Radnja se odvija u fantastičnom svijetu gdje žive vile, gusari i izgubljeni dečaci. Gospođa i gospodin Darling imali su troje dece: djevojčicu Wendy i dječake Johna i Michaela. Bili su dobri roditelji, a imali su i “dadilju”, psa Nanu, koja se izvrsno brinula o djeci. Ali jedne večeri gospođa Darling je uspavala djecu i upalila im noćne svjetiljke te su gospođa i gospodin Darling otišli na zabavu, a Nana je bila vezana u dvorištu. I tako su djeca bila sama u kući. Kad su zaspala, u sobu su ušli vila Zvončica i Petar Pan. Djeca su se probudila i upoznala se s nepozvanim gostima. I tako su saznali da je Petar pobjegao od roditelja jer nije želio odrasti. Uz pomoć vilinskog praha djeca su odletjela s novim prijateljima u izmišljenu zemlju Nedođiju. Tamo upoznaju Izgubljene dečake i Indijance plemena Vučje Jabučice koju je Petar spasio, bore se s gusarima i otimaju im brod nakon što su svi poraženi. Poletjeli su s tim brodom i zabavljali se sve do povratka kući.

Now, we find the rowdy extraterrestrial getting used to life with his new ʻohana. However, a malfunction in the ultimate creation of Dr. Jumba soon emerges, which reinstates his destructive programming and threatens to both ruin his friendship with Lilo and to short him out for good!

U pripremi je ozbiljan svemirski program odlaska na Mars, a Tom i Jerry se nađu usred konferencije za novinare na kojoj se objavljuju novosti o toj misiji. Toma zamijene za vanzemaljca pa ga Jerry na neki način mora spasiti...

Obelix je zaljubljen! Odabranica je njegova srca prelijepa Aspirina koja, na žalost, u dobrodušnom snagatoru vidi tek simpatičnog suseljana. Osim toga, zanosna djevojka voli drugoga - zaručnika Targicomixa - pa Obelixu ne preostaje ništa drugo nego da pokuša preboliti nesretnu ljubav. Međutim, kada Rimljani zatoče Aspirinu i Tragicomixa i odvedu ih u Legiju stranaca, Obelix će zajedno s Asterixom pohitati spasiti mladi par neustrašivo se suprotstavljajući Cezaru u srcu njegovih legija i u samom Koloseumu".

Street vendors in Korea are almost like a national institution, they are so widespread and relied upon. In Little Pond in Main Street a group of vendors band together to create a community radio station but come into conflict with other groups, as well as the government trying to shut them down.

Od kada smo ih upoznali, svašta se promijenilo: Bella je postala besmrtni vampir, ona i Edward su u braku i imaju prekrasnu kćer… Volturi se približavaju Belli i Edwardu jer njihovo dijete predstavlja prijetnju za vampire.

The grandfather welcomes us into his blue grotto, there was still beautiful memories of childhood to tell Kirikou: the times when he helped the men and women of his village and elsewhere ... He tells us how Kirikou, thanks to his bravery and intelligence, came to the aid of the strong woman. He tells us by what trick the little hero found the grumpy old man, who had been lost in the bush, and how a cherry threatened by the witch was finally able to pass on his knowledge to the villagers. We also discover the secret of a mysterious blue monster, and finally through a flute linked to the family of our small and valiant heroes, the magical power of music.

A man is forced to retire from competitive swimming due to a heart condition.

Bella (Kristeen Stewart) i Edward (Robert Pattinson) ponovno su zajedno, ali njihovoj vezi prijeti nova sila: zla vampirica koja želi svoju osvetu. Bella će biti prisiljena birati između svoje prave, istinske ljubavi Edwarda i prijateljstva s Jacobom dok se nastavljaju opasne bitke između vampira i vukodlaka. Ali, postoji još jedan izbor s kojim će Bella biti suočena: smrtnost ili besmrtnost? S najvećom produkcijom do sada i superzvijezdama Robertom Pattinsonom i Kristen Stewart, pod scenarističkom adaptacijom Melisse Rosenberg i redateljskom palicom Davida Sladea, ovaj nastavak oduševit će gledatelje vizualnim stilom, odličnim glumačkim izvedbama i nevjerojatnom bezvremenskom ljubavnom pričom za sve generacije!

A fairy tale love-story about pre-med student Paige who falls in love with a Danish Prince "Eddie" who refused to follow the traditions of his parents and has come to the US to quench his thirst for rebellion. Paige and Edward come from two different worlds, but there is an undeniable attraction between them.

A Bombay police officer seeks revenge when his brother is killed by a powerful underworld figure. Things get complicated when a matinee movie idol begins to tag along the policeman so he can research a movie role.

The Wild Chicks are slowly growing out of their youthful gang years and have to face the worries of growing up on the sidelines of a big class trip before graduation.

Sprotte is about 12 years old and has a "gang" with her three friends Frieda, Melanie and Trude. Together the girls take Care of Sprottes grandmothers chickens. The new girl in School, Wilma, wishes to join the group, which Melanie is very unhappy about, and on top of all of that they have an on going revalisasion with a group of boys. Sprottes grandmother is planning on slaughtering the chickens! Will the Wild Chicks be able to save them?

It depicts the lives of several groups of characters interacting at the beach of Forte dei Marmi during the mid-1980s.

A Hong Kong detective suffers a fatal accident involving a mysterious medallion and is transformed into an immortal warrior with superhuman powers.

Paul Kersey is back at working vigilante justice when his fiancée, Olivia, has her business threatened by mobsters

Eddie, Dov, Yvan and the others ... Our warm friends have migrated from the moribund Sentier to the flourishing suburb of Aubervilliers ... Where the old Jewish entrepreneurs left the ground to young courageous and dynamic Chinese wholesalers ... The little band is as close to each other as in previous episodes, and life goes on at the mercy of small family events and business. Dov still seems frivolous, enterprising Eddie, chilled Yvan, casual Karine, resolute Sandra, naive Chochana, irresponsible Serge and mythomaniac. As for Patrick, he is in love and the happy elected is far from easy to access. Everything would be fine until a bad wind brings its share of adversity seriously compromising the cohesion of the group. Will they succumb under the storm to the turmoil, or, once again, by mutual aid, cunning and skill, will they triumph over the crisis with panache?

Šeprtlje s Policijske akademije putuju u Miami, gdje će zapovjednik njihove akademije Lassard primiti prestižnu životnu nagradu prije umirovljenja. Stvari krenu naopačke kada Lassard nesvjesno dođe u posjed ukradenog dragulja grupe kriminalaca.

In this second heartwarming and hilarious sequel to the popular favorite, Air Bud masters two new starring roles: soccer player and fatherhood. Loaded with laughs and cool soccer action, Buddy teams up alongside U.S. women's soccer greats.

25-year-old Khalid Belkacem has failed at everything: college education, summer camp instructor's permit, driver's license, and even his BCG. He never expected to become the first "positive discrimination" member of the police force. But as his mother says: "That's France for you! A country where everyone has a chance."