
Walter Pinner is the titular Punch And Judy Man plying his trade in the seaside town of Piltdown. Unhappily married to his social climbing wife, who gets him to perform at the 60th Anniversary celebrations of the town in front of all the local dignitaries, his hatred of snobbery comes to a hilarious head.


故事发生在《大话西游》上一集《月光宝盒》之前500年。至尊宝被月光宝盒带回到五百年前,恰巧遇到紫霞仙子(朱茵 饰)。紫霞仙子曾有一誓言,只要谁能拔出她手中的紫青宝剑,就是她的意中人。不想宝剑被至尊宝拔出,紫霞决定以身相许,却遭至尊宝拒绝。 紫霞迷失在沙漠,为牛魔王所救。牛魔王逼紫霞与之成婚。关键时刻,至尊宝转世成为齐天大圣孙悟空,踏着五彩祥云来救紫霞。打斗中,悟空为救师父而放弃了紫霞,紫霞为牛魔王所杀。

困苦的爹,辛劳的妈,破烂的院子,破碎的他。西虹市做大做强的路上怎么把老马家落下了?! “汤里没油,兜里没子”的马成钢(沈腾 饰)和春兰(马丽 饰),赶驴打工,家徒四壁,而儿子马继业(肖帛辰 饰)则是他们逆天改命的唯一希望。小马很争气,年年好成绩,一点不娇气,意志贼坚毅。但随着小马一天天长大,他却逐渐发现身边的人们都越来越不对劲……

A place-specific film-excavation of Bixiga neiborhood – São Paulo. Choreography of forces that cross present time. Filmancy, clairvoyance is the vision of what is taking shape.

A made-for-tv movie based on tv series 'Crossbow'.


What would it feel like to be a bird and fly over the trees and housetops? A boy named Willy finds out when the Sparrow Guardian turns him into a Sparrow for shooting a BB gun at the little birds. Suddenly, Willy's own cat thinks of him as lunch but, luckily, some new sparrow friends rush to Willy's rescue. They deliver him to a grandfatherly old bird named Cipur who takes Willy under his wing, teaches him how to fly, and so much more. In return, Willy fulfills Cipur's lifelong dream for knowledge by teaching him ow to read. Willy's new friendship helps him understand that all creatures have feelings and deserve to be treated with kindness and respect. Before Willy is turned back into a boy, he leads the sparrows in a brave but perilous plan to retake their home in the barn from Blacky the cat. Finally, the Sparrow Guardian offers Willy a very special opportunity.

With their headmistress under lock and key in her majesty's prison, the St Trinian's girls find themselves under the protection of the army. However, when the sixth form take a fancy to winning a trip to Italy through means fair or foul, the army discover this is one battle they can't win. Let loose in Europe, it is not long before St Trinian's have succeeded in endangering European relations.

Two wanderers, a young man and a young woman, meet in the desert and decide to travel on together. The two travellers walk and hitch-hike their way down the road to their destination, the beach, becoming friends and lovers.

In 2013, a 2,000-year-old statue of Apollo was found near Gaza, only to disappear all of a sudden. Apollo, god of art, beauty and divinations, incites all sorts of rumors, even the craziest ones. The Apollo of Gaza is at once an inquiry and a meditation on history, plunging us into the barely known reality of a territory that is still paying the price of wars and a merciless blockade, but where life also subsists, undefeated. By bringing a little light to the sky of Gaza, the statue and its stupefying story could return some dignity and hope to all people.

  好莱坞怪才昆汀塔伦蒂诺的电影一向以情节怪诞充满黑色幽默而著称。他1996年监制的电影《留低你个死人头》也不例外,说的是女主角嘉比拉自幼便对杀人事件充满好奇,一直都想要知道究竟割下的人头是否会有知觉,是否还会说话?正好这时发生了一连串凶案———一名冷血杀手以凶残的手段谋杀 了数名社交名嫒,并把她们的头割下。嘉比拉把握机会,决定对此案件进行深入调查。   盖布莉(安琪拉琼丝饰)小时候曾在谋杀现场目睹尸体,造成她潜意识中对这种奇异经验有一点害怕,又有一点好奇。由于住在高犯罪率的迈阿密,盖布莉仍对谋杀案的细节存著浓厚的兴趣,每天还仔细收看相关新闻、作剪报。迈阿密发生连续断头命案,受害者均为多金少妇,凶手因此被冠上「贵族杀手」(威廉鲍德温饰)的称号;盖布莉对于这位神秘杀手的行凶动机一样抱持强烈的好奇心。为了更接近案件真相,盖布莉竟然前往一家专门清理命案善后的清洁公司应徵女佣,并恰巧来到「贵族杀手」最近犯案的地点,谁知道····

Matt, a well known writer and director, suffers a traumatic experience, that leads to him being deathly afraid to go outside. Therefore he decides to attempt to write, direct, and star in a feature film, all from his apartment.

Free-lance undercover agent Coplan receives a phone call from an old girlfriend in Turkey. The panic-stricken woman gives sketchy details of a plot that threatens world security. When Coplan arrives, he is told the woman has been killed, and the trail of the murderer leads to her mad-scientist brother.

I 'Anja og Viktor – I medgang og modgang', den femte Anja og Viktor-film, er parret kommet i pengemangel. De bor sammen med deres lille datter i vennernes ramponerede øvelokale i Sydhavnen, men da kommunens ivrige mand afslører dem i at bruge øvelokalet som bolig, og de nu regulært står på gaden, hvis de ikke skaffer penge til lejligheden, er familien i en presset situation.

8mm film by Swiss artist Roman Signer.

Three coming of age boys always meet up at the local water tower every summer to hang out, soon do they figure out the dark history behind the town's water tower.