The Rock returns home to be The World’s Most Electrifying Host of WrestleMania XXVII from Atlanta, GA. The Great One will lay the SmackDown on all of the pomp and festivities that makes WrestleMania the world’s greatest, annual pop culture extravaganza. John Cena looks to dethrone the self-proclaimed “most must see WWE champion in history” the Miz. Undertaker’s legendary 18-0 WrestleMania winning streak has never been in greater peril when Triple H challenges the Phenom. Alberto Del Rio looks to fulfill his destiny and take Edge’s World Heavyweight Championship. A bitter and personal rivalry comes to a head when Randy Orton battles CM Punk.. All this and more when the Superstars of WWE invade the Georgia Dome for WrestleMania XXVII.

Comedian Florence Foresti supersizes her act in an arena show packed with sketches, celebrity impressions, epic dance routines and special guests.

Pljačka u Riu osigurala je 100 milijona $ za ekipu Doma i Briana, pa su se naši junaci rasuli svijetom, ali nemogućnost povratka kući i stalni bijeg učinili su njihove živote nepotpunima. U međuvremenu Hobbs kroz 12 zemalja prati ubojite vozače plaćenike. Ispostavlja se da njihovom vođi pomaže Letty, ljubav za koju je Dom mislio da je mrtva. Zaustaviti ih se može jedino na ulici pa Hobbs poziva Doma da okupi svoj elitni tim u Londonu. Plata? Potpuni oprost za sve kako bi se mogli vratiti kućama i ponovno biti uz svoje obitelji.

In an effort to discover the depth of the country's polarization, four recent college graduates decide to travel across the United States gathering stories encompassing the spectrum of life in America. Their goal is to find the human stories behind the nation's social and political schism, proving that Americans are not tied together by political identity, geographical location or belief systems, but primarily by love, hope and dreams - universal truths.

A rare mutation has occurred within the vampire community - The Reaper. A vampire so consumed with an insatiable bloodlust that they prey on vampires as well as humans, transforming victims who are unlucky enough to survive into Reapers themselves. Blade is asked by the Vampire Nation for his help in preventing a nightmare plague that would wipe out both humans and vampires.

Vamp and the Norwegian Radio Orchestra teams up with Eivór Pálsdóttir of the Faroe Islands to recreate and unite the magic of the 2 culture institutions created 5 years ago. 2 sold out shows created the perfect atmosphere for a live concert.

A doctor at a run-down psychiatric hospital is offered a large sum of money to shelter a new patient. Soon the place is full of suspicious and secretive characters, all apparently international secret agents trying to find out who and what the patient is.

A documentary about unemployed people who bought fruit and vegetables at moderate prices at the wholesale market and sold these in the streets of Frankfurt. Since they had no permits they were constantly with their bulky carts on the run from the police. One part of the film was shot at the fairgrounds in front of the wholesale market. Newspaper and lottery ticket vendors, propagandists offering their ware for a few pfennigs, all convey the mood of a time when need made people inventive.

After suffering humiliation by the crew Invincible, street dancer Ash looks to gather the best dancers from around the world for a rematch.

When Crystal Wyatt was 16 her father passed away. From that time her life would never be the same. Crystal is banished from the family ranch, and starts a new life as a singer in a San Francisco nightclub.

The royal couple Odette and Derek face yet another evil magician, this time a woman named Zelda. Lusting for the treasure of the Forbidden Arts, which will give her absolute power, Zelda kidnaps Odette as ransom. Derek and several animal friends head off to rescue Odette

Documentary about the making of American Pie (1999), American Pie 2 (2001) and American Wedding (2003).

Erik, Ryan i Cooze kreću na fakultet i pridruže se bratstvu Beta, kojim predsjedava nitko drugi nego legendarni Dwight Stifler. No, kaos nastaje kad im se bratstvo štrebera suprotstavi i sad se Bete moraju zauzeti za svoje pravo na pijančenje.

Matt Stifler, mlađi brat legendarnog Stevea Stiflera, koji je u međuvremenu postao cijenjeni holivudski pornografski producent, pati zbog toga što se njegovi ljubavni uspjesi nikako ne mogu mjeriti s onima njegovoga starijeg brata. Kada ga jednom prigodom uhvate u psini koja je uključivala instrumente školskog orkestra, školski ga savjetnik iskoristi kako bi izliječio svoje frustracije još iz Steveova vremena pa Matta kazni osudivši ga na ljetovanje u kampu školskih muzičara. Isprva shrvan zbog toga, Matt shvaća kako bi se uz brojne djevojke mogao i dobro zabaviti.

Zenon Kar, a teenager living on a space station in the year 2054, competes in the first ever Galactic Teen Supreme contest.

Confident senior Jo begins the new school year by breaking her own cardinal rule: don't get involved in girl drama. but when she sees timid Abby preyed upon by Queen Bee Mandi and her minions, she takes sides in a viciously funny girl-world-war that turns North Shore High School upside down.

25-year-old Khalid Belkacem has failed at everything: college education, summer camp instructor's permit, driver's license, and even his BCG. He never expected to become the first "positive discrimination" member of the police force. But as his mother says: "That's France for you! A country where everyone has a chance."