The story of the last Seal Child’s journey home. After their mother’s disappearance, Ben and Saoirse are sent to live with Granny in the city. When they resolve to return to their home by the sea, their journey becomes a race against time as they are drawn into a world Ben knows only from his mother’s folktales. But this is no bedtime story; these fairy folk have been in our world far too long. It soon becomes clear to Ben that Saoirse is the key to their survival.

The story of a teenage boy named Yu, who falls for Yoko, a girl he runs into while working as an "up-skirt" photographer in an offshoot of the porn industry. His attempts to woo her are complicated by a spot of cross-dressing – which convinces Yoko that she is lesbian – dalliances with kung-fu and crime, and a constant struggle with the guilt that's a legacy of his Catholic upbringing.

Young Vincent Malloy dreams of being just like Vincent Price and loses himself in macabre daydreams that annoy his mother.

În viitorul nu foarte îndepărtat, Theodore, un scriitor singur achiziționează un sistem de operare (SO) nou dezvoltat, proiectat să îndeplinească orice dorință a utilizatorului. Spre surprinderea lui Theordore, o relație romantică se dezvoltă între el și sistemul lui de operare. Această poveste de dragoste neconvențională amestecă partea științifico-fantastică cu cea romantică într-o poveste dulce care explorează natura dragostei și modurile în care tehnologia ne izolează și ne conectează pe toți.

After dumping a bucket of water on a beautiful young woman from the window of a train car, wealthy Frenchman Mathieu, regales his fellow passengers with the story of the dysfunctional relationship between himself and the young woman in question, a fiery 19-year-old flamenco dancer named Conchita. What follows is a tale of cruelty, depravity and lies -- the very building blocks of love.

A successful mod photographer in London whose world is bounded by fashion, pop music, marijuana, and easy sex, feels his life is boring and despairing. But in the course of a single day he unknowingly captures a death on film.

An aspiring writer goes to the airport to pick up a high school friend returning from a trip to Africa but is disheartened to see her with another man.

Gru, Lucy, Margo, Edith și Agnes primesc un nou membru în familie, pe Gru Jr., al cărui scop pare acela de a-și chinui tatăl. Când Gru are de înfruntat un nou dușman în persoana lui Maxime Le Mal și a prietenei sale Valentina, familia este nevoită să-și ia tălpășița.

In the year 2022, overcrowding, pollution, and resource depletion have reduced society’s leaders to finding food for the teeming masses. The answer is Soylent Green.

After a dreadful incident coupled with an ungovernable paroxysm of violence, a butcher will fall into a downward spiral that will burn to the ground whatever dignity still remained in him.

După ce sunt martori la o crimă, membrii unei trupe punk rock sunt prinși într-un han retras din Oregon, în timp ce ucigașii, adepți ai supremației albe, vor să elimine toate dovezile crimei.

Filmed over three years in various locations, from the Fiji Islands to the Bahamas, Wonders of the Sea 3D is an underwater tour of the most obscure parts of our planet's oceans, revealing images so spectacular that they border on the fantastic.

When an underhanded pharmaceutical company goes to a remote tropical island to steal King Kong for advertising purposes, they get more than they bargained for when the gigantic ape attacks an unsuspecting village and an enormous octopus.

After the explosive demise of their last subject, scientists must look for a replacement on whom to continue their bizarre experiments with brain-altering drugs.

În pragul primului război mondial, Zurich și Viena sunt locațiile unei povești sumbre despre descoperiri sexuale și intelectuale. Inspirat după evenimente reale, METODĂ PERICULOASĂ aruncă o privire asupra relației turbulente dintre psihanalistul fără experiență, Carl Jung, mentorul său, Sigmund Freud și Sabina Spielrein, tulburata, dar frumoasa tânără care a intervenit între cei doi. Printre ei, mai apare Otto Gross, un pacient desfrânat hotărât să forțeze limitele. Pe fondul acestei explorări a senzualității, ambiției și înșelăciunii se pregătește momentul culminant când Jung, Freud și Sabina se găsesc și se despart, schimbând pentru totdeauna chipul gândirii moderne.

Giovana and Yago are strangers who share a spark after meeting at a party. When a deadly cloud mysteriously takes over their city, they are forced to seek shelter with only each other for company. As months pass and the planet settles into an extended quarantine, their world shrinks, and they are forced to come to terms with an accelerated timeline for their relationship. With all their other interactions governed by screens, and with the strain of isolation setting in, Giovana and Yago struggle to reinvent themselves and reconcile the differences that threaten to tear them apart.

Keiko Suzuki is a lonely waitress in Tokyo. Her father passes away of cancer and she becomes obsessed with the passage of time. And so, three weeks before her 22nd birthday, she decides to record this period of time in the most accurate way possible, regardless of how lonely or banal this record ends up being.

Emily, a troubled spirit, haunts her own house every day, wondering why she can't leave. With the help of Sylvia, a clairvoyant hired to rid the house of spirits, Emily is forced into a 'patient/therapist' relationship, uncovering disturbing mysteries about her past that may help her move on to 'the next place

Shockumentary that consists of various scenes of stock footage depicting death and real scenes of violence.