Filmed and recorded in 2017 at Red Rocks Amphitheatre outside of Denver, 'Garden Of The Titans - Opeth Live At Red Rocks Amphitheatre' is a 2-CD/Blu-ray/DVD release (along with several colour vinyl formats) consisting of tracks spanning the band's nearly 30 year career.

Filmed in Globen, Stockholm, Sweden November 16, 2001.

This course provides the core knowledge to begin programming in any language. Simon Allardice uses JavaScript to explore the core syntax of a programming language, and shows how to write and execute your first application and understand what's going on under the hood. The course covers creating small programs to explore conditions, loops, variables, and expressions; working with different kinds of data and seeing how they affect memory; writing modular code; and how to debug, all using different approaches to constructing software applications. Finally, the course compares how code is written in several different languages, the libraries and frameworks that have grown around them, and the reasons to choose each one.

About the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War.

Brooklyn 1955. Školák Henry Hill sníva o tom, že sa stane gangstrom. vykonáva drobné služby pre miestnych mafiánov a keď je zadržaný políciou kvôli pašovaniu cigariet, odmieta vypovedať, čo mu vynesie priazeň kmotra Paula Cicera, ktorý ho prijme do svojich služieb. 1963. Henry spolu s Jimmym Conway a Tommym DeVito vykoná úspešnú lúpež na letisku. Ostrieľaní Jimmy sa stáva mladíkovými priateľom a mentorom. Henry sa ožení so stredoškolskou židovskou dievčaťom Karen a navonok žije pokojným a usadlým životom ...

Last year Porcupine Tree released their latest album The Incident. The album marked another step forward in the incredible journey of the band from a solo studio project created by Steven Wilson in the late eighties to a Grammy nominated act and one of the world's most revered live bands, currently selling out arenas across the globe and wowing fans with their incredible performances. "Anesthetize" is a DVD which captures the power of the band's live show. Recorded on multi-cameras over two nights at 013 venue in Tilburg, Holland in October 2008, the concerts featured tracks from throughout the band's career. "Anesthetize" collects the highlights from the two shows. It is only the band's second ever DVD release.

Multiple Grammy Award-winning singer Adele performs a special one-night only concert in New York at Radio City Music Hall. This extraordinary performance marked the artist's first concert in the U.S. since fall 2011 and her largest show in New York to date.

Svadobný obrad bývalej členky komanda zabijakov, Čiernej mamby, zmenil jej pomstychtivý bývalý milenec Bill s bývalými kumpánmi v krvavý masaker. Tehotná nevesta však guľku do hlavy prežila: po štyroch rokoch strávených v kóme precitla a vydala sa na cestu pomsty. Už zlikvidovala prvé dve položky na svojom zozname smrti O-Ren Ishii zvanú Korálovec a Vernitu Green Besa. Zostáva jej však zabiť ešte Elle Driver prezývanú Kalifornský Horský Had, Budda zvaného Štrkáč a samozrejme bývalého šéfa, milenca a otca jej dieťaťa - Billa. Tí traja však už vedia, čo im hrozí - a myslia si, že sú na to pripravení.

The Russian version of the movie "Fight Club" is not just a Russian version of a well-known cult film, it is the result and of the hard work of two young men and their love for cinema, Alexander Kukhar (GOLOBON-TV) and Dmitry Ivanov (GRIZLIK FILM) , who are responsible for this project, from the development of its idea and the selection of the cast, to the organization of filming and financial support. Filming lasted a whole year. Everyday work, constant trips, searching for suitable film sets and an exhausting schedule - all this was not in vain and resulted in an unusually amazing and original project - the film "Fight Club", created in the very heart of southern Russia, in the city of Krasnodar, by two young people

Brazilian speed-thrash-death metal band Sepultura are legendary for the extreme degree to which they delve into the depths of their genre. Always striving to be louder, faster, and deadlier (metaphorically, of course), Sepultura have inspired a countless number of modern metal bands as well as legions of obsessive fans. Under Siege was filmed live at Zeleste in Barcelona, Spain. For nearly an hour, Sepultura thrash through ten of their songs.

