Dvaja nájomní pátrači sú na stope tomu istému chlapovi - Indiánovi. Najprv ide každý z nich svojou cestou, ale napokon sa dajú dohromady a pokúsia sa hľadať ho spolu. Ale prečo po ňom pátrajú? Majú obaja ten istý dôvod? Mlčanlivý cudzinec Monco prenasleduje bandu mexických desperátov, aby získal odmenu za ich polapenie. Tých však skôr dolapí a inkasuje vypísanú odmenu známy lovec ľudí, bývalý plukovník Douglas Mortimer. Čoskoro príde k úteku obávaného lupiča El India z väzenia. Monco i Mortimer prichádzajú do El Pasa, kde je najväčšia banka. Obaja totiž predpokladajú, že sa ju El Indio pokúsi vykradnúť...

Hector Valentin returns to France from Canada when he inherits a small sawmill. He has difficulties restarting the run-down operation which has inefficient workers and is hampered by the dirty tactics of its bigger...

When a good-natured factory supervisor living in Milan with his Northern wife returns to his native Sicily, a decades' old oath forces him to fulfill a nightmarish obligation.

Unofficial lawman John Corbett hunts down Cuchillo Sanchez, a Mexican peasant accused of raping and killing a 12-year-old girl.

Jack Burton: užvanený, velkohubý šofér milovaného kamiónu, ktorý smeruje do San Franciska. Kuriózne spojenie toho najlepšieho (a najhoršieho) z Johna Waynea a Indiana Jonesa v jednej osobe, vyhrá stávku nad reštaurátorom Wangom. Aby se uistil, že mu Wang neutečie, Jack sa rozhodne, že ho odvezie na letisko, kam priletí Wangova snúbenica. Jackovi ukradnú kamión, Wangovi snúbenicu a na krku budú mať nielen čínsku mafiu, ...

Akčný veľkofilm, v ktorom hlavnú úlohu hrá medzinárodná špionáž, cestovanie v čase a evolúcia. Podľa všetkého o mužovi, ktorý sa snaží zabrániť tretej svetovej vojne prostredníctvom cestovania v čase a znovuzrodenia.

Asterix, hrdina malého vzrastu, a Obelix, jeho tak trochu prerastený priateľ, sú obyvateľmi galskej dediny, ktorá stále ako jediná odoláva útokom zo strany Rímskej ríše. Tentoraz sa však musia dvaja priatelia vybrať na pomoc do zahraničia, za Asterixovým bratančekom z Veľkej Británie. Majú tam doručiť sud s čarovným nápojom, ktorý má britskej dedine pomôcť ubrániť sa pred Caesarovými vojskami. O všetkom sa, prirodzene, Caesar dozvie, a tak sa netreba čudovať, že sa usiluje našim galským priateľom celú ich výpravu prekaziť.

Renowned gunman Richard Martin is traveling on a train, held up by Billy Kane, a former student of Martin's. Kane spares Martin, but only after shooting his hands. Years later, Martin meets an escaped convict, wrongly convicted for the train robbery. Martin trains his new student and both men seek out Billy Kane.

Rimania sa zúfalo snažia odhaliť tajomstvo nadpozemskej sily Gálov. Ich vodca sa prostredníctvom špióna dozvie o zázračnom nápoji a má na získaní receptu veľký záujem. Chce ho totiž využiť pre svoj vlastný prospech a dostať sa tak až na trón samotného Cézara. Popletený Getafix mu síce zázračný nápoj uvarí, ale s úplne inými účinkami! Po jeho vypití totiž vlasy neustále rastú.

The legendary Tomas Milian stars as Cuchillo, a knife-throwing thief on the run from murderous bandits, sadistic American agents, his hot-blooded fiancée and a sheriff turned bounty hunter, all of whom are gunning for a hidden fortune in gold that could finance the Mexican Revolution.

Lucky Luciano is one of the bosses of the Mafia. He orders the slaughter of 40 other responsibles, therefore becoming the only boss. But a few years later he is put into jail. In 1946, he got a pardon and is sent back to Sicilia. There, he begins becoming one of the chief of the Mafia. The US Army seems to refrain from interfering.

Giuliano Gemma stars as a cool, cocky mercenary enlisted by a sheriff to infiltrate a ruthless gang of outlaws. Ennio Morricone provided the score to this early spaghetti western hit.

A bogatyr is an epic warrior from ancient Kievan Rus. Most are directed in the traditional bylinas, traditional Russian epic poems, as being endowed with enormous strength and cunning, although often not completely immune to human weaknesses. Here, our three heroes gather together once more to rescue the ruler of the land from the attempts of an evil foreign queen. She plans to make him fall in love with her so her youth and beauty can be renewed, but in exchange will destroy his kingdom.

After his sister is kidnapped and murdered, a gunslinger's plans for vengeance involve assassinating two generals to prolong the Civil War.

A gunslinger on the run for a murder he didn't commit goes to New Mexico where he hopes to find a person who can exculpate him. While on his way he finds a girl who has been kidnapped and tortured, sets her free and then takes his revenge at gunpoint.

A dirty bomb goes off in Los Angeles, jamming freeways and spreading a toxic cloud.

Elle Woods dobyla Harvard a teraz začína právnickú kariéru v jednej veľkej firme. Zároveň sa pripravuje na svoju svadbu a chce na ňu pozvať aj matku svojho milovaného psíka. Zisťuje však, že psia dáma je zatvorená v laboratóriu, kde robia testy na zvieratách, a preto sa rozhodne konať. Aby sa jej podarilo oslobodiť zvieratá, musí zmeniť zákon a preniknúť až do amerického Kongresu!

François Gautier is stingy! Saving puts the joy, it causes pay sweats. His life is set for the sole purpose of never spend anything. A life that will switch in one day: he falls in love and discovers he has a daughter he did not know existed. Forced to lie in order to hide his terrible default, this will be the beginning for François problems. Because lie can sometimes be expensive. Very expensive…

Ben Cronin has it all: the admiration of his many friends, a terrific girlfriend, and he's on the fast-track to an athletic scholarship. Ben's rock-solid, promising future and romance are turned upside-down with the arrival of Madison Bell. Madison, the new girl in town, quickly sets her sights on the impressionable Ben. While their first few meetings are innocent enough, the obsessive and seductive Madison wants more ... much more.

Unknown to anybody else but himself The Stranger arrives in an abandoned town where he witnesses the slaughter of Mexican soldiers by a gang led by Aguila. The Stranger threatens Aguila to denounce him if he does not accept to let him take part in the theft of a shipment of gold. The plan is a success but when The Stranger claims his due, he gets a good beating instead. However The Stranger manages to escape with the gold. The bandits, who want his skin, pursue him. But The Stranger is not the kind to get caught so easily...