The Red Mountain Tribe hangs out in my backyard. "Lipton's lovely home movie PEOPLE, in its affection for valuable inconsequential gestures, indicates in the course of its three minutes why there has to be a continuing alternative to the commercial cinema." – Roger Greenspun, The New York Times

Addiction. Competition. Lifestyle. Words to describe that of the professional tournament paintball scene. Over the years it has evolved into a commitment of strategy sacrifice and athleticism. Progression is a video montage of those on the forefront of todays success. Featuring Oliver Lang, Brandon Short, Bart Blonski, Matt Blonski, Archie Montemayor, Alex Goldman, Dusty Odell, Justin Cornell, Todd Martinez, and Rusty Glaze.

Sous les cieux plombés, entre la mer vague et la brique tragiquement monochrome, une usine de dentelles calaisienne a rendu l’âme. Bilan : des dizaines de « petites mains » se retrouvent au chômage. Mais Anchée n’a pas dit son dernier mot. Une nuit, elle tombe sur un défilé de mode signé Tristan Bannière et décide de persuader ses camarades d’infortune de créer des tissus fait de matière de récupération pour les présenter au grand couturier.

The rise and downfall of a family over the course of 20 years, in one living room, in a single shot.

Un couple lesbien fait appel à un donneur par internet pour avoir un enfant. La relation qui se noue entre la future mère biologique et le géniteur ne sera pas sans conséquences pour le couple.

Sean, un concepteur-rédacteur de publicités, est engagé dans l'agence de ses rêves. Katie, sa directrice, lui assigne une jolie assistante avec laquelle le courant passe très vite. Lors de la première réunion client, il sauve l'agence en proposant une idée brillante, qui leur vaut de décrocher le contrat. Jen se fait de plus en plus entreprenante avec Sean et lui apprend qu'elle passe pour son "épouse du bureau" car ils forment une sorte de couple. Jen piège sa "vraie épouse", Lisa, en la rendant responsable du fiasco d'une présentation importante...

Jerry tente d'apprendre à nager à un caneton...

Shepherdstown is renowned for being the oldest town in West Virginia. It is also quietly referred to as the most haunted town in America, because it has always been home to inexplicable hauntings, bizarre accidents and unsolved crimes. In a town of 1,700 residents, almost every single person has had an experience with the supernatural. Now, a surge of supernatural activity has forced the local police to partner with members of the paranormal community to help solve some of the town's deepest mysteries.

Detective Joe Garvey is called in to a mysterious case: a ballerina has been slayed on stage during a performance, it seems she didn't even fight. At her house Garvey finds her 14 years old precocious sister Tinsel. She's not very cooperative, so he arranges to have her sent to the orphanage -- until she's attacked too. He takes her under his wings, and soon both get the attention of a secret organization.

During the early years of World War II, a bomb from a German airplane uncovers the corpse of a strangled woman.

Poverty stricken lovers Eden and Matilda have enough trouble just getting through the days, but when Eden buys a pet spider the real troubles start.

David McDoll is a selfish and wealthy man living an enviable lifestyle in his large villa and collecting fancy cars. However, his life is about to be changed forever when he inherits his six grandchildren. His glamorous lifestyle quickly becomes complete chaos. But he will learn a valuable lesson that teaches him about placing family first and discovering a newfound appreciation for life.

First came the word, then the assassin's bullet, then the silence. This strong documentary by Everardo González about Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero, the voice of the voiceless in El Salvador, killed march 24th, 1980. Portrays the inevitable destiny of an announced crime and the beginning of the civil war.

Rikki was devorced recently, and now find herself paying the bills on her own. And life is not cheap, especially when you have a young child to care for. To make ends meet, Rikki begins to frequent a bar where she can work as a prostitute.

A softcore parody of the monster flick Cloverfield.

Le 14 mai 2020, les élèves de CM2 de l'école publique Saint-Germain, à Issy-les-Moulineaux, en région parisienne, retrouvent leur classe pour terminer l'année scolaire dans des conditions très spéciales : distanciation sociale, gestes barrières, effectifs allégés et mesures sanitaires strictes. Après deux mois de confinement, enfermés avec leurs parents, loin de l'école, comment ces enfants ont-ils appréhendé ce retour en classe alors que le virus est toujours là ? Pendant ces quelques semaines d'une fin d'année pas comme les autres, une équipe de télévision a pu suivre le quotidien de cette classe de CM2 au plus près des élèves et de leur professeur.

Swedish writer Stig Dagerman (1923-1954) was a literary sensation who after a few productive years, suddenly fell silent. Struggling with writer's block, Dagerman wrote the essay "Our Need for Consolation" about his inner demons and his quest for freedom. For the first time in English, featuring Stellan Skarsgard as an on-camera narrator, this film brings Dagerman's powerful words to life in the form of a visual poem.

After finding a magic wig that turns him into the drag super-shero, Maxxie LaWow, a shy young barista, Simon, must find the town's missing queens and rescue them from Dyna Bolical, an ambitious queen bent on harvesting their magical anti-aging tears.