In the midst of an attempt to take over his company, a powerhouse executive is hit with a huge ransom demand when his servant's son is kidnapped.

In medieval Japan, a woman and her children journey to find the family's patriarch, who was exiled years before.

Francis, a young man, recalls in his memory the horrible experiences he and his fiancée Jane recently went through. Francis and his friend Alan visit The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, an exhibit where the mysterious doctor shows the somnambulist Cesare, and awakens him for some moments from his death-like sleep.

In late 19th century Tokyo, Kikunosuke Onoue, the adopted son of a legendary actor, himself an actor specializing in female roles, discovers that he is only praised for his acting due to his status as his father's heir. Devastated by this, he turns to Otoku, a servant of his family, for comfort, and they fall in love. Kikunosuke becomes determined to leave home and develop as an actor on his own merits, and Otoku faithfully follows him.

A 28-year-old single woman is pressured to marry.

Chan Wing Yan, a young police officer, has been sent undercover as a mole in the local mafia. Lau Kin Ming, a young mafia member, infiltrates the police force. Years later, their older counterparts, Chen Wing Yan and Inspector Lau Kin Ming, respectively, race against time to expose the mole within their midst.

While her son, Kichi, is away at war, a woman and her daughter-in-law survive by killing samurai who stray into their swamp, then selling whatever valuables they find. Both are devastated when they learn that Kichi has died, but his wife soon begins an affair with a neighbor who survived the war, Hachi. The mother disapproves and, when she can't steal Hachi for herself, tries to scare her daughter-in-law with a mysterious mask from a dead samurai.

Príbeh o náhodných známostiach, životných hodnotách a možnostiach výberu. Keď sa kariérista Ted Kramer neskoro večer vracia domov, jeho žena Joanna mu oznámi, že od neho odchádza. Celý život bola „niečia dcéra a potom niečia manželka“. Teraz chce nájsť samú seba. Ted sa teraz musí sám starať o ich šesťročného syna. Spozná a naučí sa to, čo mnoho otcov nevie: variť, chodiť so synom na ihrisko a do parku, rozumieť jeho potrebám a strachu. Prvýkrát vo svojom živote sa cíti ako plnohodnotný otec. Ale zrazu sa Joanna vracia a chce svojho syna späť.

Jamie Graham, a privileged English boy, is living in Shanghai when the Japanese invade and force all foreigners into prison camps. Jamie is captured with an American sailor, who looks out for him while they are in the camp together. Even though he is separated from his parents and in a hostile environment, Jamie maintains his dignity and youthful spirit, providing a beacon of hope for the others held captive with him.

Eiko seeks out Miyoharu, a geisha, and asks to be her apprentice. When she is ready to receive clients, both women want the right to refuse certain men.

A jaded prima ballerina reminisces about her first love affair after she is unexpectedly sent her lover's old diary.

Lissette's favorite aunt Adriana, who lives in Australia, is arrested in 2007 while visiting her family in Chile and accused of having worked for dictator Pinochet's notorious secret police, the DINA, and of having participated in the commission of state crimes. When Adriana denies these accusations, Lissette begins to investigate her story in order to film a documentary about her.

A man rents an apartment and furnishes it in remarkable fashion.

A professional cellist has an encounter with a stranger on the subway which has unexpected and far-reaching ramifications on his life.

Yankie director Don Tyler faces mounting insecurity and declining health while on location in Beijing, so his assistant hires down-and-out camerman YoYo to take the reins. Scrambling, studio boss sells the sagging picture to a Japanese media company. But YoYo is determined to upstage the whole production by granting the director's wish to have a grand "comedy funeral". To raise the money for it, he auctions off advertising and sponsorships for the funeral to companies around the world. But Don getting better?

Randolph Scott ako pištoľník Bart Allison pricestuje do zapadnutého ospalého mestečka Sundown s jednoduchým plánom - zabiť istého Tatea Kimbrougha. Barta nevedie túžba po spravodlivosti, ale pomsta. Tate totiž pred troma rokmi zviedol Bartovu manželku, ktorá potom spáchala samovraždu. Fakt, že Barta opustila dobrovoľne, ho sužuje dodnes. Každý z oboch mužov cíti, že je sčasti zodpovedný a vinný za jej smrť. Kimbrougha nájde a oznámi mu, že ho do západu slnka zabije, ale veci sa vyvíjajú inak, ako si Bart predstavoval.

Aby sa vyhli letným dopravným zápcham, odchádza päťčlenná rodina spolu so starým otcom na dovolenku skoro ráno za úsvitu vo svojom úplne novom minivane. Otec rodiny Tom nastaví elektronický regulátor rýchlosti na 80 míľ za hodinu. Tom si však počas jazdy všimne, že vôbec nemá kontrolu nad vozidlom. Elektronika už nereaguje a rýchlosť začne rýchlo stúpať na 100 míľ za hodinu. Žiadne z manévrov, ktorými sa snaží auto spomaliť, nemajú žiadny účinok. Nekontrolovateľné vozidlo, šesť cestujúcich na palube, ktorí chytajú záchvaty paniky a dlhé kolóny na diaľnici – to je doslova vražedná kombinácia! V tejto situácii rodinke pomôže len zázrak.

When two young lovers are savagely beaten and tortured on a back country road in Texarkana, local police are baffled and must find "the Phantom Killer" before he can kill again.

Čo znamená stať sa manželkou zo Stepfordu, ženou až neuveriteľne dokonalou? Opýtajte sa stepfordských manželov, ktorí vytvorili dokonalé, avšak z istého pohľadu desivé mestečko. Joanna Eberhartová (Nicole Kidmanová) sa s manželom Walterom (Matthew Broderick) a deťmi presťahujú do dokonalého moderného mestečka Stepfordu. Všetko sa zdá také perfektné, že je to až neuveriteľné. Všetky ženy sa skvelo starajú o svojich manželov, o domácnosť a dokonale si plnia svoje manželské povinnosti. Prečo je v Stepforde všetko také dokonalé?

They are in their thirties but live just as they did in their twenties. They are in love with love but, in their search, they tear each other apart, wandering from ex-girlfriend to ex-girlfriend, from relationship to relationship.