As the entertainment industry's biggest tabloid draw, Jennifer Lopez has had successful careers in multiple fields. Here, Lopez showcases her career as a pop singer with every one of her music videos to date -- from her debut, "If You Had My Love," to her latest release, "Baby I Love You." J. Lo also enhances the collection by providing personal commentary to each video, including how the ideas came to light and which videos she likes best.

After an unthinkable tragedy, a man's reality is shattered by a seemingly haunted flaslight.

Young man has his dreams come true when the sexy new maid seduces him. But she also has a secret that leads to trouble.

Since some bird chicks hatched in the neighborhood, the bat hasn't got any sleep.

Intertwined stories from the gladiator/athletes participating to the Calcio Storico Fiorentino yearly championship.

After the events of the first movie, Yagami Light faces two new adversaries as he is trying to create a perfect world without crime or criminals. This movie continues the first TV special and is a summary of the last 12 episodes of the TV anime.

Sang-hoon is a lowlife gangster, a debt collector exercising thuggish ways to collect his money. The recipient of nothing but anger since his childhood, he expresses himself through violence. When he finally encounters someone who can stand up to him, feisty school-girl Yoon-hee they become unlikely friends.

A young man talks to his psychiatrist about strange visions he has been having in his dreams.

Pirmosios „Fantastinių gyvūnų“ dalies pabaigoje Amerikos Magiškojo Kongreso burtininkai su Niuto Skamanderio (aktorius Eddie‘is Redmayne‘as) pagalba sulaikė pavojingą juodąjį burtininką Gelertą Grindelvaldą (Johnny‘is Depp‘as). Tačiau šiam pavyksta pasprukti. Siekdamas savo didžiojo tikslo įgyvendinimo – kad grynakraujai burtininkai taptų vieninteliais pasaulio ir visų gyvų būtybių valdovais – Grindelvaldas ima rinkti šalininkų armiją. Tai sužinojęs, Albas Dambldoras (Jude‘as Law) vėl kreipiasi pagalbos į talentingiausią ir galingiausią savo mokinį Niutą Skamanderį. Kartu su Dambldoro bendramoksliu, legendiniu alchemiku Nikolu Flameliu, Niutas ima kurti planą, kaip ne tik pasipriešinti, bet ir galutinai nugalėti piktąjį Grindelvaldą. Abiems pusėms kaupiant jėgas ir sąjungininkus, neišvengiamai artėja lemtingojo mūšio diena.

Iremar works at the rodeo in North East of Brazil. From his home, the truck he uses to transport the animals, he dreams of a future in the region's booming clothing industry.

Hana spends twenty years suppressing a maleficent curse that was placed upon her bloodline, only to have a family member knowingly release it forcing her to kill or to be killed.

In answer to an orphan boy's prayers, the divine Lord Krishna comes to Earth, befriends the boy, and helps him find a loving family.

Nesutramdomoji Anželika, elegantiškiausia Versalio dama, pasitelkia intrigas, turtą ir moterišką žavesį, kad galėtų įsiviešpatauti karaliaus Saulės dvare. Intriguojantis knygos veiksmas vyksta gašlioje ir prabangioje aplinkoje. Anželikai atsiskleidžia karaliaus dvaro tikrovė: netikra meilė, žiaurumas, ponios de Montespan, norinčios iš jos paveržti karalių, intrigos, nuodai... Pagaliau Anželika iš karaliaus sužino paslaptį - tiesą apie mirties bausmės įvykdymą jos pirmajam vyrui, ir tai jos gyvenimą pasuka kita linkme.

James “Brick” Davis, a struggling attorney, owes his education to a mobster, but always has refused to get involved with the underworld. When a friend of his is gunned down by a notorious criminal, Brick decides to abandon the exercise of the law and join the Department of Justice to capture the murderer.

After hearing that mystical toymaker Andre Toulon has managed to create a troupe of sentient, living puppets, Nazi underling Dr. Hess sets his sights on exploiting Toulon's powers for the glory of the Reich.

Meet the four talented, autistic members of the ASD Band: piano prodigy Ron, with an impeccable memory for reciting the correct day of the week for any date in history; lead singer Rawan, who uses makeup to express herself and can hit an impressively high pitch; Spenser, an energetic drummer with an affinity for punk rock music; and guitarist Jackson, who loves all things 1950s. Their love of music brings them together to form one kick-ass garage band. After releasing a number of covers, the band is now embarking upon the challenging journey of writing their first album of original music. With the guidance of Maury, their musical director, the band's garage sessions segue to the recording studio, where for the first time each member shares their own compositions. Will they be able to pull it off and celebrate the launch with their first-ever public show?

A weekend get-away for two lovers turns into a nightmare of psychological mind games when their infidelity is discovered.

It's the end of the century at a corner of the city in a building riddled with crime - Everyone in the building has turned into zombies. After Jenny's boyfriend is killed in a zombie attack, she faces the challenge of surviving in the face of adversity. In order to stay alive, she struggles with Andy to flee danger.

Diego has just been voted best young player in Europe and at the age of 20 he is on his way to making his team, Atlético de Madrid, champions of La Liga. But his impulsive and conflictive character makes the club, fed up with his excesses, hire Álex, a withdrawn and lonely psychology professor, to improve his behaviour. The two will have no choice but to learn to understand each other.