In post-war Italy, the family of typical housewife Delia is in turmoil over the impending engagement of beloved firstborn Marcella. The arrival of a mysterious letter, however, will ignite Delia's courage to face her abusive husband and imagine a better future.

Two strangers believe in love but never seem to be able to find its true meaning. In a wild twist of events, fate puts each in the other's path on one stormy New Year's Eve.

O prințesă Amazoniană vine în lumea Oamenilor în încleștarea Primului Război Mondial pentru a se confrunta cu forțele răului și pentru a pune capăt conflictului uman.

The Yowie Yahoo starts kidnapping musicians at a concert attended by Scooby and the gang in Vampire Rock, Australia.

Adele are 15 ani și, ca orice tânără, e interesată de băieți. Însă atunci când o vede pentru prima dată pe Emma cea cu păr albastru, Adele începe să-și dea seama că începe să privească lumea cu totul altfel. Și în iubirea ei pentru Emma, Adele devine din copil adult, și din adolescentă - femeie. Chiar dacă asta implică conflicte cu părinții, cu lumea, cu ea însăși.

Cara and Ben return to the resort where they fell in love a year earlier. They invite her friend Megan, hoping she'll reconnect with Ben's friend Sean, now the resort's doctor. During the trip Cara finds a jewelry receipt, leading her to expect a proposal from Ben, but a misunderstanding may ice his plan.

După ce drumurile ei și a lui Joker se despart, Harley Quinn face echipă cu super-eroii Black Canary, Huntress și Renee Montoya pentru a o salva pe o tânără fată din mâinile unui temut criminal.

După ce i se oferă un articol semnat în revista online la care lucrează, Rebecca McBride își vizitează orașul natal pentru prima oară în 20 de ani, ca să investigheze misterul pomului de Crăciun care îndeplinește dorințe. Acolo, o să aibă ocazia să se reconecteze cu trecutul ei și să-și recapete încrederea în magia Crăciunului.

Un fost agent al forțelor speciale acceptă o slujbă pentru a asigura securitatea unei jurnaliste în timp ce aceasta intervievează un dictator, dar o lovitură de stat militară izbucnește în mijlocul interviului, iar cei doi sunt nevoiți să fugă în junglă, unde trebuie să supraviețuiască.

La întoarcerea în Italia, o arhitectă de succes supracalificată se confruntă cu perspective de angajare limitate, fiind femeie, și vine cu un plan complex de a se angaja.

Stranded at an airport at Christmastime, Ashley Harrison accepts a ride from Dash Sutherland, who has just rented the last car in town. As the pair heads north, their adventures include car trouble, adopting a puppy and being secretly tailed by federal agents, who believe Ashley is up to no good. With a hint of romance gradually filling the air will these two fall in love or will their journey bring about an unexpected road bump to romance?

Christmas brings the ultimate gift to Aldovia: a royal baby. But first, Queen Amber must help her family and kingdom by finding a missing peace treaty.

With Christmas fast approaching, concert violinist Beth returns to her hometown after the recent death of her mother, the elementary school’s beloved music department head.

Sara's dream of finding the perfect mate is realized when boyfriend Daniel proposes marriage, but there is one tiny hitch. It turns out he is the real-life prince of a small European monarchy, and his marriage requires the approval of his royal parents. Commoner Sara will have to do more than simply impress the in-laws-to-be. If she wants to become Daniel’s wife, she’ll have to prove she’s got all the makings of an honest-to-goodness princess.

Hope is tasked with teaching Manhattan's former "Most Eligible Bachelor" how to dance for his extravagant, society wedding. But as the dance lessons progress, complications ensue when feelings begin to develop between student and instructor.

Former professional skier Kat works as a ski aid and ski shop worker at Bliss Mountain, where she prepares for a Winterfest to drum up business for the quaint town. Widowed father Ty and his daughter Anna come from New York to train with ski champion (and Kat’s former teammate) Maddy, and quickly connect with Kat when Maddy’s coaching style proves to be too aggressive for Anna. A spark forms between Kat and Ty as Kat coaches Anna and prepares for Winterfest with Ty. When a fall down the hill causes Anna to rethink the race and plan to go home early with Ty, though, Kat may lose both her new relationship and her rekindled confidence as a coach. Kat, Ty and Anna must all look deep within to conquer their fears and push forward.

A prominent fashion photographer returns to her small town roots at the request of a friend. Surrounded by both memories and loved ones, she must consider a choice between a successful future and rekindling both the love of her life and of her home.

O'Hara este un mercenar care conduce o echipă de soldați în misiunea lor de a salva ostatici într-o zonă izolată din Africa. Din nefericire, misiunea eșuează, iar echipa este blocată și forțată să supraviețuiască împotriva rebelilor locali.

Antonio, a representative of medical supplies with no success, finds a brilliant way to present himself to the customers and improve his sales: the special tiramisù (an Italian dessert) made by his beautiful wife Aurora.

A TV personality has an on-air snafu and admits she hates Christmas. Following the debacle, she is invited to the Most Christmas-y town in America to try and repair her image. Forced to work with her ex-boyfriend Jack, the show’s producer, the magic of Christmas and this special town will change the way she views Christmas and her life.