The 1978 kidnapping and assassination of former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro by Red Brigades terrorists

Dull and plain Catherine lives with her emotionally distant father, Dr. Sloper, in 1840s New York. Her days are empty — filled with little more than needlepoint. Enter handsome Morris Townsend, a dashing social climber with his eye on the spinster's heart and substantial inheritance.

This documentary follows various migratory bird species on their long journeys from their summer homes to the equator and back, covering thousands of miles and navigating by the stars. These arduous treks are crucial for survival, seeking hospitable climates and food sources. Birds face numerous challenges, including crossing oceans and evading predators, illness, and injury. Although migrations are undertaken as a community, birds disperse into family units once they reach their destinations, and every continent is affected by these migrations, hosting migratory bird species at least part of the year.

Viimeiseen hengenvetoon (À bout de souffle) on ranskalaisen Jean-Luc Godardin ohjaustyö vuodelta 1960 ja yksi Ranskan uuden aallon elokuvan avainteoksia.Godardin ensimmäinen pitkä näytelmäelokuva perustuu uuden aallon ohjaajakollega François Truffautin käsikirjoitukseen ja ensi-iltansa se sai vuosi Truffautin 400 kepposta -elokuvan jälkeen. 1959 oli ensi-iltaan ehtinyt myös Alain Resnais'n Hiroshima, rakastettuni. Kolmikko laski perustan elokuvan uudelle aallolle. Viimeiseen hengenvetoon sai tuoreeltaan tunnustusta visuaalisen tyylinsä ja filmissä sovelletun hyppyleikkauksen ansiosta.

A husband and wife detective team takes on the search for a missing inventor and almost get killed for their efforts.

An examination of the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 through to the present day. A semi-biographic film, in four chapters, about a family spanning from 1948 until recent times. Combined with intimate memories of each member, the film attempts to portray the daily life of those Palestinians who remained in their land and were labelled "Israeli-Arabs," living as a minority in their own homeland.

London. A mysterious serial killer brutally murders young blond women by stalking them in the night fog. One foggy, sinister night, a young man who claims his name is Jonathan Drew arrives at the guest house run by the Bunting family and rents a room.

The film is set in Marais, a quiet region along the banks of Loire river in 1918. Riton is afflicted with a bad-tempered wife and three unruly children. Garris lives alone with his recollections of World War I trenches. Their daily life consists of seasonal work and visits from their two pals: Tane, the local train conductor and Amédée, a dreamer and voracious reader of classics.

Returning by train to the French port of Le Havre, Jacques Lantier, a tormented railwayman, meets by chance the impulsive stationmaster Roubard and Séverine, his wife.

Drownig by Numbers – Kohtalokkaat numerot kertoo saman perheen kolmen eri sukupolven naisista, joiden kaikkien nimi on Cissie Colpitts. Vanhin Cissie on lopen kyllästynyt jatkuvasti uskottomaan ja alkoholisoituneeseen mieheensä – niinpä eräänä yönä hän päättää hukuttaa tämän kylpyammeeseen. Rikoksen salaamiseksi hän tarvitsee apua kaupungin oikeuslääkäriltä Madgettilta. Cissien tukena ovat kuitenkin myös hänen tyttärensä ja tyttärentyttärensä. Heidän lisäkseen mukana hääräilee Madgettin omalaatuinen poika Smut, joka muun muassa merkitsee ja laskee kuolemantapauksia. Joukko saa lavastettua murhan onnettomuudeksi – mutta miten käykään, kun myös muut Cissie Colpittsit alkavat löytää miehistään epämiellyttäviä piirteitä?

In June 1940, during the Dunkirk evacuation of Allied troops to England, French sergeant Julien Maillat and his men debate whether to evacuate to Britain or stay and fight the German troops that are closing-in from all directions.

Leila and Damien struggle with his bipolar disorder.

Targeted by a dirty cop after witnessing a murder, bank clerk Mario flees to Puerto Escondido, Mexico, where a couple of oddball Italian expats drags him into a journey of self-discovery and bad decisions.

Soon after her latest husband death, the King himself (Louis XIV) meets with our heroine and begs her to help convince the Persian Ambassador to agree to a treaty. However, what they didn't realize was that the handsome Persian was in fact a sexual sadist. So, it is up to the King's half- brother, some Hungarian prince, to save Angélique from the evil troll's clutches.

After the Civil War, a former Union colonel searches for the two traitors whose perfidy led to the loss of a close friend.

Eastwood esittää nerokasta, asialleen täysin omistautunutta elokuvantekijää John Wilsonia (rooli perustuu osaksi legendaarisen John Hustonin elämäntyöhön), joka on vakaasti päättänyt kääntää uuden Afrikkaan sijoittuvan projektinsa suureksi henkilökohtaiseksi seikkailuksi: villinorsujen metsästys odottaa!

Daryl Zero is a private investigator and—along with his assistant, Steve Arlo—he solves impossible crimes and puzzles. Although Daryl's a master investigator, he doesn't know what to do with himself when he's not working; he has no social skills, writes bad music and drives Steve crazy.

The year is 1764. For over a year, Josef has been leading a precarious life in Venice. He hopes to become an opera composer. The city, full of talented and already-established composers, seems closed to him. Looking for work as a violinist, he comes into the orbit of a rich young woman. Thanks to her, he gets the opportunity to play at salons. But his real opportunity arises when he becomes the lover of a libertine marquise. She teaches him worldly manners, rids him of signs of a provincial upbringing and introduces him to a hedonistic existence free from religious intolerance. Thus transformed, Josef gets an incan incredible commission: to write an opera for the San Carlo, Europe's largest theatre.

In the depths of an ancient forest, something has been growing. Something older than humanity itself, and perhaps greater too. When a park ranger discovers a man and his son living wild, she stumbles onto a secret that is about to change the world.

U.S Marshal Mike Donovan has dark memories of the death of his first love. He keeps peace between the Americans and the natives who had temporarily adopted and taken care of him. The evil actions of a white sorcerer lead him to confront the villain in the Sacred Mountains, and, through shamanic rituals conquer his fears and uncover a suppressed memory he would much rather deny.