美时尚靓丽,表面拜金,实则心地善良。在小美的帮助下,天资聪慧的贺英很快学会了适应了高科技的现代社会,同时,随着在生活中的相处与了解,贺英和小美感情也发生了微妙变化。   与此同时,虎、獒二人也相继从冰封中解冻,由于记忆还停留在400年前,二人开始不停追捕贺英,并在香港青马大桥激烈开战,就在贺英与虎、獒恶斗的同时,却遭遇神秘第三方发射的麻醉弹,贺英中枪昏迷坠海……

Set in Paris, a man working in fish delivery becomes involved in a legal battle with his sperm donations.
