Ichiro ja no és a la flor de la vida, i el seu dia a dia és d'allò més gris. Per acabar-ho d'adobar, tot just li han diagnosticat un càncer, així que no té altre remei que asseure's en un banc i lamentar-se. Això és el que està fent quan uns alienígenes es planten damunt del seu cap i el converteixen en un home biònic.

Veteran comedy writer Charlie Berns, who is slowly but surely losing his grip on reality, befriends a talented young New York street singer Emma Payge. Together, they form an unlikely yet hilarious and touching friendship that kicks the generation gap aside and redefines the meaning of love and trust.

Yogi and Jaya, who have polar opposite personalities and sensibilities, meet via an online dating app. This encounter turns into so much more when the two travel to Rishikesh.

A group of women in an isolated religious colony struggle to reconcile their faith with a series of sexual assaults committed by the colony's men.

Quan una princesa es nega a casar-se amb un sociòpata cruel, és segrestada i tancada en una torre del castell del seu pare. Amb el seu venjatiu pretenent decidit a prendre el tron ​​del seu pare, la princesa ha de salvar el regne.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are taking on the British monarchy in the third installment in Lifetime’s movie trilogy about the royal couple. The film explores what really happened inside the palace that drove Harry and Meghan to leave everything behind in order to make a future for themselves and their son Archie.

In a future where Mars is terraformed and colonized by the best humanity has to offer, two very different college students wind up joining forces and sneak onboard a space shuttle to the red planet in order to be united with their significant others.

Celebrities re-create an original episode each from "All in the Family" and "The Jeffersons."

La història gira entorn de les noces dels Detectius Sato i Takagi, la qual es veu interrompuda per un assalt del qual acaba emportant-se el pitjor aquest últim. Mentrestant, es produeix una fugida de presó en la qual està involucrant el perpetrador d'un atemptat, i Rei Furuya es creua amb una misteriosa persona disfressada que acaba posant-li un collaret explosiu. A mesura que en Conan i els seus comencen a investigar tots els fets, es converteixen en l'objectiu d'un grup molt peculiar...

Un estrany virus ha transformat els homes en violents violadors morts vivents. Un grup de dones, armades amb pistoles i espases, s'hi hauran d'enfrontar.

Es basa en l'algutzir nord-americà Mason Pollard, que està especialitzat en dissenyar les morts falses de testimonis que no deixen rastre de la seva existència.

Set in the mid sixties and shot with more black than white, ‘SAD?’ is a dark ten minute film that explores the time that we spend alone watching television, and the good and sad effects it can have on you. The film has a timeless, forgotten feel about it, a study of a world and time detached from the norm, a life filled with both laughter and loneliness, escapism and escapees...

Many years after the war has been lost, and all the dragons slain, a lone knight travels the lands of Agonos seeking to raise an army against the demon lord Abaddon. When a healer's vision reveals that one dragon still lives, and together with an eager young squire, the knight sets off in search of the fabled creature. As the armies of Abaddon descend on the human kingdoms, the dragon is their last hope of fending off the horde, before it lays waste to the lands of men. But does the creature even exist? And if it does, will it fight for them once more?

Gairebé és Nadal i el més important per l'Ashley Harrison és anar a passar el Nadal amb la seva mare a Seattle, però a l'aeroport es troba que no pot agafar el vol que havia previst. Intenta llogar un cotxe però un desconegut li passa davant i lloga l'últim vehicle disponible en tot l'aeroport. Desesperada per arribar a temps a Seattle, accepta l'oferta de compartir cotxe i despeses de viatge amb ell. Durant l'accidentat viatge de dos dies, els passen mil aventures i tenen l'oportunitat de coneixes una mica millor. Mentrestant, l'Ashley no ho sap però uns agents de l'FBI la segueixen de molt a prop perquè l'han pres per una terrorista que podria posar en perill la seguretat nacional.

Christmas brings the ultimate gift to Aldovia: a royal baby. But first, Queen Amber must help her family and kingdom by finding a missing peace treaty.

Per posar fi a una guerra apocalíptica i salvar la seva filla, una soldat emprèn una missió desesperada: transportar un carregament ultrasecret per un mar gelat.

The Board of Directors launch an experimental educational program, introducing authoritarian Assistant Headmaster Mr. Wizzle to the boys of Macdonald Hall and the miserable Assistant Headmistress Ms. Peabody to whip the girls of the Scrimmage Academy into shape. With new dress codes, psychological testing, and early-morning wake-up calls with track laps as punishment, the boys and girls decide Wizzle and Peabody have to go. But how? As they pull out all the stops, they ultimately turn to the theory that “love conquers all” to oust the pair once and for all.

Robert Michaels (Bruce Willis), un agent de la CIA retirat, treballa i viu en un resort secret per a clients d'elit enmig de les muntanyes. Quan el seu fill Paul (Jesse Metcalfe) decideix visitar-lo, un grup de paramilitars venjatius assalten el refugi.

New York police are bemused by reports of a giant flying lizard that has been spotted around the rooftops of New York, until the lizard starts to eat people. An out-of-work ex-con is the only person who knows the location of the monster's nest and is determined to turn the knowledge to his advantage, but will his gamble pay off or will he end up as lizard food?

A renowned exorcist teams up with a rookie priest for his first day of training. As they plunge deeper into hell on earth, the lines between good and evil blur, and their own demons emerge.