Any 1849, a Nova York. Catherine Sloper, una rica hereva, tímida, innocent, poc agraciada i no gaire jove, és pretesa per un atractiu jove. Ella se n'enamora apassionadament, però el seu cruel i despòtic pare s'oposa al casament i amenaça de desheretar-la...

A meeting in a London bus with jewel thief Lady Christina takes a turn for the worse for the Doctor when the bus takes a detour to a desert-like planet, where the deadly Swarm awaits.

A pair of Americans want to perform the greatest robbery: the treasure of San Genaro, in Napoli.

A husband and wife lie to each other about their weekend travel plans, only to both show up at the family's country house with their lovers.

On a trip to visit his parents, detective Nick Charles gets mixed up in a murder investigation.

Blessed with a keen sense of smell and cursed with a philandering pornographer husband, a parasitic mother, and a pair of delinquent children, the long-suffering Francine Fishpaw turns to the bottle as her life falls apart -- until deliverance appears in the form of a hunk named Todd Tomorrow.

Yashima is a woman who works as a plumber. She is also uncomfortable with her own sexuality. One day she visits a home for a job and meets Kyu. Yashima senses Kyu's eyes watching her. They become intimate, but a dark secret is soon revealed.

Having fathered an illegitimate child with his lover, Marie, feckless soldier Franz Woyzeck takes odd jobs around his small town to provide some extra money for them. One of them is volunteering for experiments conducted by a local doctor, who puts Woyzeck on a diet of peas. This serves to drive him close to madness, and the discovery that Marie is involved in an affair with the local drum major exacerbates the situation. Pushed too far, Woyzeck resorts to violence.

When Ryo, a young magazine reporter, moves into a new apartment he is greeted by the passionate sounds of his astonishingly beautiful neighbor Satsuki. Realizing the wall dividing their apartments is paper thin, the captivated journalist begins to eavesdrop on every detail of the girl next door's life: her conversations, her bubble baths... her breathless cries.

Young-hee és una actriu que manté una relació amorosa amb un home casat. Quan la jove es veu sola meditant sobre l'impassible i indiferent que es troba davant de tot, optarà per agafar-se un temps.

The mother of a missing child takes in a lost girl she finds in the woods, but soon begins to wonder if she is even human.

A finals de la guerra civil nord-americana (1861-1865), un grup de confederats manats pel capità Pierre Cardona es dedica a robar els carregaments d'or que transporta l'exèrcit ianqui.

Charlie and his troublesome cousin Paulie decide to steal $150000 in order to back a "sure thing" race horse that Paulie has inside information on. The aftermath of the robbery gets them into serious trouble with the local Mafia boss and the corrupt New York City police department.

Ottone, a professional dog sitter who's uncertain about most things in life, asks an analyst if he made the right decision love-wise while recounting the significant relationships he had with four women.

James Ferraday, comandant del submarí nuclear nord-americà Tigerfish, rep l'ordre de navegar fins al Pol Nord per rescatar un equip de científics en perill de l'estació meteorològica polar Zebra. L'acompanyarà un misteriós civil britànic amb instruccions secretes de l'alt comandament i un escamot de Marines. Durant el periple s'uniran a la missió un capità inflexible i un rus amistós. Tot plegat fa sospitar al comandant que el veritable objectiu de la missió és un altre i que el submarí i la seva tripulació es troben en greu perill perquè un dels nouvinguts no és el que aparenta.

Terry Dean is an electronics wizard and thief. After he is released from jail, he is hit by a car while saving a little girl's life. While in the hospital, he dreams that God visits him and tells him he's an Angel, and must start doing good things to make up for his past life. Not believing it at first, he soon becomes convinced he must be an Angel. Not having any Angel powers yet, he must use his own experiences and talents to make good things happen.

Cada dia, una hora abans de la mitjanit, al vell Castell d'Eulenstein, el Petit Fantasma surt a fer el recorregut quotidià. S?avorreix i li agradaria veure el món exterior… Potser per això, l?endemà de trobar-se amb un grup de nens d?excursió al castell, es desperta tard i es troba perdut a la ciutat, transformat en un petit fantasma fosc pels raigs del sol, terroritzant involuntàriament tots els que es troben amb ell. Només l'ajuda dels seus petits amics el pot salvar. Una superproducció basada en un conte d'Ottfried Preussler, autor també de “Krabat i el molí del diable”, entre d'altres clàssics infantils.

Vowing revenge on the detective who apprehended him, serial killer "Meat Cleaver" Max Jenke returns from beyond the grave to launch a whole new reign of terror.

A macho type man becomes entangled with an independent-minded girl.

The unspeakable evil of the soul-devouring djinn rises again in this fourth electrifying installment of the unstoppable Wishmaster horror legacy! But now, as a host of new victims see their most nightmarish wishes come true, the world faces the ultimate demonic terror: an onslaught of multiple djinns hell-bent on destroying everything in their path!