James, down on his luck and desperate for some quick cash, agrees to drive a small truck across country. He soon realizes that he's made a huge mistake and has inadvertently become involved in a dangerous human trafficking ring. The unlikely hero risks it all to shut down the trafficking ring and save the woman he is falling in love with.

Jedno príslovie hovorí: "Jedz preto, aby si žil. Neži preto, aby si jedol." Lenže starý indiánsky mýtus Weendigo zase rozpráva o tom, že ten, kto požije mäso svojho nepriateľa, získa jeho silu a dušu. Má to však háčik každý, kto to urobí, dostane aj neukojiteľný hlad po ďalšej ľudskej potrave, zmení sa na dravca a tomuto neblahému osudu môže uniknúť iba vlastnou obeťou. Americko-britský film Vyhladovaní, ktorý je kombináciou kanibalského a upírskeho hororu, sa odohráva v polovici 19. storočia na zabudnutej pevnosti v kalifornskom pohorí Sierra Nevada. Práve sem je na zimu prevelený kapitán John Boyd, vyznamenaný za hrdinstvo v mexicko-americkej vojne. Lenže, ako to už pri vojnových konfliktoch býva, všetko sa v skutočnosti odohralo trochu inak. V bohom zabudnutom mieste však Boyda čaká najťažšia bitka jeho života, stret s kanibalom Colqhounom, ktorý prenikne do pevnosti a vláka jej posádku do pasce.

The murderous, backwoods Firefly family take to the road to escape the vengeful Sheriff Wydell, who is not afraid of being as ruthless as his target.

In the early to mid '90s, when the South African system of apartheid was in its death throes, four photographers - Greg Marinovich, Kevin Carter, Ken Oosterbroek and João Silva - bonded by their friendship and a sense of purpose, worked together to chronicle the violence and upheaval leading up to the 1994 election of Nelson Mandela as president. Their work is risky and dangerous, potentially fatally so, as they thrust themselves into the middle of chaotic clashes between forces backed by the government (including Inkatha Zulu warriors) and those in support of Mandela's African National Congress.

At the start of World War I, Paul Baumer is a young German patriot, eager to fight. Indoctrinated with propaganda at school, he and his friends eagerly sign up for the army soon after graduation. But when the horrors of war soon become too much to bear, and as his friends die or become gravely wounded, Paul questions the sanity of fighting over a few hundreds yards of war-torn countryside.

Burglary. Drugs. Assault. Rape. The students at Brandel High are more than new Principal Rick Latimer bargained for. Gangs fight to control the school using knives - even guns - when they have to. When Latimer and the head of security try to clean up the school and stop the narcotics trade, they run up against a teenage mafia. A violent confrontation on the campus leads to a deadly showdown with the drug dealer's gang, and one last chance for Latimer to save his career... and his life.

Jedného dňa budovu Federálnej rezervnej banky v New Yorku prepadne ozbrojená skupina a všetkých prítomných vezme ako rukojemníkov. Na scénu prichádzajú detektív a vyjednávateľ Remy Darbonne a agentka FBI, Dr. Brynn Stewartová. Obaja vidia isté podobnosti s neslávne známou „nacistickou diamantovou lúpežou“ z roku 2006, ale ich špekulácie vyvolávajú iba viac otázok než odpovedí. Nemilosrdná a prefíkaná Ariella Barashová, ktorá vedie bandu bankových lupičov, nečakane odhalí svoju identitu a vysvitne, že patrí medzi najhľadanejších zločincov krajiny. Jej súčasná akcia nejako súvisí s aktérmi legendárnej lúpeže z roku 2006. Lenže ako?

Hong Sang-soo's Lost in the Mountains depicts Mi-sook's suffering when she discovers her friend Jin-young has been secretly sleeping with her lover.

In ancient times, a man named Claus, who delivers toys in his small village, fulfils his destiny to become Santa Claus after meeting an expert toy-making elf, Patch, in the North Pole. In the present day, Santa Claus has become overwhelmed by his workload, and the disgruntled Patch flees the workshop to New York City. There, Patch unknowingly threatens the fate of Christmas by taking a job at a failing toy company run by a scheming businessman.

