In the Chinese town of Fuyang, four brothers go about their day-to-day lives, their destinies shaped by love and challenges.

Filmas paremtas tikra istorija. Veiksmas vyksta 1924 - 1954 m. Pasakojama apie vokiečių brolių Adolfo ir Rudolfo Daslerių darbą bei atsiskyrimą, privedusį prie dviejų sporto imperijų – Adidas ir Puma – atsiradimo.

Paris 1942. François Mercier is an ordinary man who only aspires to start a family with the woman he loves, Blanche. He is also the employee of a talented jeweler, Mr. Haffmann. But faced with the German occupation, the two men will have no other choice but to conclude an agreement whose consequences, over the months, will upset the fate of our three characters.

In the second feature film by Russian director Vasily Sigarev, fate brings ordeals to characters that find themselves immersed in deep crisis; they must seek the strength to cope with adversity. In a remote and cold region of Russia, Galya, a middle-aged woman with a drinking problem, has been separated from her twin daughters and she wants them back. On the other hand, Grishka and Anton are a young couple who decide to get married, but right after the wedding their relationship is put to the test in a brutal way. While Artyom longs to see his missing father, but his mother objects. There is only one element that brings all of these characters together: misfortune.

After three years of absence, Florence Foresti goes back on stage. She jubilantly tackles everyday absurdities, old age, disillusionment, death and relationships between men and women.

As Amelia dives back into her intense relationship with Mark and leaves Becca to her own devices at work, suspicious activities and online threats make Amelia question whether the people closest to her have her best interests at heart.

Alvaro dirba klerku vienoje Sevilijos notarų agentūroje. Jis svajoja tapti puikiu rašytoju. Alvaro žmona yra visiška priešingybė – nors niekada nesvajojo būti rašytoja, jos pirmasis romanas tapo bestseleriu. Jų skyrybos pastūmėja Alvaro imtis to, apie ką seniai svajojo – parašyti gerą romaną. Galiausiai prisėdęs rašyti jis suvokia negalįs – kad ir ką rašytų, skamba neįtikimai ir pretenzingai. Jam trūksta ne tik talento, bet ir vaizduotės. Vedamas kūrybinio rašymo mokytojo Alvaro supranta, kad geriausia literatūra yra įkvėpta realybės, tad leidžiasi į pavojingą misiją ieškodamas savo istorijos. Manipuliuodamas draugais ir kaimynais jis gauna intriguojantį, originalų siužetą, tačiau ar ši tikra istorija gali baigtis laimingai?

In the beautiful family home, at the end of the summer, Monique celebrates her 70th birthday, surrounded by her 4 children, all of whom have come for the occasion. There is Jean-Pierre, the elder, who took on the role of head of the family after the death of his father; Juliette, pregnant with her first child at 40 and who still dreams of becoming a writer; Margaux, the family’s radical artist, and Mathieu, 30, anxious to seduce pretty Sarah. Later, one day, one of them will make a life-changing decision ...

Lee Hayden yra aktorius veteranas, leidžiantis dienas rūkydamas marihuaną ir nedirbdamas. Sužinojęs, kad serga kasos vėžiu, nepraneša savo šeimai ir tampa atsiskyrėliu. Jis vėl išpopuliarėja tapęs komikės Charlotte Dylan širdies draugu. Šis įsimylėjimas jam padeda susigrąžinti savo apleistas buvusią žmoną ir dukterį.

Rašytoją Anri Moė užgriūva visos įmanomos krizės: įkvėpimas kurti dingo, santykiai su depresyvia žmona seniai atšalę, o rasti bendrą kalbą su suaugusiais vaikais, regis, neįmanoma. Kaip teigia Anri, ketvertą palikuonių mielai iškeistų į naujutėlaitį „Porsche“ – juk jie, tarsi susitarę, žlugdė visus jo bandymus pasiekti laimę! Besigailėdamas prabėgusio laiko, Anri netikėtai sutinka didžiulį kiek įkyrų benamį šunį, kurį pavadina Kvanka. Augintinis praskaidrina rašytojui nuotaiką, ir santykiai su nauju namų gyventoju klostosi puikiai. Gyvenimo dugne atsidūrusiam Anri sužimba viltis – galbūt įmanoma viską pradėti iš naujo?

The prodigal son of a family in turmoil returns home to his French rural home to reconnect with his family and make sense of their dysfunctions.

Burgundy, France. Solange's 60th birthday celebrations are violently interrupted by her estranged brother, Bernard. His outburst will reawaken painful memories and reveal untold stories of the Algerian War.

A writer must face the sudden death of his father, but after the burial, the latter reappears to him. He will have to learn to live with this facetious companion, but difficult to explain the situation to his family, because he is the only one who can see him. This disturbing presence will create an earthquake in the family.

Jean, a forty-year-old struggling, out-of-work actor has hit rock bottom. Although open to any kind of work, he can't get a break. At the unemployment office, his counselor has a rather odd proposal: he can get a job helping the police reconstruct crime scenes, by standing in for the dead victim. Jean's obsession for detail impresses the detectives, allowing him to take a leading role in a sensitive investigation in Megève ski resort, during low season, after a series of murders

San Francisko detektyvas tiria paslaptingą milijonieriaus mirtį. Šantažas, prostitucija, dideli pinigai – visa tai galėjo turėti įtakos ir tapti žudiko motyvu. Netrukus paaiškėja ir pagrindinė įtariamoji – jo meilužė, aukšto rango teisininko žmona. Detektyvui sudėtingiausia laviruoti tarp asmeninių jausmų bei troškimų ir tiesos bylos tyrimo eigoje.

Iš pažiūros 19-metės Miriam gyvenimas tobulas. Ji disko šokių pasaulio čempionė ir savo moderniosios evangelikų bažnyčios pasididžiavimas. Vis dėlto pervargęs jos kūnas ir dvasia šaukiasi pagalbos. Kai siekdama apginti savo titulą suklumpa scenoje, ją šeima įtikina, kad tai dėl tikėjimo stokos, ir skatina dar intensyviau susitelkti į religinę praktiką. Ieškodama atsakymų ir gyvenimo kelio, Miriam atsigręžia į dar radikalesnį, dar konservatyvesnį krikščionybės kultą.

In this satire, a police detectiveis investigating the disappearance and kidnapping of the host of a television dance show. However, instead of finding his man, he is trapped into becoming a contestant on a children's quiz show. What's worse is that he becomes a very successful contestant.

Four young men have won a trip with their favorite social network. On board the private plane that took him to New York, they are invited to participate in an in-flight entertainment: a new online gaming experience. But this is no ordinary Thurs Trapped at 30,000 feet, they will play for their lives and those of their families. They will discover the hard way that put his life online can have dire consequences...

A man becomes the superintendent of a large New York City apartment building where people mysteriously go missing.

Franck wants a quiet life and a fresh start. After 15 years of a failed theatre career, he finds a seemingly perfect job: museum guard. But that is before he meets Sybille, his neurotic colleague.