A samurai answers a village's request for protection after he falls on hard times. The town needs protection from bandits, so the samurai gathers six others to help him teach the people how to defend themselves, and the villagers provide the soldiers with food.

Crotchety retired doctor Isak Borg travels from Stockholm to Lund, Sweden, with his pregnant and unhappy daughter-in-law, Marianne, in order to receive an honorary degree from his alma mater. Along the way, they encounter a series of hitchhikers, each of whom causes the elderly doctor to muse upon the pleasures and failures of his own life. These include the vivacious young Sara, a dead ringer for the doctor's own first love.

V spreminjajočem se svetu med obema vojnama pripoved spremlja prigode g. Gustava, znamenitega oskrbnika slavnega evropskega hotela Grand Budapest, in postreščka Zera, ki postane njegov zaupni prijatelj. V spreminjajočem se svetu med obema vojnama pripoved spremlja prigode g. Gustava, znamenitega oskrbnika slavnega evropskega hotela Grand Budapest, in postreščka Zera Mustafe, ki postane njegov zaupni prijatelj. Zgodba se suka okrog tatvine in iskanja neprecenljive renesančne slike, neusmiljenega boja za družinsko zapuščino, brezupnega pregona z motocikli, vlakov, sani in smuči ter najbolj prisrčne med vsemi ljubezenskimi zgodbami iz nekega pozabljenega časa.

Zabaven, moteč in presenetljiv korak v primestno Ameriko skozi življenja Lesterja in Carolyna, para višjega srednjega razreda, katerega zakonska zveza - in katere življenje - se počasi razpletata. Carolyn sovraži svojega moža, hči ga prezira, šef pa naj bi ga odpustila. Tako se Lester odloči spremeniti nekatere stvari v svojem življenju; ko postane svobodnejši, postane srečnejši, zaradi česar se žena in hči jezi.

Noriko is perfectly happy living at home with her widowed father, Shukichi, and has no plans to marry -- that is, until her aunt Masa convinces Shukichi that unless he marries off his 27-year-old daughter soon, she will likely remain alone for the rest of her life. When Noriko resists Masa's matchmaking, Shukichi is forced to deceive his daughter and sacrifice his own happiness to do what he believes is right.

A rogue reporter trailing a runaway heiress for a big story joins her on a bus heading from Florida to New York and they end up stuck with each other when the bus leaves them behind at one of the stops along the way.

After graduating from Emory University in 1992, top student and athlete Christopher McCandless abandons his possessions, gives his entire $24,000 savings account to charity, and hitchhikes to Alaska to live in the wilderness.

New York comedian Alvy Singer falls in love with the ditsy Annie Hall.

Dvanajstletna Regan se začne čudno obnašati. Preklinja, govori s tujim glasom in kaže nadnaravno moč. Dekličina obupana mati zaman išče odgovor pri zdravnikih. Ostane ji le še eno upanje: izganjalec hudiča.

Jack Crabb, looking back from extreme old age, tells of his life being raised by Indians and fighting with General Custer.

Two lost souls visiting Tokyo -- the young, neglected wife of a photographer and a washed-up movie star shooting a TV commercial -- find an odd solace and pensive freedom to be real in each other's company, away from their lives in America.

Indiana Jones v nočnem klubu spozna pevko Willie Scott. Willie z Indyjevo pomočjo komaj ubeži smrti, nato pa ju pot zanese v Indijo, kjer ju čaka velika avantura. Najti morata magični kamen, ki so ga ukradli prebivalcem neke vasice. Obeta se jima vrsta nepozabnih in napetih pustolovščin, borb za življenje in tudi romantičnih trenutkov, čeprav je sprva videti, da se Willie in Indy ne prenašata najbolje.

Fast-talking, quick-thinking Detroit street cop Axel Foley has bent more than a few rules and regs in his time, but when his best friend is murdered, he heads to sunny Beverly Hills to work the case like only he can.

The escape of Bubber Reeves from prison affects the inhabitants of a small Southern town.

A philistine in the art film business, Jeremy Prokosch is a producer unhappy with the work of his director. Prokosch has hired Fritz Lang to direct an adaptation of "The Odyssey," but when it seems that the legendary filmmaker is making a picture destined to bomb at the box office, he brings in a screenwriter to energize the script. The professional intersects with the personal when a rift develops between the writer and his wife.

Nerdy high schooler Arnie Cunningham falls for Christine, a rusty 1958 Plymouth Fury, and becomes obsessed with restoring the classic automobile to her former glory. As the car changes, so does Arnie, whose newfound confidence turns to arrogance behind the wheel of his exotic beauty. Arnie's girlfriend Leigh and best friend Dennis reach out to him, only to be met by a Fury like no other.

San Francisco businessman Harry Graham and his wife and business partner, Eve, are in the process of adopting a child. When private investigator Mr. Jordan uncovers the fact that Graham has another wife, Phyllis, and a small child in Los Angeles, he confesses everything.

Clay is a young man in a small town who witnesses his friend, Earl kill himself because of the ongoing affair that Clay was having with the man's wife, Amanda. Feeling guilty, Clay now resists the widow when she presses him to continue with their sexual affairs. Clay inadvertently befriends a serial killer named Lester Long, who murders the widow in an attempt to "help" his "fishing buddy."

Fletch is a fish out of water in small-town Louisiana, where he's checking out a tumbledown mansion he's inherited. When a woman he flirts with turns up dead, he becomes a suspect and must find the killer and clear his name.

A group of potential heirs gather in a forbidding old house to learn which of them will inherit a fortune. Later, they learn that a flesh-rending maniac is loose.