Injustice and the demands of the world can cause stress for many people. Some of them, however, explode. This includes a waitress serving a grouchy loan shark, an altercation between two motorists, an ill-fated wedding reception, and a wealthy businessman who tries to buy his family out of trouble.

Lady Bird McPherson, a strong willed, deeply opinionated, artistic 17 year old comes of age in Sacramento. Her relationship with her mother and her upbringing are questioned and tested as she plans to head off to college.

Baltimore, leto 1962. Elisa je nemo, vase zaprto dekle, ki dela kot čistilka v skritem, močno varovanem vladnem laboratoriju. Njeno življenje se za vedno spremeni, ko v poslopju odkrije strogo zaupno skrivnost: luskasto bitje iz južne Amerike, ki ga je oblast zaprla v akvarij daleč od oči javnosti. Elisa s svojim novim prijateljem postopoma razvije tesno vez, kar pa jo izpostavi veliki nevarnosti. Njena usoda je zdaj v rokah zlonamernega vladnega agenta in sumljivega morskega biologa. DOMIŠLJIJSKA ROMANTIČNA DRAMA. Film je prejel 4 oskarje, ter zlati globus za najboljšo režijo in filmsko glasbo.

Režiser z oskarji nagrajenih dram Ostrostrelec, Punčka za milijon dolarjev in Skrivnostna reka predstavlja zgodbo pilota Chesleya Sullenbergerja, ki je po okvari motorjev leta 2009 zaslovel s herojskim pristankom na reki Hudson sredi New Yorka. Čeprav izkušeni Sully kljub neznatnim možnostim uspe rešiti vse potnike, se kmalu po nesreči znajde pod drobnogledom zvedavih novinarjev in preiskovalcev. Ker se na preizkušnji znajdejo njegova kariera, družina in ugled, mora Sully spretno krmariti med trenutnimi pričakovanji in odzivi množic ter trdo realnostjo vsakdanjega življenja.

In Justine’s family everyone is a vet and a vegetarian. At 16, she’s a gifted teen ready to take on her first year in vet school, where her older sister also studies. There, she gets no time to settle: hazing starts right away. Justine is forced to eat raw meat for the first time in her life. Unexpected consequences emerge as her true self begins to form.

Jared, the son of a Baptist pastor in a small American town, is outed to his parents at age 19. Jared is faced with an ultimatum: attend a gay conversion therapy program – or be permanently exiled and shunned by his family, friends, and faith.

This documentary follows three women — a fire chief, a judge, and a street missionary — as they battle West Virginia's devastating opioid epidemic.

Nekdanji rokoborec z družino naredi majhne predstave po državi, da preživi. Hkrati njegovi otroci fantazirajo o tem, kako postati svetovno znani borci v ringu ...

Da bi Grindelwaldu preprečil načrte o vzgoji čistokrvnih čarovnikov in vladanju sveta, Albus Dumbledore prosi za pomoč nekdanjega učenca Salamanderja Scamandra. Ta privoli, čeprav se ne zaveda, kakšne nevarnosti so pred njim.

The continuation of Joe's sexually dictated life delves into the darker aspects of her adult life and what led to her being in Seligman's care.

In an alternative Victorian Age Gotham City, Batman begins his war on crime while he investigates a new series of murders by Jack the Ripper.

While attending college in Cape Town, Melea Martin feels constrained by the school's strict policies, and decides to set out on her own. Searching for a way to use her talents as a dancer and inspire the community around her, Melea rents a failing theater in order to put on a Hip-Hop Romeo and Juliet performance. But much like the Capulets and Montagues, conflicts between cast members threaten to bring the whole performance to a halt...

A shy and insecure delivery driver arrives on the scene of a robbery-gone-wrong and picks up two bags of cash and hides them in his truck. He is interrogated by two tough police detectives and manages to evade suspicion but he is warned that whoever owns the money will be looking for it. Only the help of a prostitute and a former biker recently released from jail might get him out of trouble.

He invents puzzles. He’s committed body and soul to his work and needs silence to be able to concentrate. She is an accomplished pianist and can’t live without music. She must prepare for a competition that could change her life. They are going to be forced to coexist without seeing each other.

A head injury causes a woman to develop an extraordinary amount of confidence and believe she's drop dead gorgeous.

Doctor Knock is a former thug who has become a doctor and arrives in the small village of Saint-Maurice to make his fortune according to a particular method. It will make the villagers believe that they are not as healthy as they might think. It is thus that he will find in each one an imaginary symptom, or not, and thus will be able to exercise his profession lucratively. Under his seductive looks and after gaining the confidence of the village, Knock is on the verge of achieving his ends. But his past catches up with him and an old acquaintance disrupts the doctor's plans.

After falling victim to a humiliating prank by the high school Queen Bee, best friends and world-class geeks, Mindy and Jodi, decide to get their revenge by uniting the outcasts of the school against her and her circle of friends.

Sredin večer leta 2028. Ulice v središču Los Angelesa so neprehodne, saj divjajo najhujši izgredi v zgodovini mesta. Privatizirana policija pretepa borbeno poslikane izgrednike, ki zahtevajo zgolj čisto vodo. Sredi tega kaosa štirim zamaskiranim moškim spodleti rop na banko; Sherman Atkins svojega brata in še dva pomagača iz banke povede v srdit boj s policijo, a jo pri tem skupijo. Zatečejo se v hotel Artemis, svojevrstno nezakonito bolnišnico za kriminalce, v kateri veljajo prav posebna pravila.

Režiser sage o Harryju Potterju predstavlja novo akcijsko različico večne zgodbe o džungelskem bojevniku Tarzanu in njegovem boju za pravico in svobodo. Postavni Tarzan je po srečanju s srčno izbranko Jane zapustil divjino in se vrnil v Veliko Britanijo, kjer je prevzel vlogo uglednega aristokrata. Ko ga zaprosijo, naj se vrne v Kongo, kot trgovski odposlanec, ne sluti, da je zakorakal v spletko pohlepnega in maščevalnega belgijskega oficirja Leona. Ko se v smrtni nevarnosti znajde tudi Jane, mora Tarzan v sebi najti svoje divje korenine in na pomoč poklicati vse svoje živalske prijatelje.

When he's caught up in a deadly conspiracy, an unemployed greeting card writer must create the perfect card for a new holiday to save his skin.