Seiji and Yoshifumi are the only members of the Muto branch of the Date Family. The two respect and love their leader, Mr. Muto, like a father and the three share a firm bond. But their fate is sealed when the Family is involved in a conflict. Muto is unable to pay his share of funds for the oncoming battle but tells executives of the Family that he would fight at the front line instead. In the wish to protect Muto, Seiji has him arrested by the police. Ignoring the Family executives' mocks of "Muto escaped to prison", Seiji prepares for the battle and attacks like a demon on behalf of his boss...

Lucie, Ben and William search an old woman's home for a hidden treasure and they encounter a series of supernatural events that change them forever.

Terry a Todd sú dvojičky. Ešte v detstve ich však rozdelila tragická udalosť. V autokine došlo k vražde a svedkovia našli Todda ako drží sekeru. To mu vynieslo dlhodobý pobyt v ústave. Teraz, po 10 rokov sa mu však podarilo ujsť. Je Deň Vďakyvzdania a jeho kroky lemované krvou smerujú domov.

Cinderella, with the help of her "fairy" godmother, is granted heightened sexual prowess to win over Prince Charming. After a blindfolded orgy at the royal castle, the nerdy Prince must sleep with every willing woman in his kingdom until he finds that one, mysterious lover who so "stood out" on the night of the sex Ball.

In the future, a health nut and his tag-along girlfriend become trapped in a drive-in theater that has become a concentration camp for outcast youths.

Archie works part-time at his uncle's mortuary and is harassed by a few of the popular kids because of it. His harassers die in an automobile accident, and the bodies are taken to his uncle's mortuary. Archie is pulling a late night at the mortuary when he sees a storm brewing. Lighting strikes! They're alive! The preppie bullies continue to torment him...as zombies!

An emerging rock band, managed by industry vet Jimmy Kleen, strike a deal with record executive Rick Roland. Things take a sinister turn when the band's lead singer, Rachel, and her mother Barb are struck by lightning and killed. Rachel is brought back to life, but she is different than before. Lightning courses through her veins and she uses her new strange electrical powers to drain the life from men, turning it into electrifying stage performances, but just how far are the band willing to go to make it.

Inken and Lucy are facing hard times when their parents' money is radically cut off. Together with Lena, who is fed up with her boyfriend, they desperately search for money, an apartment and love. But because each individual point is difficult to realize on its own, the girls decide to kill all three birds with one stone for the sake of simplicity. The solution: they need rich, nice boys with suitable living space - and they need them now! But until then, horrendous rents, false identities and sleazy neighbors put their friendship to the test.

Recep İvedik is at home watching television, when postman brings him a surprise invitation for the annual dried beans festival of Konya province. Very excited with the news, Recep convinces his best friend Nurullah to join him but due to a miscommunication with the travel agency, they get plane tickets for Kenya, Africa, instead of Konya, Turkey. After arriving at Kenya and getting on a safari tour, our hapless companions find themselves lost in endless savannah and at the middle of two rival local tribes. Many adventures await Recep in this unfamiliar and exotic land, who will try anything and everything to return home, mostly to hilarious results.

Po brutálnom vražednom útoku zahynie vo vlastnom dome celá rodina - žena s manželom a dieťaťom. Julie je investigatívna reportérka a je prirodzené, že chce zistiť, kto a prečo vyvraždil rodinu jej sestry. Onedlho po tragédii kúpi dom bohatý výstredný muž a odvezie so sebou celú miestnosť, v ktorej došlo k masakre. Julia sleduje jeho stopy do dediny New English, kde ju víta viac-menej priateľské staršie obyvateľstvo. Reportérka sa pokúša objasniť skutočné dôvody vyvraždenia sestrinej rodiny, ale sama uviazne v osídlach miestneho kultu zla. A ide jej o život.

In Italy, a woman fears her sister has been kidnapped; Inspector Enzo Avolfi fears it's worse. They team up to rescue her from a sadistic killer known only as Yellow.