Four women are waiting for the blue circle and a possible change of their lives.

《雪豹女王》记录了作家西尔万和摄影师文森特到中国西藏高原寻找雪豹的故事。 该影片获得了2022年第47届 #法国凯撒电影奖 #最佳纪录片奖。 影片中对西藏的美丽风景和神奇动物的呈现引人入胜,也会引发人们对于城市生活和回归自然的思考。

GCW presents Fight Club straight from the Showboat Hotel in Atlantic City, NJ! The event features the GCW World Championship match where Mox defends against Gage in a match that we have been waiting for during the last decade. Who will be the new GCW World Champion?

An epic documentary of rise and fall of Ustasha regime in Croatia.

A seven-year-old child narrates the struggles of her nanny, Sumyati, who must navigate prejudice and cruel treatment from the family she works for.

A London journalist returns to Brazil to face one of the demons of his adolescence: the Flour Test. This ridiculous experiment was conducted during the military dictatorship to determine whether army recruits were homosexuals. It consisted of having the men sit naked on flour to measure the circumference of their anus and the integrity of their morals. Unfortunately, this procedure is not limited to the past. Bolsonaro's ultra-homophobic government has attempted to introduce legislation similar to the infamous test.

Shorter & More Violent Versions Instead of the lame clay sculptures previously seen. The animals are not in Vivid color B/C I don't have a large amount colorful clay. This video Has 4 out of 8 Episodes i'll be doing & soon i'll be making colorful Versions of The Creatures In Runcycles.

ICAC (廉政公署) 陆志廉(古天乐 饰),JFIU (联合财富情报组) 刘保强(张智霖 饰)分别侦查贪污及洗黑钱案,但苦无线索,这时廉政公署L组 (内部纪律调查组) 程德明(郑嘉颖 饰)收到Eva(邓丽欣 饰)举报,指陆志廉收贿1,200万,陆无法辩解即时停职。 刘发现陆被诬陷,并跟一直调查的洗黑钱案有着千丝万缕关系,同时怀疑银行主任游子新(栢天男 饰)协助犯罪集团首脑王海禾(谭耀文 饰)洗黑钱;中国反贪局侦查处处长洪亮(丁海峰 饰)来港,给刘保强提供了重要情报,原来洗黑钱案牵涉内地贪腐官员,陆港合力打击贪腐;陆亦冒险搜集罪证却遭禁锢,命悬一线......

记述“灵魂歌后”艾瑞莎·弗兰克林音乐会的纪录片[奇异恩典](Amazing Grace,暂译)终于问世,该片北美定档颁奖季,将率先在纽约、洛杉矶小范围上映,同时影片也将成为明年奥斯卡最佳纪录长片的有力争夺者。   1972年,艾瑞莎·弗兰克林推出专辑《奇异恩典》,导演西德尼·波拉克根据艾瑞莎·弗兰克林在洛杉矶举行的两场音乐会拍摄了同名纪录片,但影片因音效问题一直延映,制片艾伦·艾利奥特最终完成了影片的制作。2015年,该片曾一度计划亮相特柳赖德电影节、多伦多电影节,但因版权问题上映被叫停。艾瑞莎·弗兰克林于今年8月去世。


Silence dominates the work, as does the screen rectangle, which cuts off the “image” from a life time-space continuum and imposes upon the image its particular character. Within it, there is a play between tonalities, textures, large and small shapes.

讲述1970年代,想要重拍电影《蜘蛛网》结局的金导演(宋康昊 饰),遭到审查部门的干扰以及演员、制片人的反对,在如此混乱的情况下进行拍摄而发生的令人哭笑不得的故事。

One of the most spectacular and renowned conductors of the 1930s, Wilhelm Furtwangler's reputation rivaled that of Toscanini's. After the war, he was investigated as part of the Allies' de-Nazification programme. In the bombed-out Berlin of the immediate post-war period, the Allies slowly bring law and order to bear on an occupied Germany. An American major is given the Furtwangler file, and is told to find everything he can and to prosecute the man ruthlessly. Tough and hard-nosed, Major Steve Arnold sets out to investigate a world of which he knows nothing.

这帮高中时候就一起计划怎么脱离处男身的老友们现今已经长大,就在他们即将踏出大学校门的时候,传来了吉姆(贾森•比格斯 Jason Biggs 饰)和米歇尔(艾丽森•汉妮根 Alyson Hannigan 饰)即将举行婚礼的消息,更加碰巧的是婚礼和他们的成人礼巧合在同一日。于是,这帮死党相约为吉姆举行最后一次单身派对,当然史蒂夫(西恩•威廉•斯科特 Seann William Scott 饰)其实是不想放过婚礼上漂亮的女傧相。芬奇担忧自己性感漂亮的你、妹妹柯登斯落入了史蒂夫的手中,于是也来到参加吉姆的单身派对,一连串妙趣横生的场面自然让你笑破肚皮。

In the latest film from Red Bull Music Academy, we turn our attention to DFA: the iconic NYC record label that got the indie kids to dance. Narrated by Marc Maron, it features music and appearances from James Murphy, LCD Soundsystem, The Rapture, Holy Ghost!, The Juan MacLean, Shit Robot, Sinkane, YACHT and many more! - Written by Anonymous

When the students of Angel Beach High decide to stage "An Evening With Shakespeare," their efforts are threatened by Miss Balbricker, who views the works of Shakespeare as obscene. She enlists the help of Reverend Bubba Flavel, a religious fanatic who brings along his flock of followers to pressure the school into shutting down the production.

中年银行职员Sheila Woolchapel在当地的百货公司买入了一件漂亮的红裙子后,面对原本吃力不讨好的工作、沉默寡言的儿子以及噩梦般的女友时,感觉士气大增。这条裙子甚至让她在单身专栏遇见喜欢的男人。但当她将裙子放入洗衣机那瞬间,由裙子引发的沉重代价开始了。神秘的售货员Miss Luckmoore拒绝收回裙子,而更可怕的是,这条裙子是无法毁灭的。

这部以同性恋为主题的作品由古怪的邪教电影制片人佐藤久康(Hisayasu Sato)创作,讲述了一个似乎变成昆虫的受虐男人。作为一只昆虫,他进入敌人的孔口并附身于它们,使他能够实现他的复仇幻想。

A married couple rents a beachside Airbnb, only to be surrounded by peculiar neighbors and occurrences. They soon discover they are in the grip of a mysterious cult and their ancient sea god.