A group of Italian villagers struggle to survive during a tumultuous time in 1943, debating how much assistance to give the partisans with the impending arrival of the Germans. Based on True Events.

מיכאל בן התשע משחק בשדה רחב הידיים הסמוך לכפר. במהלך אחד מאותם ימים שבהם הוא משתולל בשדה, הוא חושף בור מסתורי באדמה, יורד פנימה ובתוכו מוצא ילד קשור לקיר בשלשלאות ברזל. מיכאל אינו בטוח מה עליו לעשות ומשתף את חבריו בסוד, אבל כאשר הוריו האוהבים שומעים על התגלית הם מזהירים אותו שישכח את מה שראה

Paolo and Mia, an introverted clerk and a unconventional pregnant woman, go on a journey looking for the father of Mia’s unborn daughter.

1918. As the roar of the First World War cannons is dying out, in Vienna, the heart of Central Europe, a golden age comes to an end. The Austro-Hungarian Empire is beginning to disintegrate. On the night of October 31st, in the bed of his home, Egon Schiele dies, one of the 20 million deaths caused by the Spanish flu. He dies looking at the invisible evil in the face, in the only he can do: painting it. He is 28 years old. Only a few months earlier, the main hall of the Secession building had welcomed his works: 19 oil paintings and 29 drawings. His first successful exhibition, a celebration of a new painting idea that portrays the restlessness and desires of mankind.A few months earlier, his teacher and friend Gustav Klimt had died. From the turn of the century, he had fundamentally changed the feeling of art and founded a new group: the Secession.

אומאי היא אישה צעירה ממוצא טורקי בגרמניה, הנאבקת על עצמאותה והזכות לקבוע את חייה, מול התנגדות משפחתה. מאבקה יוצר דינמיקה המובילה למצב מסכן חיים.

A portrait of Alda Merini, one of the most important and renowned literary figures of the twentieth century, realized with the inedited footage of a long conversation that the director Antonietta De Lillo had with her in 1995.

Guido and Antonia are a young couple with opposed characters and backgrounds. He works a night job as a doorman, while she works all day in a car rental service. This is the story of what happens when they decide to have a child.

World War I, Italian north-eastern front after the 1917 bloody battles on the Altipiano. A group of soldiers face the difficulty of war in a story that unfolds in the space of one night. Events follow one after the other without any kind of pattern: the peaceful mountains suddenly become a place where men die. But every story told in this film is a true story.

The relationship of a couple who meet by chance in New York City is put to the test when they encounter a life or death circumstance.

Enrico, Fabrizio and Stefano are three left-winged friends.

Turin, 1969. Nine-year-old Massimo’s idyllic childhood is shattered by the mysterious death of his mother. The young boy refuses to accept this brutal loss, even if the priest says she is now in Heaven. Years later in the 90s, adult Massimo has become an accomplished journalist. After reporting on the war in Sarajevo, he begins to suffer from panic attacks. As he prepares to sell his parents’ apartment, Massimo is forced to relive his traumatic past. Compassionate doctor Elisa could help tormented Massimo open up and confront his childhood wounds…

When seventeen-year-old Hannah stumbles upon a website about Thinspiration--an online community devoted to anorexia as a life choice--she becomes an obsessive follower of the site founder, ButterflyAna. By the time Hannah's family realizes what is happening and get Hannah the help she needs, the disease has fully taken hold and Hannah is refusing to eat. Will this family be able to exorcise the demon of anorexia from their lives?

דרמה ביוגרפית על מדלין מוריי אוהייר, אקטיביסטית אתאיסטית שפעלה מאז שנות השישים בנושאי כפייה דתית, ובין היתר הביאה לביטול קריאת תנ"ך רשמית בבתי הספר, מה שכמובן הקים עליה ועל משפחתה שונאים רבים, שאף הצליחו בסופו של דבר להניח עליהם את ידיהם.

Six schoolmates, after their final exams, decide to go together on holiday in the Dolomites, in what will probably be their last summer together before taking different ways. In that time they will learn to know themselves and others better, facing and trying to overcome their fears.

קומדיה לא שגרתית. לוצ'יה, מודדת במקצועה, חיה עם בתה בת העשרה בעיר קטנה. יום אחד מופיעה בפניה הבתולה מריה ומורה לה לבנות כנסיה באתר המיועד למרכז מסחרי. לוצ'יה חושבת בתחילה שמוחה מתעתע בה, אבל הבתולה מתגלה כדמות קשוחה והיא מתעקשת. לוצ'יה פותחת במאבק נגד הרשויות והמשקיעים ומגלה שיש לה סיבה טובה.

Political strategists in a northern Italian city push gay-rights campaigner Piero into the mayoral race, pairing him with uptight conservative toughie Adele (Claudia Gerini). Piero and his partner, Remo, are the stable ones, while buttoned-up divorcee Adele nurses her bitterness.

From married couples to platonic roommates to testy rivals with romantic chemistry, the never-ending battle of the sexes gets personal.

Northern Italy, 17th century. In a monastery, a nun accused of witchcraft tries to seduce a young confessor who refuses to yield to his searing temptation.

Francesco, a young man who wants to be a comedian, insults his girlfriend to make his public laugh; she will break up with and so he will think of a crazy plan to win her back.

Following the death of her husband, Kate moves back home with her young child to live with her sister. As she begins to rebuild her life, she quickly realizes that the Doctor for whom she works is really a psychotic serial killer, his victims murdered with snake venom. As she begins to unfold his dark secrets, she finds she is in as much danger as his victims.