A Trinitat i al seu germà "el nen" no els surt gens bé fins al punt que, quan atracaran una diligència, ningú no porta diners. L'atzar fa que es trobin en el seu camí una noia, que els condueix a un poble on tots es creuen que són rangers. Allà hi viuen nombroses aventures, fins que la situació es complica perquè arriben els veritables rangers.

Carpet dealer and UFO photo forger Arif is abducted by aliens and must outwit the evil commander-in-chief of G.O.R.A., the planet where he is being held.

Original i extravagant revisió del mite de Don Juan. Després de ser abandonat per la seva última conquesta (Delpy), Don Johnston (Bill Murray) rep una carta anònima en què se li informa que té un fill. Tan inesperada notícia l'impulsa a emprendre un viatge a la recerca de les antigues amants per resoldre el misteri.

A blunt, abrasive and yet oddly compassionate Jagdishwar Mishra aka Jolly, a small-time struggling lawyer who moves from Kanpur to the city of Nawabs to pursue his dream of becoming a big-time lawyer.

An ever evolving alien life-form arrives on a comet from the Dark Gaseous Nebula and proceeds to consume pollution. Spewing mists of sulfuric acid and corrosive sludge, neither humanity nor Godzilla may be able to defeat this toxic menace.

Sarah Morton és una escriptora anglesa de novel·la policíaca de gran èxit que viatja a casa del seu editor, a França, per descansar, escriure i superar el bloqueig creatiu i emocional que travessa. Però una nit la seva solitud es veu interrompuda per Julie, la filla francesa del seu editor, que es presenta a casa i trunca la tranquil·litat de la novel·lista.

A group of travellers go into a house for protection. Little do they know, it is filled with ghosts who make unusual things happen to them.

Long separated from his Russian family, hitman Joshua returns to Brighton Beach for a contract killing for the Russian Mafia. His abusive father, Arkady, banned him from returning after Joshua committed his first murder. He takes up residence in a hotel, and soon everyone knows he has returned. He goes home to visit his dying mother, Irina, and prepares for the assassination, getting drawn back into the criminal community he left behind.

Office employee Barry Thomas is caught in a "time bounce" caused by a glitch in the company's secret project. Now the same day occurs again and again - and Barry's the only one who can do anything about it, including saving the life of beautiful research assistant Lisa Fredericks.

Arthur and his two children inherit his uncle's estate: a glass house that serves as a prison to twelve ghosts. When the family, accompanied by a nanny and an attorney, enter the house they find themselves trapped inside an evil machine 'designed by the Devil and powered by the dead' to open the Eye of Hell. Aided by a ghost hunter and his rival, a ghost rights activist out to set the ghosts free, the group must do what they can to get out of the house alive.

Un bon dia, un grup d'antics alumnes d'un institut de Roma, que ara ronden els quaranta anys, reben la inesperada notícia que per uns problemes burocràtics al ministeri d'educació hauran de repetir l'examen de maduresa que havien fet a l'acabar el batxillerat. Amb motiu d'aquest nou examen, els amics es retrobaran i es veuran obligats a posar al dia antics comptes pendents entre ells.

Camí de Califòrnia, una típica família de classe mitjana nord-americana pateix una avaria al mig del desert. A partir d'aquell moment, el viatge es tornarà un calvari per a ells, intentant sobreviure una sinistra família de caníbals...

Tres adolescents amb les hormones excitades contesten l'anunci d'una dona madura que busca sexe. Els joves es llancen a la carretera per satisfer les seves urgències libidinoses. Però el que comença com una fantasia, dóna un fosc gir quan s'enfronten a una terrorífica força "sagrada" amb un objectiu mortal. Història inspirada en la figura real de Fred Phelps, el líder d'un grup religiós extremista que es feia cridar l'Església Baptista Westboro.

After a successful deployment of the RoboCop Law Enforcement unit, OCP sees its goal of urban pacification come closer and closer, but as this develops, a new narcotic known as "Nuke" invades the streets led by God-delirious leader Cane. As this menace grows, it may prove to be too much for Murphy to handle. OCP tries to replicate the success of the first unit, but ends up with failed prototypes with suicidal issues... until Dr. Faxx, a scientist straying away from OCP's path, uses Cane as the new subject for the RoboCop 2 project, a living God.

What would happen if two sworn enemies, two opposed women in temperament and lifestyle find out to share the most incredible legacy: the child of their ex-husband?

Documentary about the making of American Pie (1999), American Pie 2 (2001) and American Wedding (2003).

The Ducks are offered scholarships at Eden Hall Academy but struggle with their new coach's methods and come under pressure from the board to retain their scholarships before their big game against the Varsity team.

An ambitious teaching student's finals studies are interrupted by a passionate affair with a jazz musician.

Paolo Cioffa, as Christmas approaches, is ready to leave on a cruise with his mistress Magda Venni, freed by his wife Francesca Zanchi and his son Federico, who is about to go skiing.

In 18th-century Romania, after spending much of her life in a traveling circus, human-vampire hybrid Rayne escapes and plots to take down her father, Kagan, the evil vampire king. When she's discovered by three vampire hunters, she manages to convince them to spare her life and join her cause. But slaying a vampire as powerful as Kagan will be no easy task.