杰克( 爱德华·诺顿 Edward Norton 饰)是一个充满中年危机意识的人,他非常憎恨自己的生活及一切,再加上他患有严重的失眠症,所以他常常参加各种团体咨询会,只为了能接触人群。在某一个团体咨询会上,杰克遇上了一个跟他同样理由来参加的女烟枪,玛拉(海伦娜·邦汉·卡特 Helena Bonham Carter 饰),在莫名激素的影响下,杰克和玛拉一起逃离了咨询会,两人的情愫因而滋生… 一个偶然的机会,杰克遇到了卖肥皂的商人泰勒(布拉德·皮特 Brad Pitt 饰),一个浑身充满叛逆、残酷和暴烈的痞子英雄,并因为自己公寓失火而住进了泰勒破旧不堪的家中。两人因缘际会地成为了好朋友,并创立了“搏击俱乐部”:一个让人们不戴护具而徒手搏击,宗旨在于发泄情绪的地下组织。

The Russian version of the movie "Fight Club" is not just a Russian version of a well-known cult film, it is the result and of the hard work of two young men and their love for cinema, Alexander Kukhar (GOLOBON-TV) and Dmitry Ivanov (GRIZLIK FILM) , who are responsible for this project, from the development of its idea and the selection of the cast, to the organization of filming and financial support. Filming lasted a whole year. Everyday work, constant trips, searching for suitable film sets and an exhausting schedule - all this was not in vain and resulted in an unusually amazing and original project - the film "Fight Club", created in the very heart of southern Russia, in the city of Krasnodar, by two young people

Dark Roots of Thrash, is a release documenting Bay Area veterans TESTAMENT’s sold-out headlining performance at the Paramount Theatre, Huntington, New York, USA in February 15th and released on October 11th (Europe) and October 15th (North America) via Nuclear Blast! It captures a total of 19 live tracks with countless cams on stage and high above the audience, plus a special moshpit cam that makes you feel like you’re a part of the show! // Tracklist: 01. Intro 02. Rise Up 03. More Than Meets The Eye 04. Burnt Offerings 05. Native Blood 06. True American Hate 07. Dark Roots Of Earth 08. Into The Pit 09. Practice What You Preach 10. Riding The Snake 11. Eyes Of Wrath 12. Trial By Fire 13. The Haunting 14. The New Order 15. Do Not Resuscitate 16. Three Days In Darkness 17. The Formation Of Damnation 18. Over The Wall 19. Disciples Of The Watch 20. Credits + BONUS: 21. Backstage Footage 22. Native Blood (Video Clip)

The Jews of Jerusalem are driven out by their Syrian rulers. They gather their forces, and return to drive out their oppressors.

Pretty Bloody: The Women of Horror is a television documentary film that premiered on the Canadian cable network Space on February 25, 2009. The hour-long documentary examines the experiences, motivations and impact of the increasing number of women engaged in horror fiction, with producers Donna Davies and Kimberlee McTaggart of Canada's Sorcery Films interviewing actresses, film directors, writers, critics and academics. The documentary was filmed in Toronto, Canada; and in Los Angeles, California and New York City, New York in the US.

在全国大赛(高中联赛)中,经过一番激斗,总北高中自行车竞技部的小野田坂道漂亮地取得了综合优胜。在夏季即将结束之际,他为了从即将毕业的三年级生金城、卷岛、田所之处继承“全员相互支撑向前奔驰”的总北队之魂,而每天坚持练习。 某天,总北队收到了历年高中联赛的成绩优秀队伍出场的“熊本 火之国山间比赛”的出场邀请。放言打倒总北而燃烧斗志的箱根学园、京都伏见、广岛吴南这些对手队伍,以及拥有“炎之爬坡者”吉本的本地队伍熊本台一,这些全国的强豪队将会在此次比赛中参赛,而为了准备比赛,坂道等总北成员也士气高涨。然而,只有一人例外——。 现在的总北队的“最后的比赛”,将以熊本、阿苏山为舞台展开。“继承灵魂,并将其超越。”胸中怀着炽热的决心,男儿们再次站在起点线上——!

Intertwined stories from the gladiator/athletes participating to the Calcio Storico Fiorentino yearly championship.

1725年1月25日,彼得大帝即将驾崩,伴随着彼得大帝无力的手在遗嘱上写下了“把一切都交出去了”这几个不明白的字,阴谋家们开始策划宫廷政变。皇后叶卡捷琳娜的情夫-特级公爵孟什科夫·亚利山大·达尼雷奇凭着过人的胆识,在一小撮近卫军叛军的帮助下将代表着皇权的蓝色绶带从彼得大帝孙子-九岁的彼得二世身上夺走,挂到了曾在普鲁士人军队中当过洗衣妇的皇后叶婕琳娜丰满的胸前…… 伴随着近卫军的“前进!为了爱情和祖国!!”的减声中,叶卡婕宣誓作俄罗斯人民的忠实母亲和保卫者,成了叶卡婕琳娜一世。正是从这天起,俄罗斯开始了女人的统治,这统治整整持续了一百年……

Vasek, 8 years old boy is desperate to find a new "father" for his mother.

柳生一族贼心不死,沿途派遣数队刺客截杀拜一刀父子,但最后悉数落败。这一日父子俩投宿旅店,一名叫松女子跑来寻求帮助,拜一刀(若山富三郎 饰)手刃前来追赶之人。闻讯赶来的妓院老板酉藏(浜木锦子 饰)索人,拜一刀拒绝,并甘愿替女孩受罚。严刑拷打并未使拜一刀屈服,反而使酉藏受到震撼。酉藏的主人三浦带刀(滨村纯 饰)因此拜托拜一刀刺杀其仇人猿渡玄蕃(山形勋 饰)。另一方面,得知消息得猿渡召集数百人兵马围杀拜一刀父子,父子俩与猿渡的军团在地藏原展开殊死拚杀……

Four friends head off to Bombay and get involved in the mother and father of all gang wars.





In a desolate place called the Badlands, four men stand off with guns drawn, their fingers ready at the trigger. Among them are a fugitive seeking redemption, a son out to avenge his father's murder, a loyal servant with a secret and a murderous criminal hired to kill with a vengeance. This is their story...in a place where revenge, deception and cruelty are a way of life.

Esen, a young man who has been expelled from his village, escapes with the daughter of one of the most powerful men in the village. Whilst being pursued, he is forced to fight for her hand in a battle that results in the destruction of a sacred totem tree. This puts the whole village in jeopardy, and it is up to Esen to redeem himself and save them all.

虽然从军事远征返回直升机坠毁在土地密集的一个突击队,远程热带丛林 - 一个失落的世界恐龙填充。现在他们必须成为猎物的史前食肉动物之前找到出路这个与世隔绝的山谷。