Imprisoned in the 1940s for the double murder of his wife and her lover, upstanding banker Andy Dufresne begins a new life at the Shawshank prison, where he puts his accounting skills to work for an amoral warden. During his long stretch in prison, Dufresne comes to be admired by the other inmates -- including an older prisoner named Red -- for his integrity and unquenchable sense of hope.

Eighties teenager Marty McFly is accidentally sent back in time to 1955, inadvertently disrupting his parents' first meeting and attracting his mother's romantic interest. Marty must repair the damage to history by rekindling his parents' romance and - with the help of his eccentric inventor friend Doc Brown - return to 1985.

On the first day at his new school, Cameron instantly falls for Bianca, the gorgeous girl of his dreams. The only problem is that Bianca is forbidden to date until her ill-tempered, completely un-dateable older sister Kat goes out, too. In an attempt to solve his problem, Cameron singles out the only guy who could possibly be a match for Kat: a mysterious bad boy with a nasty reputation of his own.

Mutantam Veidam Vilsonam (viņš arī – Dedpūls) jāapvieno sabiedroto mutantu komanda, lai aizstāvētu jaunu puisi ar pārdabiskām spējām no nežēlīgā, laikā ceļojošā kiborga Keibla.

A group of old friends have a tradition of going to a public bathing house on New Year's Eve. Occasionally too much vodka and beer makes two of them unconscious. The problem is that one of them (Sasha) has to go to Leningrad but another one (Zhenya) goes. Zhenya wakes up at Leningrad airport. Believing that he is still in Moscow he takes a taxi and goes home. The street name, building and even apartment number, the way an apartment complex looks the same and the key coincide completely - just typical Soviet-type 'economy' architecture. Imagine the surprise of Nadya when she enters her apartment and finds a man without trousers in her bed. What's more - Nadya's fiancé also finds him there...

Vakanda nav tikai vienkārša teritorija, dziļi noslēpta Āfrikas mežonīgajos apvidos – tās unikālie derīgie izrakteņi vienmēr piesaistījuši alkatīgus cilvēkus, kuri gatavi iznīcināt visu savā ceļā, lai tiktu pie dārgumiem. Šeit dzīvojošos cilvēkus senāk aizsargāja savannas gars – Melnā Pantera. Pēc daudziem gadiem Vakandā atkal ierodas alkatīgais ienaidnieks – šoreiz apbruņojies ar modernām tehnoloģijām. Tam pretī var stāties tikai kāds, kurš būs gatavs ļaut atdzimt Melnās Panteras leģendai.

In 1666, a colonial town is gripped by a hysterical witch-hunt that has deadly consequences for centuries to come, and it's up to teenagers in 1994 to finally put an end to their town's curse, before it's too late.

La Vie normale est un spectacle de Gad Elmaleh sorti en 2001 où sont dépeints les caractères de plusieurs personnages et où il joue son propre rôle.

Gads 1971. Vairāku ASV laikrakstu, tostarp "The New York Times" un "The Washington Post", rīcībā nonāca Pentagona dokumenti, kas atklāja jau gadiem piesegtas nelikumības.

Tikai Betmens var pasargāt pilsētu no pilnīga haosa, kad Pingvīns apdraud metropoles mieru un kārtību. Tikmēr Tumsas bruņinieks, iespējams, saticis sev līdzvērtīgu būtni – nāvīgi lokano Kaķsievieti. Viņš tikai nezina - viņa ir draugs... vai ienaidnieks.

Bijusī ugunsdzēsēju brigādes vadītāja Hanna jau gadu nespēj pārdzīvot meža ugunsgrēkā bojāgājušo kolēģi un trīs zēnu nāvi. Tagad viņas darba vieta ir skatu tornis Montanas mežos. Savukārt kāds grāmatvedis, kas nesen uzzinājis būtisku kompromitējošu informāciju, sācis slēpties no slepkavām. Kopā ar dēlu viņš devies uz tiem pašiem Montanas mežiem, kur par šerifu strādā viņa mirušās sievas brālis.

Camp counselors are stalked and murdered by an unknown assailant while trying to reopen a summer camp that was the site of a child's drowning.

To end an apocalyptic war and save her daughter, a reluctant soldier embarks on a desperate mission to cross a frozen sea carrying a top-secret cargo.

Kai—an outcast—joins Oishi, the leader of 47 outcast samurai. Together they seek vengeance upon the treacherous overlord who killed their master and banished their kind. To restore honour to their homeland, the warriors embark upon a quest that challenges them with a series of trials that would destroy ordinary warriors.

Alex, a boy obsessed with scary stories, is trapped by a witch in her modern, magical New York City apartment. His original hair-raising tales are the only thing keeping him safe as he desperately tries to find a way out of this twisted place.

In this fifth installment, Death is just as omnipresent as ever, and is unleashed after one man’s premonition saves a group of coworkers from a terrifying suspension bridge collapse. But this group of unsuspecting souls was never supposed to survive, and, in a terrifying race against time, the ill-fated group frantically tries to discover a way to escape Death’s sinister agenda.

While Sidney Prescott and her friends visit the Hollywood set of Stab 3, the third film based on the Woodsboro murders, another Ghostface killer rises to terrorize them.

Jesse Walsh moves with his family into the home of the lone survivor from a series of attacks by dream-stalking monster, Freddy Krueger. There, he is bedeviled by nightmares and inexplicably violent impulses.

After a young man's premonition of a deadly race-car crash helps saves the lives of his peers, Death sets out to collect those who evaded their end.

An archeology professor unearths a dangerous artifact, unwittingly releasing a creature that is able to kill with the power of its bone-splitting scream.