Members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots battle deadly wildfires to save an Arizona town.
Yusuke Kafuku, actor i director de teatre, encara no ha passat pàgina d'un profund trauma personal. Així i tot, accepta dirigir un muntatge multilingüe de “L’oncle Vània” en un festival a Hiroshima. Allà coneix la Misaki, una jove reservada que li han assignat com a xofer. Al principi s’hi oposa perquè prefereix conduir ell mateix el seu propi cotxe, un Saab 900 vermell, però la perícia de Misaki l’acaba de convèncer. A mesura que van passant els trajectes junts, la sinceritat creixent de les seves converses els obliga a plantar cara al passat i compartir secrets de les seves vides.
Young lawyer Ruth Bader Ginsburg teams with her husband Marty to bring a groundbreaking case before the U.S. Court of Appeals and overturn a century of sex discrimination.
The life of George Falconer, a British college professor, is reeling with the recent and sudden loss of his longtime partner. This traumatic event makes George challenge his own will to live as he seeks the console of his close girl friend Charley, who is struggling with her own questions about life.
When a young mother's home birth ends in unfathomable tragedy, she begins a year-long odyssey of mourning that fractures relationships with loved ones in this deeply personal story of a woman learning to live alongside her loss.
1987. Javed és un jove musulmà addicte a la música. De cop descobreix la discografia d'en Bruce Springsteen.
Kingdom of Goguryeo, ancient Korea, 645. The ruthless Emperor Taizong of Tang invades the country and leads his armies towards the capital, achieving one victory after another, but on his way is the stronghold of Ansi, protected by General Yang Man-chu, who will do everything possible to stop the invasion, even if his troops are outnumbered by thousands of enemies.
Jake és un actor de pel·lícules de terror de sèrie B que pateix claustrofòbia. Després de mudar-se de casa, descobreix que una de les veïnes es despulla davant la finestra oberta. En la soledat, l'observa cada nit amb el telescopi i, en poc temps, acaba obsessionat.
A finals del segle XIX, Thomas Edison i George Westinghouse competeixen per fer-se amb la propietat sobre la implantació del sistema elèctric dels Estats Units. El seu enfrontament provoca una de les primeres i més notòries disputes corporatives de la història. Nikola Tesla i J.P. Morgan tindran un paper essencial en aquesta guerra comercial.
A Los Angeles extreme-sports photographer returns home for the holiday to take care of her grandmother, only to have a neighbor grab her attention as he needs assistance watching his young nephew.
Un home i una dona, fa anys, van viure una història d'amor fulgurant, inesperada, atrapada en un parèntesi convertit en un mite. En l'actualitat, ell, antic pilot de carreres, es perd una mica pels camins de la seva memòria. El seu fill llavors intenta ajudar-lo a trobar a la dona que el seu pare no va saber guardar al costat d'ell, però a qui rememora contínuament.
A child from Lakshadweep sets off to Mumbai in pursuit of Akbar, an elder brother who left the island due to his sexual orientation.
Amalie is the girl who has everything, good looks, money, a boyfriend and a big talent of dancing. One day, her world falls apart and she moves from everything she knows. Then enter Mikael. He is dancing in the streets and Amalie joins him in dancing on the streets, dancing Battles.
Set in Mumbai, the story unfolds in a hospital that is under siege, where Vivaan Ahuja and his wife Anshika are trapped. Does he manage to rescue her and other hostages from the dangerous hoodlums?
Christmas brings the ultimate gift to Aldovia: a royal baby. But first, Queen Amber must help her family and kingdom by finding a missing peace treaty.
L’Edna desapareix de manera inexplicable. Per això, la seva filla i la seva neta van a la decadent casa de camp de la família. Allà troben senyals de la demència progressiva de l’Edna escampades per tota la casa. Un dia, l’Edna torna a la casa tan misteriosament com va desaparèixer...
Any 1991: l'antiga URSS es desintegra i Cuba entra en una gran crisi econòmica. Sergio, radioaficionat i professor de marxisme, no sap què fer per reorientar la seva vida i tirar endavant la seva família. Per la seva banda, en Serguéi, l'últim cosmonauta soviètic, es troba quasi oblidat a l'avariada estació orbital Mir. Gràcies als seus equips de ràdio, Sergio i Serguéi es comuniquen i entre ells neix una amistat que els ajudarà a enfrontar-se als dramàtics canvis que transformaran els seus respectius països.
Still pining for his ex-boyfriend, Géraud has come to a French seaside town to present his new experimental film, but the only person keen on seeing it is the cinema's underage projectionist who becomes smitten with the handsome director.
An original animated film that tells the biblical story of Joseph and his brothers in a stimulating and humorous way by giving the characters Pontius Pilate and his wife and secretary the opportunity to repeatedly intervene in the narrative process by commenting on it and referring to the present.
When the body of a powerful businesswoman goes missing from the morgue, the inspector-in-charge hunts for the truth. When he questions her husband he realizes that there is much more to the case than meets the eye.