A young girl, recently married, is traveling from Aidini to Greece with her mother and her two daughters. On board the ship she decides not to let life pass her by, but to live her own way. And she goes ahead! She writes endlessly wherever she can, on napkins and cigarette boxes, to bills. She smokes, she passionately falls in love, casually gambles in luxurious salons, but also in illegal basements. A teacher who becomes an actress and plays in streets and in theaters, a poet who becomes the greatest Greek folk songwriter. She collaborates with all the famous music personalities of the country, from Vassilis Tsitsanis and Apostolos Kaldaras to Manolis Ηiotis, Antonis Repanis and Manos Hadjidakis, bravely asserting herself to a cruel and typically male-dominated world.
A szeszélyes Dodó kacsának őrülten improvizálnia kell, mivel a háttér, a jelmezek, a hangsáv, sőt még a fizikai alakja is az animátor szeszélye szerint változik.
Mateusz egy fiatal fiú, aki 26 éve tolószékben él, és nem tud kommunikálni senkivel, mert agyi sérülése miatt a beszédre képtelen. Egy orvos ki is mondja róla az ítéletet: nem érdemes foglalkozni vele, mert nem több ő, mint egy növény. Ám Mateusz belül mindent átél. Ugyanolyan érzelmei vagy indulatai vannak, mint bárkinek. Nem adja fel a küzdelmet, próbál kommunikálni a környezetével, és be akarja bizonyítani, hogy ő nem egy növény, hanem nagyon is - ember.
A 14 éves különc Balli a drogfüggő édesanyjával él egy romos házban. A tinédzser három hozzá hasonlóan különc sráccal barátkozik össze. A fiú életében először érzi azt, hogy tud kapcsolódni másokhoz, főleg a bandavezér fiúhoz, Addihoz. Addi a saját démonaival küzd és látomásai vannak. Az egyik látomása arra utal, hogy Balli brutális mostohaapját már nem lehet tovább tűrni, ezért a fiúk úgy döntenek, hogy itt az idő a cselekvésre, és bosszúállásra. A fiúk magukra hagyva felfedezik az agressziót és az erőszakot, de tanulnak a hűségről és a szeretetről is.
Egy lengyel gengszter felfedezi élete értelmét.
A ház felújításakor, pakolás közben, előkerül az egykori barát holmija, és feltörnek a múlt emlékei.
While returning to Leningrad from a visit to his brother, Professor Artyom's car breaks down and he finds assistance at an isolated farmhouse occupied by Alexey, his wife, a Vietnamese laborer, and a stranger who wanders around the farm. When his car is repaired, Artyom leaves, drunk on moonshine, and students Valera and Angelika arrive. After Valera gets drunk, the stranger abducts Angelika.
Mitch Wayne is a geologist working for the Hadleys, an oil-rich Texas family. While the patriarch, Jasper, works hard to establish the family business, his irresponsible son, Kyle, is an alcoholic playboy, and his daughter, Marylee, is the town tramp. Mitch harbors a secret love for Kyle's unsatisfied wife, Lucy -- a fact that leaves him exposed when the jealous Marylee accuses him of murder.
Eva Arctander is born with hypertrichosis, meaning that she is covered from head to toe with fine blonde hair. Her father is so ashamed of her that he hides her away from the world in their apartment. However, Eva’s nanny fights for her right to be treated like everyone else.
As a young father, watching his daughter go through her life experiences, film director Alexandre Mourot discovered the Montessori approach and decided to set his camera up in a children's house (3 to 6 years of age) in the oldest Montessori school in France. Alexandre was warmly welcomed in a surprisingly calm and peaceful environment, filled with flowers, fruits and Montessori materials. He met happy children, who were free to move about, working alone or in small groups. The teacher remained very discreet. Some children were reading, others were making bread, doing division, laughing or sleeping. The children guided the film director throughout the whole school year, helping him to understand the magic of their autonomy and self-esteem - the seeds of a new society of peace and freedom, which Maria Montessori dedicated her life work to.
Mexico, 1985. Juan and Wilson, two perennial Veterinary students, perpetrate an audacious heist in the National Museum of Anthropology, running away with a loot of more than hundred invaluable pieces of Mayan art, unaware of the consequences of their outrageous act.
1978-ban járunk, Liverpoolban, ahol a fekete-fehér filmek femme fatale-ja és a fiatal Peter közötti könnyed flörtnek induló viszonyból mély kapcsolattá alakul, amit azonban nem várt események tesznek próbára.
Grodno, the eastern border of pre-war Poland. On September 1, 1939, German planes bomb the city. One of the bombs hits the school of Leoś, Ewelina and Tadek. Literally and symbolically, the world of a carefree childhood, fun and first crushes ends.
During the French colonial wars in North America, a Mohawk woman converts to Christianity against the wishes of her clan.
Anna has lost her memory but she hasn’t forgotten how to cook. One night she shows up in a working-class neighborhood. There she meets Roula and gets a job as a cook and a place to stay at his shabby seaside tavern. In the kitchen, amidst the scents of spices and old forgotten recipes, Anna struggles to rebuild her past. Her simple but delicious food awakens memories for the regulars who in turn help her to reconnect with herself. The story takes an unexpected turn when Roula suddenly stumbles upon the Green Sea and discovers Anna’s true identity.
James Figuares ambiciózus ám kegyvesztett műkritikus, aki turistáknak tart művészettörténeti előadásokat Milánóban. Amikor őt és új kedvesét meghívja birtokára az elismert és tehetős műgyűjtő, Joseph Cassidy, a férfi úgy érzi, végre rámosolygott a szerencse. Ám az új, gazdag barát tisztességtelen ajánlatra készül. Azt a feladatot adja Jamesnek, hogy lopja el a világhírű festő, Jerome Debney alkotását.
Young wannabe musicians from the province decide to write hit song and gain the top of the charts in order to become legends of disco polo
A series of terrifying dramas of male-female relationships offset against the background of a New York tenement. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in partnership with The Film Foundation in 2012.
With the help of Põrguneitsi, the mythological virgin of hell, a young man saves the world. When he later comes to understand that he has not changed anyone's attitude, he leads the world to ruins again.
A film which shows a different aspect of dealing with sexuality. Coming out is one thing, but being comfortable within yourself in intimate situations is another thing. This film shows us how being intimate with someone can be a really difficult struggle and that a lot of the time, goes misunderstood.