Teyve és el lleter d'un poble ucraïnès. Viu feliç amb la seva dona i les seves cinc filles, totes solteres. Una tarda, mentre fa el seu repartiment, coneix Perchick, un pobre estudiant de Kíev amb ideals revolucionaris. Tots dos simpatitzen i Teyve li ofereix casa i menjar a canvi que faci classes a una de les seves filles. Al mateix temps, Lazar Wolf, un rude carnisser que s'ha quedat vidu, demana a Teyve la mà de Tzeitel, la seva filla gran, i aquest se la concedeix.

In a small Spanish town, during the Christmas holidays, a group of rich old ladies organize a peculiar event that consists of inviting a homeless person to sit down to dinner at their wealthy table. Plácido, a humble worker, is hired by the organizers to participate in a parade with his three-wheeled vehicle, a seemingly simple mission that will not be easy for him to accomplish.

In 1940, in the immediate aftermath of the Spanish Civil War, a young girl living on the Castilian plain is haunted after attending a screening of James Whale's 1931 film Frankenstein and hearing from her sister that the monster is not dead, instead existing as a spirit inhabiting a nearby barn.

Històries independents a través de les quals Jim Jarmusch presenta el panorama nocturn de cinc grans ciutats (Los Angeles, Nova York, París, Roma i Hèlsinki), amb un taxi, i el que en ell hi passa des del vespre fins a la matinada d'un mateix dia.

Versió cinematogràfica del mite de Pigmalió inspirada en l'obra teatral homònima de l'escriptor irlandès G.B. Shaw. En una plujosa nit del 1912, l'excèntric i snob lingüista Henry Higgins coneix Eliza Doolittle, una esparracada i ordinària venedora de violetes. El vulgar llenguatge de la florista desperta tant el seu interès que fa una aposta arriscada amb el seu amic, el coronel Pickering: es compromet a ensenyar-lo a parlar correctament l'anglès ia fer-la passar per una dama de l'alta societat en un termini de sis mesos.

While doing a thesis about violence, Ángela finds a snuff video where a girl is tortured to death. Soon she discovers that the girl was a former student at her college...

Professor Hamilton, a naive Nuclear scientist who once thought bombs were good for humanity, realizes his mistake and runs away from his inventions. He hides in Calabuch, a beautiful seaside town where people still believe in humor and friendship.

Blancaneu és una original visió del popular conte dels germans Grimm, ambientada en els anys 20 al sud d'Espanya. Blancaneu, és la Carmen, una bella jove amb una infància turmentada per la seva terrible madrastra, l'Encarna. Fugint del seu passat, la Carmen emprendrà un apassionant viatge acompanyada pels seus nous amics: una colla de nans toreros.

The story revolves around a Basque Roman Catholic priest dedicated to committing as many sins as possible, a death metal salesman from Carabanchel, and the Italian host of a TV show on the occult. These go on a literal "trip" through Christmas-time Madrid to hunt for and prevent the reincarnation of the Antichrist.

An enormous effort of narrative complexity made up of six independent, successive stories, connected by the same four actresses living very different experiences in very different universes…

Texas. Una jove casada i molt seductora cau als braços de Ray, un dels empleats del seu marit. Assabentat per un detectiu privat de la infidelitat de la seva dona i obsessionat per la traïció, Julián es decideix a preparar l'assassinat de tots dos.

During the Spanish Civil War a platoon of mismatched Republican soldiers cross the front-line to steal the bull that the enemy is going to fight on the local holiday of the nearby village. In addition to ruining the Nationalist faction's celebration they want the animal in order to butcher it and feed their famished troops. They get caught in the process and have to go through a series of funny and pathetic incidents before they can get back to their side.

In Madrid, the family of Don Luis, his wife Dolores and their children, Manolita and Luisito, share the daily life of the Civil War with their maid and neighbours. Despite having failed his exams, Luisito wants his father to buy him a bicycle. However, the situation forces them to delay the purchase and the delay, like the war itself, is to last much longer than expected.

A catalan manufacturer of intercoms travels to Madrid, accompanied by his mistress, to attend a hunt that he has organized. Its main purpose is to mix with people of high society to improve their business. All seems well until the owner of the farm shows full authority over James, who is the real organizer of the meeting. The celebration is diverse characters who live next to absurd situations.

Paulino and Carmela are husband and wife, troubadours touring the countryside during the Spanish Civil War. They are Republicans, and with their mute assistant, Gustavete, they journey into rebel territory by mistake. They are arrested, fear a firing squad, and receive a reprieve from an Italian Fascist commander who loves the theatre. He arranges a performance for his troops, bargaining with Paulino to stage a burlesque of the republic in exchange for the actors' freedom. Will the fiery and patriotic Carmela consent?

Ramiro, a bank clerk and father of two young children, has been left, after his wife's death, in the care of Tula, his sister-in-law. From the novel by Miguel de Unamuno, Miguel Picazo (" Dark dreams of August ") premieres as director with this portrait of one of those small provincial cities where nothing ever happens.

Set against the backdrop of an international finance deal in New York and Peru, Oliver's Deal is an intense political drama which explores how far people will go to get what they want.

A terrible war has ravaged the land, and now, fuelled by the blood of numerous fallen warriors the Yoma, demons from hell, emerge once more. A skilled ninja seeks to end the bloodshed these demons inflict upon humanity, but to do this he must fight against his undead former best friend and fellow ninja who was killed in battle and has been resurrected to serve the Yoma.

In a suburban community, moms and dads, one after the other, mysteriously feel the irresistible impulse to attack and kill their own offspring.