Bohemian Rhapsody er en hyllest til Queen, deres musikk og deres ekstraordinære vokalist Freddie Mercury, som trosset stereotyper og ble en av verdens mest elskede entertainere. Filmen følger bandets fremgang gjennom deres ikoniske låter og revolusjonerende lyd - og deres nedtur i takt med at Mercurys livsstil spinner ut av kontroll og som velger å satse på en solokarriere. Freddie Mercury som har lidd sterkt uten samarbeidet med Queen klarer å samle bandet til en triumferende gjenforening ved Live Aid hvor Mercury, som står ovenfor en livstruende sykdom, leder Queen gjennom en av de mest fantastiske opptredener i rockemusikkens historie.

Rocky er en bokser fra Philadelphia, men hans sportslige karriere ser ut til å ha stoppet opp. Livet hans tar en ny vending når den regjerende tungvektsmesteren Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers) velger Rocky som sin neste motstander i ringen. For Creed er matchen kun en oppvisning, men for Rocky er det hans viktigste kamp. Rocky legger seg i hardtrening sammen med treneren sin (Burgess Meredith). Samtidig blomstrer romansen mellom "The Italian Stallion" og en sjenert kvinne ved navn Adrian (Talia Shire). Hun avslører myke sider ved Rockys tilsynelatende steinharde ytre. Mens kampens hete kommer stadig nærmere, blir de to mer og mer forelsket, og det blir enda viktigere for Rocky å vinne over sin motstander.

Når en uventet fiende truer den globale sikkerheten, må Nick Fury - direktør for det internasjonale fredsbevarende byrået S.H.I.E.L.D. - finne ut hvem som kan redde verden fra randen av katastrofe. En dristig verdensomfattende rekruttering iverksettes.

En motvillig basketballtrener må lede et terrengløplag og finner ut at den eneste løperen hans har en historie som vil sette begges tro på prøve.

A young woman’s quest for revenge against the people who kidnapped and tortured her as a child leads her and her best friend, also a victim of child abuse, on a terrifying journey into a living hell of depravity.

Advertising execs Melanie Welsh and Donovan Goodwin disagree on a cellphone Christmas commercial they’re pitching. He says his sleek design will win over the client but she knows it lacks holiday spirit.

Historien om kjærlighetsforholdet mellom sosietetskvinnen og forfatteren Vita Sackville-West og det litterære ikonet Virginia Woolf. White Sackville-West er hustruen til en diplomat og nekter å la seg begrense av ekteskapet sitt. Når hun møter den geniale, men plagede Virginia Woolf i 1922 blir hun øyeblikkelig tiltrukket, og de innleder et lidenskapelig forhold som kommer til å forandre dem begge, og påvirke Woolfs forfatterskap dypt.

Christmas is a busy, busy time for the residents of Green River, particularly for Grace Long, the third generation of her family to steward the New England town’s signature Christmas Eve parade. This year’s audience for the parade promises to be in the millions, thanks to a national morning show that has chosen Green River as the site of its Christmas Eve day program.

Lars og Lisa sliter i ekteskapet. En weekend på hytta kan være det de trenger for å reparere forholdet. Bortsett fra at Lars i all hemmelighet har planlagt å drepe Lisa, for å få kloa i livsforsikringen deres. Lisa har faktisk også den planen. Men tre rømte fanger med langt mer erfaring med blodige drap enn Lars og Lisa, har gjemt seg i hytta. For å overleve helgen, må Lars og Lisa lære seg å stole på hverandre igjen, og kanskje til og med finne tilbake til den kjærligheten de hadde mistet...

Career con man Roy sets his sights on his latest mark: recently widowed Betty, worth millions. And he means to take it all. But as the two draw closer, what should have been another simple swindle takes on the ultimate stakes.

An actual princess has some mechanical issues and is temporarily grounded. Does she have time for a lobster roll? It is Christmas time in Maine which means snow, quaint scenery, and lots of Christmas lights near the ocean. With the crew distracted attending to the repair, Princess Amelia deplanes to walk through a magical Christmas tree lot near the airport perimeter.

Jeanette Williams is a busy single parent, trying to make the best life for her and her daughter. With no time to follow current celebrity gossip, Jeanette is unaware of when a Country superstar returns to their small town to escape the intrusive paparazzi and the chaos of fame. A chance meeting between the two have them both letting their guards down and opening their hearts to the possibility of romance.

Divorced couple Georgia and David find themselves on a shared mission: they team up and travel to Bali to stop their daughter Lily from making the same mistake they once made 25 years ago.

Covert security company Vanguard is the last hope of survival for an accountant after he is targeted by the world's deadliest mercenary organization.

When Brooke’s boyfriend, Ethan, breaks up with her just before the holidays, she agrees to go home with Joel, an actor who will pose as her boyfriend.

Stranded at an airport at Christmastime, Ashley Harrison accepts a ride from Dash Sutherland, who has just rented the last car in town. As the pair heads north, their adventures include car trouble, adopting a puppy and being secretly tailed by federal agents, who believe Ashley is up to no good. With a hint of romance gradually filling the air will these two fall in love or will their journey bring about an unexpected road bump to romance?

A Romeo and Juliet romance takes place among two feuding New England Christmas Tree lot families. Against their families’ wills, Julie Pine and visiting-from-Texas, Rick Spruce, fall in love, but are forced to hide their Yuletide relationship.

A ship carrying settlers to a new home on Mars after Earth is rendered uninhabitable is knocked off-course, causing the passengers to consider their place in the universe.

Tom Lane is the star columnist for the media conglomerate owned San Francisco Sun newspaper. The company is thinking about increasing Tom's exposure by producing a new television show around him. Liz Madison is the advice columnist for the little read community newspaper, the Marin County Voice, which is a throwback to gentler times. Besides their journalistic occupations, one other similar aspect between Tom and Liz is that they are both currently single, with their friends and family doing whatever they can to find that special someone for their personal life. On November 2, the staff at the Voice learn that the Sun ownership has bought their newspaper, with the probable goal of folding it into the operations of the Sun. If this move does happen, the staff at the Voice will lose their jobs. To fight back, Liz decides to change her column to an editorial espousing the meaning of Christmas and the newspaper to the community...

A group of friends head to a deserted Caribbean island for a surprise overnight bachelor party only to discover that the island isn't deserted. It's actually the home to a secret medical facility. Not only that, there's something wrong with the water surrounding the island...