Two guys against globalization want to plant a virus in the network of a finance corporation. On the day of the attack Alex has an accident and cannot remember anything. Visions and reality are thrown together in a confusing maze. Alex tries to escape from this muddle but what he discovers turns out to be rather frightening…

Royal Tenenbaum a jeho manželka Etheline mali spolu tri deti - Chasa, Richieho a Margot, potom sa rozišli. Chas začal kupovať prvé nehnuteľnosti ešte na základnej škole a mal až takmer nadprirodzený cit pre medzinárodné financie. Margot písala hry a už v deviatej triede získala Bravermanovu cenu s finančnou odmenou 50-tisíc dolárov. Richie bol skvelým tenistom a tri razy za sebou vyhral majstrovstvá USA v tenise. Všetky spomienky na geniálnosť mladých Tenenbaumovcov sa počas nasledujúcich 22 rokov, plných zrady, neúspechu a katastrôf, vymazali. Podľa nich za všetko mohol on - Royal Tenenbaum. A ten teraz chce, aby sa rodina znovu dala dokopy...

The Marx Brothers take on high society and the opera world to bring two lovers together. A sly business manager and two wacky friends of two opera singers help them achieve success while humiliating their stuffy and snobbish enemies.

Bourne a Mária naďalej žijú v anonymite. Bournea naháňajú nočné mory a spomienky. Vláči Máriu z mesta do mesta. Snaží sa byť vždy aspoň krok pred hrozbou, ktorú tuší v každom pohľade aj v každom telefónnom "omyle", pred nebezpečenstvom, ktoré očakáva v každej sekunde. Ale ohrozenie ho do sveta, z ktorého chcel uniknúť, neustále vracia. Keď sa v pokojnej dedine, ktorá je ich dočasným domovom, objaví tajný agent, Bourne s Máriou miesto narýchlo opúšťajú. Začne nová globálna hra na mačku a myš a Jason Bourne sa musí vrátiť k svojej minulosti, aj keď tajná operácia Treadstone, ktorá vytvárala profesionálnych zabijakov, už skončila. Pred rokmi Bourneovi povedali, že nesmie s nikým nadviazať kontakt. Minulosť sa prihlásila sama. Mali ho nechať na pokoji.

Five oddball criminals planning a bank robbery rent rooms on a cul-de-sac from an octogenarian widow under the pretext that they are classical musicians.

Takes us inside the world of Anonymous, the radical "hacktivist" collective that has redefined civil disobedience for the digital age. The film explores early hacktivist groups like Cult of the Dead Cow and Electronic Disturbance Theater, then moves to Anonymous' raucous beginnings on the website 4chan. Through interviews with current members, people recently returned from prison or facing trial, writers, academics, activists and major players in various "raids," the documentary traces Anonymous’ evolution from merry pranksters to a full-blown movement with a global reach, the most transformative civil disobedience of our time.

One Cold Winter's Night was recorded on February 11th, 2006 at the historic Rockefeller Musichall in Oslo, Norway. Kamelot enlisted renowned film and video director Patric Ullaeus to chronicle the night's events. Arriving with him from Gothenberg, Sweden, Patric had a large crew of professionals and equipment including 18 cameras that would be used in and around the concert grounds. The title for the band's first DVD (based on an earlier Kamelot song title) was chosen long before the actual shoot. Ironically this winter turned out to be one of the longest and coldest in the country's history, with enormous amounts of snow and numerous chaos-causing blizzards. A very special thanks goes out to fans that had to wait in line before doors opened to the sold out show. We sincerely hope we managed to warm you back up!

Young journalist Sebastian Zöllner is writing an article on artist Manuel Kaminski. Zöllner hopes that Kaminski dies soon, so that he can cash in on his article.

V losangelskom zábavnom parku sa väčšinou baví rozmanitá mládež. V Beverly Hills sa však rozhodla v zábavnom parku baviť organizovaná skupina falšovateľov peňazí. A možno by im to všetko vyšlo, keby sa tu neobjavil Axel Foley - detroitské policajné eso. Počas vyšetrovania brutálnej vraždy sa dostáva do smrteľného nebezpečenstva v okamžiku, keď sa Axel snaží odhaliť zločineckú sieť uprostred sveta fantázie...

"The Road To OR-Shalem" is the premier Middle Eastern progressive metal crusaders' DVD debut and documents the band's incredible mission to unite warring factions in their home region through the power of music. Filmed in Tel Aviv, Israel in December 2010, 'The Road To OR-Shalem' features nearly two hours of stunning live material, as well as a second bonus DVD. The bonus DVD material includes additional live footage, a behind-the-scenes documentary and video clips.